Students gather for information and connections ahead of international learning experiences

Students standing together in the IGAB atrium holding pizza

Nearly 200 students registered to go abroad over the next year gathered in the International and Graduate Affairs Building Atrium for an information session and social event earlier this month.

The event created a chance for students to meet other students travelling to the same location and to hear from staff who offered tips on preparing to travel and what to expect when they arrive.

“We really want to bring participants together so students can make connections before they travel, where possible, and so our staff team can be available to answer any questions they have,” said Eunjung Riauka, director of international learning at Western.

“We are thrilled to see how many students are planning to take part in an international learning experience. We will have more than 2,000 students heading out on international programs this summer and next academic year.”

Kaia Jovanovic is a second-year Huron University College student studying psychology with a minor in Italian at Western. She is spending a month this summer participating in an international study experience in Rondine, Tuscany.

“I am beyond excited for my international experience with Rondine! It’s not just about putting the knowledge from my Italian classes to use-it’s also about forging connections with new people, exploring a different culture, and discovering prospective career opportunities abroad,” she said.

There are several different types of international learning experiences offered and coordinated through Western International, including exchange, study abroad, research, faculty-led experiences, and internships.

There are also different options for program length and timing, which provides students with more flexibility to fit the right global learning experience into their degree program, said Riauka.

“We know students are looking for ways to enhance their degree programs and to gain international experience. Western is committed to providing experiential learning opportunities that will support students in becoming global-ready graduates.”

Steve Xia, a second-year Nursing student in the Faculty of Health Sciences, is looking forward to spending the summer studying at the National University of Singapore.

“I've lived in Singapore in my childhood, and now I am beyond excited to return. During my term, I hope to reconnect with Singapore's distinct cultural characteristics, and meet new people from all over the world,” he said. “I'm glad that I was able to complete this opportunity through Western and hope to share this trip and inspire my peers to foster their own global competencies.”

Learn more about international learning experiences at