
(For an "in press" or "accepted" paper, send me an email at <>  if you are interested in it)
    1. X. Ma, Y Su and X. Zou, Joint impact of maturation delay and fear effect on the population dynamics of a predator-prey system, SIAM J. Appl. Math.,  accepted (2024)
    2. J. Chen, T. Yi and X. Zou, A generalization of Darboux-Froda theorem and its applications, Proc. AMS, accepted (2024)
    3. T. Cheng, Modelling the impact of precaution on disease dynamics and its evolution, J Math. Biol. 89(2024):1 (22 pages). Access to the full text via the Springer Nature Content Sharing Initiative
    4. A. Li and X. Zou, R0  may not tell  us everything---transient disease dynamics of some SIR models over patchy environments, Bull. Math. Biol. 86(2024):41 !
    5. P. Cong, M. Fan and X. Zou, Population dynamics of a stoichiometric aquatic tri-trophic level model with fear effect, Math Biosci. 368(2024): 109130 !
    6. P. Cong, M. Fan and X. Zou, Fear effect exerted by carnivore in grassland ecosystem Internal Journal of Biomathematics 17(2024): 2350058 !
    7. T. Ramaj and X. Zou, On the treatment of melanoma: A mathematical model of oncolytic virotherapy, Math. Biosci. 365 (2023): 109073 !
    8. X. Zhong, Y. Huang and X. Zou, Invariance entropy for uncertain control systems, Systems & Control Letters 180(2023): 105623 !
    9. Q. Zhang, S. Tang and X. Zou, Rich dynamics of a predator-prey system with state-dependent impulsive controls switching between two means, J Diff. Eqns. 364(2023), 336-377 !
    10. Z. Li, B. Dai and X. Zou, Stability and bifurcation of areaction-diffusion-advection model with nonlinear boundary condition, J Diff. Eqns., 363(2023), 1-66 !
    11. Y. Su, B. Zheng and X. Zou, Wolbachia dynamics in mosquitoes with incomplete CI and imperfect maternal transmission by a DDE system, Bull. Math. Bio. 84(2022): 95 !
    12. T. Cheng and X. Zou, A new perspective on infection forces with demonstration by a DDE infectious disease model, Math. Biosci. Eng. 19(5)(2022), 4856-4880. !
    13. D. Huang, S. Chen and X. Zou, Hopf bifurcation in a delayed population model over patches with general dispersion matrix and nonlocal interactions J Dyn. Diff. Eqns. , accepted (2021) !
    14. A. Li, Y. Wang, P. Cong and X. Zou, Re-examination of the impact of some non- pharmaceutical interventions and media coverage on the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, Infectious Disease Modelling 6(2021), 975-987. !
    15. A. Li and X. Zou, Evolution and adaptation of anti-predation response of prey in a two-patchy environment, Bull. Math. Bio. 83(2021): 59.  !
    16. P. Cong, M. Fan and X. Zou, Dynamics of a Three-species food chain model with fear effect, Nonlin Sci. Numer. Simul. 99(2021): 105809 !
    17. Y. Yuan and X. Zou, Spatial-temporal dynamics of a diffusive Lotka–Volterra competition model with a shifting habitat II: Case of faster diffuser being a weaker competitor, J Dyn. Diff. Eqns. , 33(2021), 2091-2132. !
    18. H. Hu and X. Zou, Traveling waves of a diffusive SIR epidemic model with general nonlinear incidence and infinitely distributed latency but without demography, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 58 (2021): 103224. !
    19. C.-C. Cheng and X. Zou, On predation effort allocation strategy over two patches, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys. B 26(2021), 1889-1915. !
    20. D. Yan and X. Zou, Dynamics of an epidemic model with relapse over a two-patch environment, Math. Biosci. Eng. 17(2020), 6098-6127. !
    21. Y. Wang and X. Zou, On mechanisms of trophic cascade caused by anti-predation response in food chain, Math. Appl. Sci. Eng. 1(2020), 181-206. !
    22. X. Lai and X. Zou, Minimal wave speed and spread speed in a system modelling the geographic spread of black-legged tick Ixodes scapularis, J Diff. Eqns. 269(2020), 6400-6421. !
    23. Y. Wang and X. Zou, On a Predator–Prey System with Digestion Delay and Anti-predation Strategy, J Nonlinear Sciences 30(2020), 1579-1605. !
    24. D. Yan, X. Fu and X. Zou, Analysis of an age structured HIV in-host model with proliferation and two infection modes, European J App. Math. 31(2020), 806-827.
    25. H. Hu, T. Yi and X.Zou, On spatial-temporal dynamics of Fisher-KPP equation with a shifting environment, Proc. AMS. 148(2020), 213-221.  !
    26. T. Yi and X. Zou, Propagation and heterogeneous steady states in a delayed nonlocal R-D equation without spatial translation-invariance, J Diff. Eqns. 268(2020), 1600-1632. !
    27. J. Shi, Y. Wu and X. Zou, Coexistence of competing species for intermediate dispersal rates in a reaction-diffusion chemostat model, J Dyna. Diff. Eqns. 32(2020), 1085-1112. !
    28. C.-Y. Cheng, S.-S. Chen and X. Zou, On an age structured population model with density-dependent dispersals between two patches, Math. Bioscci. Eng. 16(2019), 4976-4998. !
    29. C. Wu, Y. Wang and X. Zou, Spatial-temporal dynamics of a Lotka-Volterra competition model with nonlocal dispersal under shifting environment, J Diff. Eqns., 267(2019), 4890-4921. !
    30. T. Yi and X. Zou, Existence, multiplicity, shape and attractivity of heterogeneous steady states for reaction-diffusion equations in the plane J Diff. Eqns. 267(2019), 4014-4046. !
    31. X. Wang and X. Zou, Modelling the potential role of engineered symbiotic bacteria in malaria control, Bull. Math. Biol. 81(2019), 2569-2595.  !
    32. Y. Su and X. Zou, Rich spatial-temporal dynamics in a diffusive population model for pioneer-climax species, Nonlinear Dynamics 95(2019), 1731-1745. !
    33. Y. Yuan, Y Wang and X. Zou, Spatial dynamics of a Lotka-Volterra model with a shifting habitat, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys. B, 24(2019), 5633-5671.  !
    34. Threshold dynamics of a temperature-dependent stage-structured mosquito population model with nested delays (with X. Wang), Bull. Math. Biol. 80(2018), 1962-1987. !
    35. Dynamics and profiles of a diffusive host-pathogen system with distinct dispersal rates (with Y. Wu), J Diff. Eqns. 264(2018), 4989-5024. !
    36. Role of white-tailed deer in geographic spread of the black-legged tick Ixodes scapularis : analysis of a spatially nonlocal model (with S. Gourley, X. Lai, J. Shi, W. Wang and Y. Xiao), Math. Biosci. Engin. 15(2018), 1033-1054. !
    37. Effect of impulsive controls in a model system for age-structured population over a patchy environment (with Z. Yang and C. Huang), J Math. Biol. 76(2018), 1387-1419. !
    38. Pattern formation of a predator-prey model with the cost of anti-predator behaviors (with X. Wang), Math. Biol. Eng., 15(2018), 775-805. !
    39. Existence of an extinction wave in the Fisher equation with a shift habitat (with H. Hu), Proc. AMS 145(2017), 4763-4771 !
    40. Modelling the fear effect in predator-prey interactions with adaptive avoidance of predators (with X. Wang), Bull Math Biol. 78(2017), 1325-1359 !
    41. Analysis of an age structured HIV infection model with virus-to-cell infection and cell-to-cell transmission (with J. Wang and J. Lang), Nonlin. Anal. RWA, 34(2017),75-96 !
    42. The effects of superinfection and cost of immunity on host-parasite co-evolution (with L. Dai), Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. B., 22(2017),809-829 !
    43. A mathematical model for biocontrol of the invasive weed Fallopia japonica (with S. Gourley and J. Li), Bull Math Biol. 78(2016), 1678-1702 !
    44. Asymptotic profiles of steady states for a diffusive SIS epidemic model with mass action infection mechanism (with Y. Wu), J. Diff. Eqns., 261(2016), 4424-4447 !
    45. Modelling the fear effect in predator-prey interactions (with X. Wang and L. Zanette), J. Math. Biol. 73(2016), 1179-1204 !
    46. A reaction diffusion system modeling virus dynamics and CTL response with chemotaxis(with X. Lai), Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. B, 21(2016), 2567-2585 !
    47. Dirichlet problem of a delayed reaction-diffusion equation on a semi-infinite interval (with T. Yi), Dyn. Diff. Eqns., 28(2016), 1007-1039 !
    48. Impact of early treatment programs on HIV epidemics: an immunity-based mathematical model (with Ashrafur Rahman and Naveen K Vaidya), Math. Biosci., 280(2016), 38-49 !
    49. On a two-patch predator-prey model with adaptive habitancy of predators (With X. Wang), Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. B., 21(2016), 677-697 !
    50. Impact of spring bird migration on the range expansion of Ixodes scapularis tick population (with X. Wu and G. Rost), Bull. Math. Biol., 78(2016), 138-168 !
    51. Stage-structured population systems with temporally periodic delay (with X. Wu, F.M.G. Magpantay, J. Wu), Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 38(2015), 3464-3481 !
    52. Analysis of a within-host age-structured model with mutations between two viral strains (with L. Dai), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 426(2015), 953-970 !
    53. Dynamics of a host-pathogen system on a bounded spatial domain (with F.-B. Wang and J. Shi), Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 14(2015), 2535-2560 !
    54. Modelling the impact of vaccination on infectious diseases dynamics (with Ashafur Rahman), J. Biol. Dyan., 5 (2015), Suppl.1, 307-320 !
    55. Asymptotic behavior, spreading speeds and traveling waves of nonmonotone dynamical systems (with T. Yi), SIAM J. Math. Anal., 47(2015), 3005-3034 !
    56. Modeling cell-to-cell spread of HIV-1 with logistic target cell growth (with X. Lai), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 426(2015), 563-584 !
    57. Persistence, stability and Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive ratio-dependent predator-prey model with delay (with Y. Song and Y. Peng), Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, Vol.24, No. 7 (2014) 1450093 (18 pages) !
    58. Repulsion effect on superinfecting virions by infected cells (with X. Lai), Bull. Math. Biol. 76(2014), 2806-2833. !
    59. Global dynamics of a PDE in-host viral model (with F.-B. Wang and Y. Huang), Applical Analysis, 93(2014), 2312-2329. !
    60. Bifurcation analysis of a diffusive ratio-dependent predator-prey model (with Y. Song), Nonlinear Dynamics, 78(2014), 49-70. !
    61. On a reaction-diffusion model for sterile insect release method on a bounded domain (with W. Jiang and X. Li), International Journal of Biomathematics, 7(4)(2014): 1450030 (17 pages). !
    62. Modelling HIV-1 virus dynamics with both virus-to-cell infection and cell-to-cell transmission (with X. Lai), SIAM J. Appl. Math., 74(2014), 898-917. !
    63. Minimal wave speed and spread speed of competing pioneer and climax species (with P. Weng), Applicable Analysis, 93(2014), 2093-2110. !
    64. Transmission dynamics for vector-borne diseases in a patchy environment (with Y. Xiao), J. Math. Biol., 69(2014), 113-146 !
    65. Dynamics of evolutionary competition between budding and lytic viral release strategies (with X. Lai), Math. Biol. Eng., 11(2014), 1091-1113 !
    66. Modeling the role of altruism of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, (with W. Wang), J. Math. Biol., 68(2014), 1317-1339 !
    67. Impact of Tenofovir gel as PrEP on HIV infection: A mathematical model (with S. M. A. Rahman and N. K. Vaidya), J. Theor. Biol., 347(2014), 151-159 !
    68. On the basins of attraction for a class of delay differential equations with non-monotone bistable nonlinearities (with C.X. Huang, Z.C. Yang and T.S. Yi), J. Diff. Eqns., 256(2014), 2101-2114 !
    69. Transient oscillatory patterns in the diffusive non-local; blowfly equation with delay under zero-flux boundary condition (with Y. Su), Nonlineariy, 27(2014), 87-104 !
    70. Spatiotemporal dynamics in a diffusive ratio-dependent predator-prey model near a Hopf-Turing bofurcation point (with Yongli Song), Comp. Math. Appl., 67(2014), 1978-1997 !
    71. Optimal vaccination strategies for an influenza epidemic model (with Q. Hu), J. Biol. Syst., 21(4)(2013):1340006 (20 pages) !
    72. On Dirichlet problem for a class of delayed reaction-diffusion equations with spatial non-locality (with T. Yi), J. Dynam. Diff. Eqns., 25(2013), 959-979 !
    73. Chaotic invariant sets of a delayed discrete neural network with two non-identical neurons (with Y. Chen and Y. Huang), Science China: Mathematics, 56(2013), 1869–1878 !
    74. Can multiple Malaria species co-persist? (with Y. Xiao), SIAM J Appl. Math., 73(2013), 351-371 !
    75. Charging and discharging electrochemical supercapacitors in the presence of both parallel leakage process and electrochemical decomposition of solvent (with S. Ban et al), Electrochimica Acta, 90(2013), 542-549 !
    76. Global threshold dynamics in an HIV virus model with nonlinear infection rate and distributed invasion and production delays (with Z. Yuan), Math. Biosci. Eng., 10(2013), 483-498 !
    77. On latencies in malaria infections and their impact on the disease dynamics (with Y. Xiao), Math. Biosci. and Eng., 10 (2013), 463-481 !
    78. Global continuation of periodic solutions of differential equations with state-dependent delay (with Q. Hu and J. Wu), SIAM J. Math. Anal., 44(2012), 2401-2427 !
    79. Threshold dynamics of an infective disease model with a fixed latent period and non-local infections (with Z.M. Guo and F.-B. Wang), J. Math. Biol., 65(2012), 1387-1410 !
    80. Global dynamics of a two-strain disease model with latency and saturating incidence tate (S.M. Ashrafur Rahman), Can. Appl. Math. Quat., 20(2012) 51-73. !
    81. Avian influenza dynamics in wild birds with bird mobility and spatial heterogeneous environment (with N. K. Vaidya and F.-B. Wang), Disc. Conti. Dynam Syst. B, 17(2012),2829-2848 !
    82. Existence and uniqueness of positive solution to a non-local differential equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition---A non-monotone case (with Z. Guo and Z. Yang), Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 11(2012), 1825-1838 !
    83. On a reaction-diffusion model for sterile insect release method with release on the boundary (with Xin Li), Disc. Conti. Dynam. Syst. B, 17(2012), 2509-2522 !
    84. Transmission dynamics of the recently-identified BYD virus causing duck egg-drop syndrome (with Naveen Vaidya, Feng-bin Wang and Lindi Wahl), PLoS ONE 7(4)(2012): e35161 !
    85. Impact of discontinuous treatments on an SIR disease model (with Z. Guo and L. Huang), Math. Bioscien. Eng., 9(2012), 97-110. !
    86. Bifurcation analysis on an HIV-1 model with constant injection of recombinant (with P. Yu), Int. J. Bifurcation & Chaos, 22(2012), 1250062:1-21. !
    87. Global dynamics of a delay differential equation with spatial non-locality in an unbounded domain (with T. Yi), J. Diff. Eqns., 251(2011), 2598-2611. !
    88. Flu epidmics: A two strain flu model with a single vaccination (with S. M. A. Rahman), J. Biol. Dynam. 5(2011), 376-390. !
    89. Traveling wavefronts for lattice differential equations with time delay and global interaction (with S. Ma), Fields Institute Communications, 61(2011), 1-19. !
    90. A mathematical model for the control and eradication of a wood boring beetle infestation (with S. Gourley), SIAM Rev. 53(2011), 321-345. ! . This is a republication of SIAM J. Appl. Math., 68(2008), 1665-1687, selected by SIAM Review as a "SIGEST" paper. This paper also won A Nugget from SIAM in 2009.
    91. Impact of group mixing on disease dynamics (with P. van den Driessche and L. Wang), Mathematical Biosciences, 228(2010), 71-77 !
    92. Map dynamics versus dynamics of associated delay R-D equation with Neumann boundary condition (with T. Yi), Proc. Royal. Soc. London, A. 466 (2010), 2955-2973 !
    93. Global threshold property in an epidemic model for disease with latency spreading in a heterogeneous host population (with Z. Yuan), Nonlin. Anal. RWA, 11(2010), 3479-3490. !.
    94. Wave fronts in neuronal fields with nonlocal post-synaptic axonal connections and delayed nonlocal feedback connections (with F. Magpantay), Math. Biol. Eng., 7(2010), 421-442 !
    95. Dynamics of an epidemic model with non-local infections for diseases with latency over a patch environment (with J. Li), J. Math. Biol., 60(2010), 645-686. !
    96. Rich dynamics in a non-local population model over three patches (with P. Weng and C. Xiao), Nonlinear Dynamics, 59(2010), 161-172. !
    97. Bifurcation analysis in an age-structured model of a single species living in two identical patches (with C. Yu and J. Wei), Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34(2010), 1068-1077 !
    98. Co-invasion waves of a reaction diffusion model for competing pioneer and climax species (with Z. Yuan), Nonlin. Anal. RWA , 11(2010), 232-245. !
    99. Modeling spatial spread of infectious diseases with a fixed latent period in a spatially continuous domain (with J. Li), Bull. Math. Biol.,71(2009),2048-2079 !
    100. Existence and global exponential stability of periodic solution to a class of functional differential equations (with X. Tang), Nonlinearity, 22(2009), 2423–2442. !
    101. Dynamics of an HIV-1 therapy model of fighting a virus with another virus (with X. Jiang, P. Yu and Z. Yuan), J. Biol. Dyns, 3(2009), 387-409. !
    102. Hopf bifurcation analysis for a model of genetic regulatory system with delay (with A. Wan), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 356(2009), 464-476. !
    103. Generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick SIR model to patch environment for a disease with latency (with J. Li), Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 4(2009), No. 2, 92-118. !
    104. New generic quasi-convergence principles with applications (with T. Yi), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 353(2009), 178-185. !
    105. Generic quasi-convergence for essentially strong order-preserving semiflows (with T. Yi), Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 52(2009), 315-320. !
    106. Dynamics of a HIV-1 Infection model with cell-mediated immune response and intracellular delay (with H. Zhu), Disc. Cont. Dyan. Syst. B., 12(2009), 511-524 !
    107. Global stability in a model for interactions between two strains of host and one strain of parasite (with Y. Xiao), Canad Appl. Math. Qart., 16(2008), 211-218. !
    108. A mathematical model for the control and eradication of a wood boring beetle infestation (with S. Gourley), SIAM J. Appl. Math., 68(2008), 1665-1687 !
    109. Dynamics in Numerics: on a discrete predator-prey model (with Y. Huang and X. Jiang),Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 16(2008), 163-182 !
    110. Global attractivity of the diffusive Nicholson blowflies equation with Neumann boundary condition: A non-monotone case (with T. Yi), Journal of Differential Equations, 245(2008), 3376-3388. !
    111. Impact of delays in cell infection and virus production on HIV-1 dynamics, (with H. Zhu), Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 25(2008), 99-112. !
    112. 3/2 type conditions for global attractivity in a delayed predator-prey system (with X.-H. Tang), Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 51 (2008), 495-508. !
    113. Convergence of discrete-time neural networks with delays (with L. Wang), International J. Qualitative Theo. Diff. Eqn. Appl., 2(2008), 24-37. !
    114. Impact of dispersion on dynamics of a discrete metapopulation model (with Y. Huang), Open Systems and Information Dynamics, 14 (2007), 379-396. !
    115. Modeling diseases with latancy and relapse (with P. van den Driessche and L. Wang), Mathemaical Biosciences and Engineering, 4(2007), 205-219. !
    116. Modeling relapse in infectious diseases (with P. van den Driessche), Mathematical Biosciences, 207(2007), 89-103. !
    117. Asymptotic speed of propagation and traveling wavefronts in a non-local delayed lattice differential equation (with S. Ma and P. Weng), Nonl. Anal. TMA., 65 (2006), 1858-1890 !
    118. Global attractivity of positive periodic solution to periodic Lotka-Volterra competition systems with pure delay (with X. H. Tang and D. Cao), J. Differential Equtions, 228(2006), 580-610. !
    119. Birfurcation analysis of a population model and the resulting SIS epidemic model with delay (with J. Wei), J Comp. Appl. Math. {\bf 197}(2006), 169-187. !
    120. On positive periodic solutions of Lotka-Volterra competition systems with deviating arguments (with X. H. Tang), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,134(2006), 2967-2974. !
    121. Traveling wave solutions in delayed reaction diffusion systems with partial monotonicity (with J. Huang), Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 22(2006), 243-256. !
    122. On dynamics of generalized competitive and cooperative systems, (L. Huang and T. Yi), Tohoku Mathematical Journal, 58(2006), 89-100. !
    123. Permanence for a class of nonlinear difference systems (with B. Dai), Discrete Dynamics In Nature and Society, 2006 (2006), 1-10. !
    124. Co-existence of chaos and stable periodic orbits in a simple discrete neural network, (with Y. Huang), J. Nonlinear Sciences., 15(2005), 291--303. !
    125. Existence, uniqueness and stability of traveling waves in a discrete reaction-diffusion monostable equation with delay (with S. Ma), J. Differential Equations, 217(2005), 54-87. !
    126. Bifurcation analysis of bidirectional associate memory neural network with self-conncention (with L. Wang), Intern. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 15(2005), 2145-2159. !
    127. Dynamics in numerics: on two different finite difference schemes for ODEs (with Y. Huang), J. Compt. Appl. Math., 181 (2005), 388-403. !
    128. Propagation and Its Failure in A Lattice Delayed Differential Equation with Global Interaction (with S. Ma), J Differential Equations. 212 (2005), 129-190. !
    129. Periodic solutions of second order self-adjoint difference equations (with J. Yu and Z. Guo), J. London Math. Soc. 71 (2005), 146--160. !
    130. Existence of traveling wave fronts of delayed lattice differential equations (with J.H. Huang and G. Lu), J Math. Anal. Appl. 298 (2004), 538-558. !
    131. Global attractivity for non-autonomous linear delat systems (with J. So and X.H. Tang), Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 47(2004), 25-40. !
    132. Exponential stability of delay difference equations with applications to neural networks (with L. Wang), Fields Institute Communications, 42 (2004), 335-347. !
    133. Hopf bifurcation in bi-directional associative memory neural networks with delays: analysis and computation (with L. Wang),J. Comput. Appl. Math., 167 (2004), 73-90. !
    134. Capacity of stable periodic solutions in discrete-time bidirectional associate memory neural networks (with L. Wang), [IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst---II: Express Briefs, 51 (2004), 315-319. !
    135. Multiple periodic patterns via discrete neural nets with delayed feedback loops (with J. Wu and R. Zhang), Int. J. Bif. Chaos, 14(2004), 2915-2923. !
    136. Global asymptotic stability of a class of non-autonomous integro-differential systems and applications (with M. Fan), Nonlin. Anal. TMA, 57(2004), 111-135. !
    137. Stability of linear neutral systems with multiple delays: boundary criteria (with G-D. Hu and G.-D. Hu), Appl. Math. Comp.148 (2004), 707-715. !
    138. Population dynamic models with nonlocal delay on bounded fields and their numeric computations (with D. Liang, J. So and F. Zhang), Diff. Eqns. Dynam. Syst. 11 (2003), 117-139. !
    139. Stability of scalar delay differential equations with dominant delayed terms (with X. H. Tang), Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. A, 133 (2003), 951-968. !
    140. Global attractivity of non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra competition system without instantaneous negative feedbacks (with X. H. Tang), J. Differential Equaitons, 192 (2003), 502-535. !
    141. Stable periodic solutions in a discrete periodic logistic equation (with Z. Zhou), Appl.Math. Lett. 16 (2003), 165-171.!
    142. Dynamics of a non-autonomous ratio-dependent predator-prey system (with M. Fan and Q. Wang), Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb. A, 133 (2003), 97-118. !
    143. 3/2 type criteria for global attractivity of Lotka-Volterra discrete system with delays (with X. H. Tang and L Wang), Fields Institute Communications, 36 (2003), 229-245.!
    144. Existence of traveling wavefronts of delayed reaction diffusion systems without monotonicity (with J. H. Huang), Disc. Conti.Dynam Syst. A, 9 (2003), 925-936. !
    145. A 3/2 stability result for the Logistics equation with two delays (with X. Li and Z. Wang), Commun. Appl. Anal., 7 (2003), 193-202.
    146. Periodic traveling waves in reaction diffusion systems with delays, (with Z.C. Wang and Z.Q. Zhang), Dynam. Conti. Disc. Impuls. Syst. Ser. A, 10(2003), 59-74. !
    147. 3/2-type criteria for global attractivity of Lotka-Volterra competition system without instantaneous negative feedbacks (with X.-H. Tang), J. Differential Equations, 186(2002), 420-439. !
    148. Harmless delay in Cohn-Grossburg neural network (with L. Wang), Physica D, 170 (2002), 162-173. !
    149. Delay induced traveling wave fronts in reaction diffusion equations of KPP-Fisher type, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 146 (2002), 309-321. !
    150. Periodic solutions of neutral functional differential equations (with L. Wang and Z. Wang), J. London Math. Soc., 65 (2002), 439-452. !
    151. Exponential stability of Cohn-Grossburg neural network (with L. Wang), Neural Networks, 15 (2002), 415-422.!
    152. Traveling Wavefronts in Diffusive and Cooperative Lotka-Volterra System with Delays (with J. Huang), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 271 (2002), 455-466. !
    153. A 3/2 stability result for a regulated logistic growth (with X. H. Tang), Disc. Conti. Dynam. Syst. Ser. B, 2 (2002), 265-278. !
    154. Asymptotic stability of a neutral differential equation (with X. Tang), Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 45 (2002), 333-347. !
    155. Stability in linear delay systems without instantaneous negative feedbacks (with J. So and X. H. Tang), SIAM J Math. Anal.,33 (2002), 1297-1340.!
    156. A reaction diffusion model for a single species with age structure ---I. Traveling wave fronts on unbounded domains (with J. So and J. Wu), Proc. Royal Soc. London. A, 457(2001), 1841-1854. !
    157. Threshold dynamics in a delayed SIS epidemic model (with X.-Q. Zhao), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 257(2001), 282-291. !
    158. Stabilization role of inhibitory self-connections in a delayed neural network (with P. van den Driessche and J. Wu), Physica D., 150(2001), 84-90. !
    159. Traveling wave front solutions in reaction-diffusion systems with delay (with J. Wu), J. Dynamics and Differential Equations, 13(2001), 651-687. ! 
      Erratum: J. Dynamics and Differential Equations, 20(2008), 531-533. !
    160. Structured population on two patches: modeling dispersal and delay (with J. So and J. Wu), J. Math. Biol., 43(2001), 37-51.!
    161. Oscillation of delay difference equations: near a critical case (with Z.C. Wang and R. Y. Zhang), Dynam. Conti. Disc. Impuls. Syst. Ser. A., 9 (2001), 89-104.
    162. Stabilization role of self-inhibitory connections in Cohn-Grossberg neural networks with general activation functions (with L. Wang), Diff. Eqns. Dynam. Syst., 9 (2001), 341-352.
    163. Traveling waves for the diffusive Nicholson's blowflies equation (with J. H.-W., So) Appl. Math. Comput. 122 (2001), 385--392. !
    164. Interaction of maturation delay and nonlinear birth in population and epidemic models (with K. Cooke and P. van den Driessche), J.Math. Biol., 39(1999), 332-352. !
    165. Global attractivity in delayed Hopfield neural network models (with P. van den Driessche), SIAM J. Appl.Math., 58:6(1998), 1978-1890. !
    166. Local existence and stability of periodic traveling waves of lattice functional differential equations (with J. Wu), Canad. Appl. Math. Quart., 6:4(1998), 397-416. !
    167. Dynamics of single species populations over a patchy environment (with X. He and J. Wu), in Advanced Topics in Biomathematics, L. Chen et al eds., pp. 63-77, World Scientific, Singapore, 1998. !
    168. Existence of traveling wave fronts in delayed reaction-diffusion systems via monotone iteration method (with J. Wu), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125(1997), 2589-2598. !
    169. Asymptotic and periodic boundary value problems of mixed FDEs and wave solutions of lattice functional differential equations (with J. Wu), J. Differential Equations, 135(1997), 315-357. !
    170. Traveling wave fronts in spatially discrete reaction-diffusion equations on higher dimensional lattices , in Differential Equations and Computational Simulations III, J. Graef et al eds, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference 01 (1997), pp.211-222.!
    171. Local-nonlocal interaction and spatio-temporal patterns in single-species population over a patch environment (with N. Madras and J. Wu), Canad. Appl. Math. Quart., 4:1(1996), 109-134. !
    172. On a hyperlogistical delay equation (with J. Yu and J. Wu), J. Glasgow Math., 38(1996), 255-261.
    173. Phase-locked oscillations in predator-prey communities over heterogeneous spaces (with J. Wu and J. Wei), Acta Mathematica Sinica, 39:4(1996), 566-573.
    174. Allee effect and Hopf Bifurcations in single-species populations over a patch environment (with J. Wu), J. Dynamical System and Applications, Vol. 2 (Atlanta, GA, 1995), 577- 584, Dynamic, Atlanta, GA, 1996.
    175. Direction and stability of delay bifurcating periodic solutions in predator-prey systems with discrete delay (with Q. Huang, J. Wei and J. Wu), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.176, pp 107-119, Marcel-Dekker, 1996.
    176. Patterns of sustained oscillations in neural networks with delayed interactions (with J. Wu), Appl. Math. Comput., 73(1995), 55-75. !
    177. On the boundedness of the generalized Lienard systems without the signum condition (with L. Huang), Math. Japonica, 42:2(1995), 283-292.
    178. Comparison theorems concerning the oscillation of higher order functional differential equations with middle terms, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 37:1(1994), 45-57. !
    179. Comments on `Euclidean null-controlability of linear systems with distributed delays in control', IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 38:3(1993), p510.
    180. A mathematical model for Allee effect in single-species dynamics of animals and behavior of solutions to the model, J. Biomath., 7:1(1992) 95-98.
    181. Asymptotics behavior of first order linear neutral differential equations (with Z. Wang and J. Yu), Ann. Diff. Eqns., 8:2(1992), 200-203.
    182. Determination of the smallest constraints for the control of the linear controled systems , Hunan Ann. Math., 8:1(1991), 128-136.
    183. Oscillation and asymptotic behavior of solutions of Nth-order functional differential equations with middle terms, Ann. Diff. Eqns., 7:4(1991), 494-510.
    184. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all unbounded solutions (with K.Farrel, G.Ladas and Z.Wang), J. Math. Phy. Sci.,24:6(1990), 351-361.
    185. Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of solutions of first order linear difference-differential equations, J. Hunan University, 17:3(1990), 113-120.
    186. Oscillatory behavior of solutions of biological models with delays, J. Central-South Forestry University, 10:2(1990), 143-147.