Faculty Events Support

The Office of the Dean is excited to present the Events Support Team, formed to support all events related to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. To request this support, please fill out the form linked below (requires Western login). 

Event Support Request Form

Available Services

  • Virtual, Livestreaming and Webinar Support (via Zoom)
  • Marketing, Communications & Social Media Posting
  • Audio-Visual Technology Support
  • Video Production
  • Graphic Design Services

Purpose and Goal

  • All events related to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities have access to the best possible support;
  • The Dean's Office can keep track of all upcoming Faculty-related events, and ensure they are on the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Calendar;
  • All events can be effectively communicated at a Faculty level as well as a departmental level.

The Events Support Team

Jessica Schagerl

Title: Manager, Strategic Initiatives and Alumni Engagement
Support Area: Events Coordination and Facilitation
Email: jschage@uwo.ca 


Jo Jennings

Title: Communications Specialist
Support Area: Communications and Social Media
Email: jo.jennings@uwo.ca 

Katie Foster 

TitleMedia Specialist
Support Area: Graphic Design and Backend Virtual Technology Support


Greg DeSouza

TitleMedia Technician
Support Area: Audio-Visual Technology Support and Video Production