Lisa Archibald, PhD

Professor and Director
Room 02597, EC519 661-2111 x82753
Google Scholar
- PhD (Durham, UK)
- MHSc (Toronto)
- BSc (Brock)
Graduate Program Supervision
Research In Profile
Professor Lisa Archibald's research focuses on three interconnected themes: (1) to further our understanding of the memory and learning mechanisms that support the human ability to learn, process, and use a linguistic system of communication, (2) to understand how best to identify children with a language learning impairment and mobilize this knowledge, and (3) to implement and provide evidence for effective clinical practice through collaborative research partnerships.
Featured Publications and Projects
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Pham, T., Bardell, T., Vollebregt, M., Kuiack, A., & Archibald, L.M.D. (2022). Evaluating the modified-shortened token test as a working memory and language assessment tool. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
- Pauls*, L.J., & Archibald, L.M.D. (2021). Cognitive and linguistic effects of narrative-based language intervention in children with DLD. Autism and Developmental Language Impairments, 6, 1-19.
- Archibald, L.M.D. (2017). SLP-educator classroom collaboration: A review to inform reason-based practice. Autism & Developmental Language Impairments, 2, 1-17.
- Archibald, L.M.D. (2017). Working memory and language learning: A review. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 33, 5-17.
- Archibald, L.M.D., Oram-Cardy, J., Joanisse, M.F., & Ansari, D. (2013). Language, reading, and math learning profiles in a school age epidemiological sample. PLoS ONE, 8(10): e77463. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077463.
- Archibald, L.M.D. & Joanisse, M.F. (2009). On the sensitivity and specificity of nonword repetition and sentence recall to language and memory impairments in children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 52, 899-914.
- Archibald, L.M.D. & Gathercole, S.E. (2006). Short-term and working memory in children with Specific Language Impairments. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 41, 675-693.
Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.
Current Grants and Research Projects
- Archibald, L. (2022-2027). Getting it right: Enhancing extracurricular reading programs. SSHRC Insight. $369,422.
- Archibald, L. (2021-2026). Determining the cognitive, linguistic, and input features influencing oral language processing. NSERC Discovery. $140,000
- Archibald, L. (2020-2021). Disciplinary crossroads in identifying Developmental Language Disorder. SSHRC Connection. $47,284.
- Archibald, L. (2018-2021). Collaboration knowledge generation: A new research model targeting language and literacy learning in primary school children. SSHRC Partnership Development. $177,676.
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Department of Psychology
- Language and Working Memory Lab
- Language, Reading and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
Media Highlights
- Archibald, L. (2020-2022) The DLD Diagnostics Toolbox
- Archibald, L. in partnership with Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Canada (2022-) The SAC Shining Lights: School SLP podcast.
- Archibald (2022) Working memory and the DLD podcast.
- Invited Podcast. (2019). DLD Advocacy and Working Memory, SeeHearSpeak Podcast (Tiffany Hogan).
- Invited Podcast. (2019). Working Memory and Language. The Parle Podcast (Chantal Mayer-Crittenden).
- Coughler, C., & Archibald, L. (2022). Supporting oral language in the classroom.
- Bardell, T., & Archibald, L. (2020). Oral language skills and learning disabilities: A review for educators.
- Pham, T., & Archibald, L. (2020). Avoiding working memory overload in students with LDs.
Professional Activities
- Member, International Committee