Marlene Bagatto, AuD, PhD

Assistant Professor
Room 2262J, Elborn College
519 661-2111 x88949
Google Scholar
- PhD (Western)
- AuD (Central Michigan/Vanderbilt)
- MClSc (Western)
Graduate Program Supervision
Research In Profile
The research in the Pediatric Audiology Strategies and Systems Laboratory focuses on policy and practice integration for infant and child hearing. Evidence-based clinical protocol development and implementation for infants and children who have permanent hearing loss are key activities. Standardization of universal newborn hearing screening, audiological surveillance of children with hearing loss risk factors, pediatric audiology assessment and hearing aid fitting as well as outcome measures and language development services guide the implementation of infant hearing health care services. Through these activities, professor Bagatto consults for various provincial early hearing loss detection and intervention programs in Canada to develop and implement clinical protocols and program policies. She is also the Chair of the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force that advocates for infant hearing health care across the country.
Featured Publications and Projects
- Amri, NA, Quar, TK, Chong, FY, Bagatto, M. (2021). Optimising hearing aid output to paediatric prescriptive targets improves outcomes in children, International Journal of Audiology, 1-8.
- Vos, B, Noll, D, Whittingham, JA, Pigeon, M, Bagatto, M, Fitzpatrick, EM. (2021). Cytomegalovirus—A Risk Factor for Childhood Hearing Loss: A Systematic Review, Ear and Hearing 42 (6), 1447-1461.
- Bagatto, M, Gordey, D, El-Naji, R, Scollie, S, Pediatric Bone Conduction Working Group. (2021). Clinical Consensus Document for Fitting Non-Surgical Transcutaneous Bone Conduction Hearing Devices to Children, International Journal of Audiology, 1-8.
- Daub, O, Cunningham, BJ, Bagatto, M, Johnson, A, Kwok, E, Smyth, R, Cardy, J. (2021). Adopting a Conceptual Validity Framework for Testing in Speech-Language Pathology, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(4): 1894-1908.
- Watts, K, Bagatto, M, Clark-Lewis, S, Henderson, S, Scollie, S, Blumsack, J. (2020). Relationship of head circumeference and age in the prediction of the real-ear-to-coupler difference (RECD), Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 31(7): 496-505.
- Folkeard, P, Bagatto, M, Scollie, S. (2020) Evaluation of hearing aid manufacturers’ software-derived fittings to DSL v5.0 pediatric targets, Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 31(5): 354-363.
- Bagatto, M, Moodie, S, Fitzpatrick, E, Kealey, C, Campbell, B, Aiken, S. (2020). Status of early hearing detection and intervention programs in Canada: results from a country-wide survey, Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 44(3): 107-124.
Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.
Clinical Protocols
- Ontario Infant Hearing Program Screening Protocol
- Ontario Infant Hearing Program Surveillance Protocol
- Ontario Infant Hearing Program ABRA Protocol
- Ontario Infant Hearing Program CBA Protocol
- Ontario Infant Hearing Program Amplification Protocol
- Ontario Infant Hearing Program Language Development Services Guidelines
- Ontario Infant Hearing Program Modified Physiological Hearing Screening Protocol
Current Grants and Research Projects
- Western Strategic Support for SSHRC Success Seed Grant
- Toward Equitable Infant Hearing Health Care Across Canada
- Canadian Hearing Services Global Partnerships for Research and Innovation
Bagatto, M, Smith, M, Shelley, J, Begen, M.
- Mapping the Social Determinants of Infant Hearing Health Care in Canada
- Ontario Centre of Innovation Voucher for Innovation and Productivity
Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade
Partner: Audioscan, Inc
Scollie, S, Bagatto, M, Meston, C, Beh, K, Dingle, R, Kirchberger, P, Burton, A, Tonus, K, Venkatesan, B, Pietrobon, J, and Pumford, J.- Pediatric probe tube placement: Effect of ear canal acoustics and
analysis of standing wave patterns using a machine-learning algorithm
- Pediatric probe tube placement: Effect of ear canal acoustics and
- Alberta Health Services Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program
Bagatto, M, Scollie, S- Develop and deliver an audiologist training program for hearing aid provision
to infants and young children
- Develop and deliver an audiologist training program for hearing aid provision
- Ontario Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services Infant Hearing Program
Bagatto, M, Scollie, S- Activities to maintain and support a provincial early hearing detection and
intervention (EHDI) program
- Activities to maintain and support a provincial early hearing detection and
- Western Faculty Research Development Fund
Scollie, S, Moodie, S, Bagatto, M, Parsa, V, Walton, D: $5,563- Clinical Utility of Simulators for Training in Audiology and Hearing Screening: Developing a Framework for Evaluation
- Western Research Catalyst Grant
Glista, D, Moodie, S, Bagatto, M, Richert, F: $40,000
- A Team-Based Approach to Action: Rapid Implementation of Innovative Virtual Audiology Services in Response to COVID-19
- William Demant Foundation
Bagatto, M, El-Naji, R- Advancing fitting protocols for non-surgical transcutaneous bone conduction hearing devices in children
Featured Graduate Student Projects
Developing a Spoken Language Outcome Monitoring Procedure for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs
- Daub, Olivia (2021). PhD, Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Marion Downs Award in Pediatric Audiology from the American Academy of Audiology (2023)
- Governor General’s Innovation Award, Governor General of Canada (2022)
- Canadian Academy of Audiology President’s Award (2020)
- Judith S. Gravel Lecture (2017)
- Potential Pitfalls in the Provision of Hearing Aids to Infants and Young Children
- Sixth Biennial Modern Developments in Audiology, Hearing and Speech Sciences
- Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center, Nashville, TN, USA
- Krista Riko Lecture (2017)
- Fitting Hearing Aids To Babies: Applying Science and Technology to Support Positive Outcomes
- Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, Sick Kids, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Hearing Aids in Review ‘Best of’ Journal Articles (2016)
- Pediatric Amplification Special Edition Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, Editor: M. Bagatto
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Research Award (2009-2012)
- Networks of Centres of Excellence Young Innovators Award (2006)
Professional Activities
- Board Member, World Wide Hearing (2022 – present)
- Chair, Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force (2017 – present)
- Director, Canadian Academy of Audiology (2015 – 2021)
- President, Canadian Academy of Audiology (2016/2017)
- Co-Chair, Pediatric Bone Conduction Hearing Device Working Group (2015 – present)
- Program Co-Chair, A Sound Foundation Through Early Amplification International Conferences (2013,2016, 2021)