J.B. Orange, PhD

Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Research Professor
Contact Informationjborange@uwo.ca
Google Scholar
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
ORCID: 0000-0002-2632-3049
- Postdoc (McMaster University)
- PhD (SUNY Buffalo)
- MHSc (University of Toronto)
- BSc (Queen's University)
Graduate Supervision
Research In Profile
J.B. Orange is Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Research Professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Western University at London Canada. He is an Associate Scientist with Lawson Health Research Institute at London Canada. He also is the former Scientific Director of the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging at Western University.
He currently conducts collaborative research on several provincially and nationally funded studies. Examples include the Ontario Neurodegenerative Research Initiative (ONDRI) funded by the Ontario Brain Institute, the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, and the National Institutes of Health from the USA on SuperAgers.
Professor Orange’s peer-reviewed publications and funded research address language and cognitive-communication disorders of adults and older adults. His research has a special emphasis on discourse, conversation and communication of individuals living with various types of dementia.
Featured Publications and Projects
Chapters and Reports
- Roberts A., Savundranayagam M., Orange J.B. (2021) Dementia of the Alzheimer Type. In: Cummings L. (eds) Handbook of Pragmatic Language Disorders. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74985-9_14
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Beaton, D., McLaughlin, P. M., Orange, J. B., Munoz, D. P., Mandzia, J., Abrahao, A., ... & ONDRI Investigators. (2022). Caregiving concerns and clinical characteristics across neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular disorders in the Ontario neurodegenerative disease research initiative. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37(6).
- Flores‐Sandoval, C., Sibbald, S., Ryan, B. L., & Orange, J. B. (2021). Healthcare teams and patient‐related terminology: a review of concepts and uses. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 35(1), 55-66.
- Sultana, M., Campbell, K., Jennings, M., Montero-Odasso, M., Orange, J. B., Knowlton, J., St. George, A., & Bryant, D. (2021). Virtual reality experience intervention may reduce responsive behaviors in nursing home residents with dementia: A case series. J. Alzheimer’s Disease, 84, 883-893.
- Guthrie, D.M., Williams, N., Campos, J., Mick, P., Orange, J.B., Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Savundranayagam, M.Y., Wittich, W., Phillips, N.A.. (2021) A newly identified impairment in both vision and hearing increases the risk of deterioration in both communication and cognitive performance. Canadian Journal on Aging. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0714980821000313
- Fishman, K., Roberts, A., Orange, J.B., Sunderland, K., Marras, C., Tan, B., Steeves, T., Kwan, D., Lang, A., Grimes, D., Levine, B., Masellis, M., Binns, M., Jog, M., Strother, S., ONDRI Investigators, McLaughlin, P., Troyer, A. (2021) Bilingualism in Parkinson’s disease: Relationship to cognition and quality of life? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 43(2), 199-212.
- Roberts, A., Aveni, K., Basque, S., Orange, J. B., McLaughlin, P., Ramirez, J., ... & ONDRI Investigators. (2021). Predicting cognitive impairment in cerebrovascular disease using spoken discourse production. Topics in Language Disorders, 41(1), 73-98.
- McLaughlin, P.M., Sunderland, K.M., Beaton, D., Binns, M.A., Kwan, D., Levine, B., Orange, J.B., Peltsch, A.J., Roberts, A.C., Strother, S.C., Troyer, A.K., & the ONDRI Investigators. (2021). The Quality Assurance and Quality Control Protocol for Neuropsychological Data Collection and Curation in the Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative (ONDRI) Study. Assessment, 28(5) 1267–1286.
- Williams, N., Phillips, N.A., Wittich, W., Campos J., Mick P., Orange J.B., Pichora-Fuller M.K., Savundranayagam, M.Y., & Guthrie D. (2020). Hearing and cognitive impairments increase the risk of long-term care admissions. Innovation in Aging, 4(2), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igz053
Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.
Current Grants and Research Projects
- Orange, J.B., Morrisson, M. Mobilizing community coaches to reduce social isolation and other modifiable risk factors for dementia. 2021-2024. Funded by (Social Sciences Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
- Rogalski, E., Geula, C., Mesulam, M., Roberts, A., Finger, E., Bartha, R., Orange, J.B., McIllroy, W., Nadison, M. Study to Uncover Pathways to Exceptional Cognitive Resilience in Aging (SUPERAging). 2021-2026. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
- Savundranayagam, M., Orange, J.B. Assessing organizational readiness for virtual reality dementia training. 2021. Funded by Social Sciences Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
- Garnett, A., Orange, J.B., Booth, R., Donelle, L., Webster, F. Social isolation in community-dwelling older adults during COVID-19: Understanding the role of resilience. 2021. Funded by Western University.
- Hegele, R., Bartha, R., Orange, J.B. Ontario Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Initiative – Neuropsychology Platform. 2020-2022. Funded by the Ontario Brain Institute.
- Chertkow, H., Savundranayagam, M., Orange, J.B.,et al. Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration and Aging (CCNA)-Phase II. 2019-2024. Funded by the Ontario Brain Institute.
Featured Graduate Student Projects
Primary progressive aphasia and perceptions of of conversation.
- Santos, Hailey (July 2022-present). PhD Student. Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Speech and Language Science Field. Co-supervised with Angela Roberts.
Idea density in the spoken narratives of persons with MCI and Alzheimer’s dementia.
- Dagenais, Leah (Sept 2019-present). PhD Student. Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Speech and Language Science Field.
Strategies as perceived by older adults and family medicine specialists to enhance transitional care fromhospital to primary care for older adult.
- Flores Sandoval, Cecilia (Nov 2021). PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Health Promotion Field. Co-supervised with Dr. Shannon Sibbald.
Cognitive impairment and the Mediterranean Diet: A Canadian perspective.
- Culum, Ivan (Jan 2019). PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Health and Aging Field.
Characterizing spoken discourse in individuals with Parkinson’s disease without dementia.
- Roberts, Angela (Aug 2014). PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Speech and Language Science Field.
Topic management in the spoken picture description discourse of persons living with Alzheimer’s dementia.
- DiFruscia, Sydney (July 2021-present). MSc student. Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Speech and Language Science Field.
Strategies as perceived by older adults and family medicine specialists to enhance transitional care from
hospital to primary care for older adult.
- Dynes, Kelsey (Aug 2018). MSc in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Health and Aging Field.
Verb use in Parkinson’s disease.
- Nikumb, Swati (July 2014). MSc in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Speech and Language Science Field.
Language contributions to health-related quality of life in individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- Findlater, Katie M. (July 2013). MSc student. Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Speech and Language Science Field.
Adherence to Canadian best practice recommendations for stroke care: The case of post-stroke depression.
- Salter, Katherine (June 2012). MSc in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences; – Rehabilitation Sciences Field.
Visit Scholarship@Western for a list of completed student theses and dissertations in the repository.
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Scientific Director, Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging
- Associate Scientist - Lawson Health Research Institute
- Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration and Aging (CCNA)
- Ontario Neurodegenerative Research Initiative (ONDRI)
- Best Poster in Cognitive Vitality and Brain Health Theme at Annual Parkwood Institute Research Day: “Better Together: The Power of Partnership”. London, ON. (2022, April). Screening for potentially
modifiable risk factors for the dementia during functional fitness assessments. Belfry, S.T., Acheson,
J.K., DiFruscia, S.A., Khan, T.R., Lam, K.T., Patel, B.A. & Orange, J.B. - CIHR Institute of Aging & CAG Student Poster Competition, Canadian Gerontology Association Virtual Conference 2021. Master’s Student competition – Winner: Bender, E., Savundranayagam, M.Y., Murray, L. & Orange, J.B. (Oct, 2021). Investigating effective strategies for nonverbal communication with people living with dementia: A scoping review.
- Best Poster in Cognitive Vitality and Brain Health AND Mental Health at Annual Parkwood Institute Research Day: Moving Toward Better Health. London ON (2021, April). Sultana, M., Campbell, K., Jennings, M., Orange, J. B., Knowlton, J., St. George, A., Montero-Odasso, M, & Bryant, D. (2021, April). Virtual reality exposure therapy reducing responsive behaviors in nursing home residents with dementia: A case series.
Professional Activities
- Faculty of Health Sciences – Recognition of Achievement in Teaching – 2015, 2018
- Faculty of Health Sciences – Recognition of Excellence in Teaching – 2014
- Distinguished Service Award for Alumni – Faculty of Medicine, Graduate Department of Speech-Language Pathology, University of Toronto – 2018