Professor Scott Adams is the director of the Speech Movement Disorders Lab. The lab is focused on the study of speech impairments associated with neurological movement disorders with a major emphasis on speech in Parkinson's disease.

Areas of Research Interest Related to Parkinson's Disease

  1. Effectiveness of a novel Speech-in-Noise Treatment program for Hypophonia in Parkinson’s disease

  2. Use of a new portable Speech-to-Noise Feedback device for conversational hypophonia in Parkinson’s disease

  3. Comparison of Speech Amplifiers and Personal Communication Devices in Parkinson’s disease

  4. Studies of self-loudness perception in Parkinson’s disease

  5. Altered auditory feedback effects on speech in Parkinson’s disease

  6. Effects of medications and surgical procedures on speech in Parkinson’s disease

  7. Concurrent manual and gait tasks on speech intensity

  8. New measures of speech loudness and hypophonia severity

         For more details:  research/current_areas_2/index