Juhani Dickinson
My name is Juhani Dickinson. I completed my undergraduate studies at Western University. I am from London, ON. I had been working with Prof. Jacques Lamarche for 3 summers before joining the program, making a computer model of his theory - the Logic of Labeling. The masters program in Linguistics gave me the opportunity to continue working with his theory while learning more about formal linguistics.
I have always wanted to know exactly how we verbally communicate with each other, especially how we encode information and how these encodings can be or are altered in real life.
I enjoy playing games, reading, and doing the occasional puzzle and watching the occasional 90-minute deep-dive video essay on diverse topics.My journey in linguistics started in part because I wanted to find the answer to a question that lay in the back of my mind for years: how is it my brother and I can communicate with each other using series of words that lack at least one (and sometimes many) important grammatical element(s) but somehow still understand each other perfectly well?