ROLA Process

The Process for:

  1. Principal Investigator (PI)
  2. Approval/Review Authorities

NOTE: a full signing authority can also be a PI - i.e. they can submit their own Proposals but cannot approve them.

Category What Can They Do?
Principal Investigator (PI)

Create and Save a Proposal

Submit a Proposal

Edit their own Saved but not Submitted Proposal

Edit and re-submit a Proposal that was Returned to PI

Full Approval Authority

(e.g. Chair, Associate Dean Research)

View and print a submitted Proposal

Approve or Return a submitted Proposal

Perform all functions as a PI above

Review Authority

(e.g. Departmental AO, or Grants Facilitator)

View and print a submitted Proposal

Review or Return a submitted Proposal

Create and Save a Proposal for a PI

Begin the submit process for a PI - PI needs to complete the process as above

Research Support Access

(e.g. AO, Graduate Student, Research Associate)

View and print a submitted Proposal

Create and Save a Proposal for a PI

Begin the submit process for a PI - PI needs to complete the process as above

The Logic used

How is a request approved electronically?

The system maintains a list of all approval authorities for each unit/Department and Faculty along with their role and approval sequence number for that role. E.g. A Chair or Director approves before an Associate Dean Research.

Each Faculty has completed an Authorization Model in consultation with RD&S indicating the review and authorization levels that are appropriate for their business needs.

Each Department or unit in each Faculty has completed an Authorization Model in consultation with RD&S indicating the review and authorization levels that are appropriate for their business needs.

The system automatically notifies the approval authorities included in the Authorization Model. The approval authorities will be notified by email and instructed to login and click 'Approved' on the proposal in question. Note: A higher signing authority will be able to view, but not approve a Proposal until it is ready to be signed by them (i.e. until all previous levels have already approved it.)

After the highest approval authority has approved the request, the appropriate member of the RD&S staff is notified that institutional review and approval is required for the Proposal.


When is a request considered signed off?

When all necessary approvals have been obtained electronically within ROLA, the Approval Status Review table will show Approval Status as Completed to the Dean's Authorization level.


When is a request considered completed?

When all necessary approvals have been obtained electronically within ROLA and the Research Development & Services Review has been completed the Approval Status Review table will show Approval Status as Completed to the RDS Approval. The Proposal status will be updated at this time to Approved.


What's on the PI's main menu?

  • Sponsored Research
    • Profile Review
  • Proposal
    • Maintain Proposal
    • Submit Proposal
    • Print Proposal Summary
    • Proposal Approval
    • Approval Status Review
  • Awards
    • Award Profile
    • Project Budgets
    • Certification Update
  • Grants Support
    • Documents - no functionality from the menu item
  • Authorization & Access
    • Acknowledge Access Request
    • Extend Access by PI
    • Acknowledge Access to PI Data
    • Researcher Grants Access Request
  • Relationship Management
    • Matching Funds
    • Partner Funding


What's on a full Approval Authority's main menu?

The same information as a PI, however the search results will be different based on the security access provided by the role(s) they may hold.
