Announcements and Communications

Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT VI - January 23, 1998



Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry:
S.L. Kogan, Acting Director of the School of Dentistry - December 1, 1997

Faculty of Social Science:
B. Timney, Acting Dean - July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999

Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Senate Committees

Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Admission (SCAPA)
J. Thorp, Chair; T. Topic, Vice-Chair.

Senate Committee on Appeals (SCA)
D. Bentley, Chair; D. Allison, Vice-Chair.


On the recommendation of the Senate, the Board of Governors, or a committee of the Board delegated to act on its behalf, has approved or received for information the following items:

S.97-225c Update on Leadership in Learning
S.97-230 Order of Convocation - Spring 1998
S.97-231 Order of Convocation - Fall 1998
S.97-244 Scholarship/Prize/Award Conditions
Lynn Fordham Awards in Science and Engineering
S.97-247 Annual Report - Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I
S.97-248 Annual Report - Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II
S.97-249 Annual Report - Senate Committee on Appeals
S.97-250 Report of the Academic Colleague on the 237th Meeting of COU