(As approved at the November 17, 2000, meeting of the Senate. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.)

The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in A. Brandon Conron Hall, University College.


J. Adams, A. Belcastro, D. Bell, D. Bentley, D. Bevan, R. Bohay, W.A. Bridger, R. Bryan, C. Callaghan, P. Canham, G. Cherian, M. Chernoff, M. Curry, P. Davenport, P. Dean, P. Deane, C. Down, A. Esterhammer, D. Fairbairn, M. Floryan, F. Gauthier, W. Gibson, R. Harris, R. Holt, J. Hore, B. Hovius, N. Huner, S. Iacobelli, N. Kapoor, A. Katz, G. Killan, W. Lai, F. Longstaffe, J. MacKinnon, P. Mahon, D. Martin, C. McAulay-Weldon, K. McKellar, M. McNay, K. McQuillan, P. Mercer, L. Milligan, G. Moran, P. Neary, M. Nolan, K. Okruhlik, J. Orange, M. Parker, A. Pearson, M. Randall, D. Rosner, C. Ross, D. Sandler, C. Sinal, E. Skarakis-Doyle, P. Skidmore, B. Timney, T. Topic, J. Van Fleet, A. Vandervoort, R. Watson, G. Weese, M. Westmacott, J. White, D. Williamson, B. Wood

Observers: E. Ebanks, L. Gribbon

By Invitation: J. Thorp

S.00-192 Farewell to Senators

On behalf of Senate, Dr. Davenport thanked a number of Senators whose terms on Senate end October 31st for their time and contributions to the work of Senate.

S.00-193 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of September 22, 2000, were approved with the inclusion of the following amendment [shown in italics] to list of items included in Minute S.00-169: Report of the President - Orientation of New Students.


The President reported on the following items: Federal Economic Statement and Budget Update, Post-Secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act 2000, and Hong Kong Trip (October 10-14). Copies of overhead slides used to highlight his presentation are attached to these Minutes as Appendix I.


S.00-195 Candidates for Degrees - Autumn Convocation 2000

On behalf of Senate, the Provost approves the list of Candidates for Degrees upon the recommendation of the Registrar [S.96-124]. The list of Candidates is attached to the Official Minutes of the Senate meeting of October 20, 2000, as Appendix A. A copy may be obtained from the Secretary of the Senate on request.

S.00-196 Order of Convocation: Spring 2001

The Order of Convocation for Spring 2001 is:

Tuesday, June 5, 10:00 a.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Information and Media Studies
Faculty of Music

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts, Information and Media Studies and Music

Tuesday, June 5, 3:30 p.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Richard Ivey School of Business
Faculty of Engineering Science
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

* = students in programs hosted by the Richard Ivey School of Business, and the Faculties of Engineering Science, and Medicine & Dentistry

Wednesday, June 6, 10:00 a.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Education

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Education

Wednesday, June 6, 3:30 p.m.
Brescia College
Huron University College
King's College

Thursday, June 7, 10:00 a.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Social Science (Honors and ACS)

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Social Science

Thursday, June 7, 3:30 p.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Science

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Science

Friday, June 8, 10:00 a.m.
Faculty of Social Science (3 year program)

Friday, June 8, 3:30 p.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Health Sciences

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Health Sciences

S.00-197 Order of Convocation: Autumn 2001

The Order of Convocation for Autumn 2001 will be:

Thursday, October 25, 3:30 p.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Richard Ivey School of Business
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Faculty of Music

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Education, Engineering Science, Health Sciences, Medicine & Dentistry, Music, and the Richard Ivey School of Business

Friday, October 26, 10:00 a.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Brescia College
Huron University College
King's College

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts and Science

Friday, October 26, 3:30 p.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Information and Media Studies
Faculty of Social Science

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Information and Media Studies and Social Science

S.00-198 Amendment - Candidates for Degrees - Spring Convocation 2000

Senate was informed that the Operations/Agenda Committee, on behalf of Senate, has approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 2000, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 23, 2000.

Wednesday, June 7, 2000 Faculty of Graduate Studies

Master of Library and Information Science


S.00-199 Rules Governing Motion to Reconsider

Senate received for information Sturgis' Rules Governing Motion to Reconsider, detailed in Appendix I, item 5.


S.00-200 Strategic Planning Task Force

M. Weyers (Grad. Student), D. Braun (Undergrad. Student), D. Bentley (Arts), M. Clarke (M&D), R. Darnell (Soc.Sci.), F. Longstaffe (Sci.), and T. Hewitt (Soc.Sci.) were elected to the Strategic Planning Task Force.

S.00-201 Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I (Promotion Division ) SCPT-I

The election of members to the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I was deferred to the next meeting of Senate.

S.00-202 Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II (Tenure Division) SCPT-II

The election of members to the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II was deferred to the next meeting of Senate.

S.00-203 Senate Committee on Appeals (SCA)

The following Members were elected to the Senate Committee on Appeals (terms to June 30, 2001): P. Haase, M. Spence, and D. Raymond.

The following Alternates were elected to the Senate Committee on Appeals: (terms to June 30, 2001): F. Longstaffe, C. Nolan, J. Rylett, S. Singh and J. Sutton.

S.00-204 Standing Committee on Campus Recreation

S. Siegner and. Weese were elected to the Standing Committee on Campus Recreation (terms to November 2002).

S.00-205 Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics

D. Fairbairn (term to November 2002) and G. Miller(term to November 2001) were elected to the Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics.

S.00-206 Ad Hoc Subcommittee to Nominate an Administrative Staff Senator

C. Callaghan, S. Desmond, P. Galsworthy, D. Munday and D. Novakowski were elected to the ad hoc Subcommittee to Nominate an Administrative Staff Senator.


S.00-207 MEng Program in Advanced Design and Manufacturing

On behalf of SCAPA, it was moved by M. Floryan, seconded by J. Adams,

That a Program in Design and Manufacturing, leading to the degree of Master of Engineering (MEng), and offered jointly with McMaster University, the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo, be introduced effective January 2001, and that this replace the MEng program currently offered at The University of Western Ontario.

S.00-208 Diploma in Ethics

It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by K. Okruhlik,

That effective September 1, 2001, a Diploma in Ethics, consisting of five full-course equivalents in theoretical and practical ethics, be introduced in the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts.


Addition to p. 41 of the 2000-2001 Academic Calendar and to the corresponding section of the online calendar. Under ARTS PROGRAMS, add to list of CERTIFICATE AND DIPLOMA PROGRAMS, right after the Diploma in Art Therapy:

Diploma in Ethics

Additions to p. 49 of the 2000-2001 Academic Calendar and to the corresponding section of the online calendar. After the description of the program in Philosophy and Psychology, insert:


Admission Requirements

Students must have a 3 or 4 year undergraduate degree. The program is designed for students who have degrees in areas other than Philosophy. While no particular background is presupposed, Diploma students are required to have writing skills sufficiently strong to write essays at the university level.


The Diploma in Ethics is a program of study that may be completed full-time in one year or part-time over a number of years. The Diploma, offered through the Department of Philosophy, is designed as a response to a wide and growing interest in the ethical dimensions of professional and public life.  The purpose of this program is to enable participants to strengthen and develop their understanding of ethics so as to enhance their ability to recognize and respond to ethical issues in a wide variety of social settings. The Diploma in Ethics will educate students in the essential concepts, central issues, history, and methodologies of ethical reasoning. The program also emphasizes critical thinking skills, writing skills and verbal skills. The program is geared towards students who have degrees in subjects other than Philosophy, and thus presupposes no prior background in ethics or Philosophy.


The program consists of 5 full-course equivalents.

Note: All Diploma students must take five full-course equivalents as outlined in the program requirements. Courses taken as part of an undergraduate degree may not count towards the fulfillment of these requirements. Students who have satisfied any of the Diploma in Ethics requirements prior to entering the Diploma in Ethics program must consult with the Department of Philosophy to make appropriate course substitutions.

Progression Requirements

A student must maintain at least a 70% average and obtain a mark of not less than 60% in each course to remain in the program.

Graduation Requirements

To qualify for the Diploma in Ethics a student must complete the prescribed program of studies with at least a 70% average and a mark of not less than 60% in each course.


S.00-209 Admission Requirements for MD Program

It was moved by P. Canham, seconded by A. Belcastro,

That Senate approve revisions to the admission requirements for the MD program as shown below:



Application Deadline: Second week of October for admission to Medicine for the following September. Refer to the OMSAS application booklet for exact deadline dates.

Note: Enrolment is limited. Admission to the Doctor of Medicine Program is competitive and the possession of the minimum requirements does not assure acceptance. Individuals satisfying the following requirements are eligible to apply for admission to the first year of the four year MD program in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry:

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry will consider applications to its first year medical program from individuals who are currently (or were) registered in a Doctor of Medicine Program (or equivalent) elsewhere.

a) Three Years of University Study

Those who are in the third year of, or who have successfully completed three full years of study (minimum fifteen full or equivalent courses) in any degree program at a recognized university.

A minimum of five full or equivalent courses (30 credit hours) must be included in the final undergraduate year plus in one other undergraduate year. In addition, three full or equivalent senior courses (second year and above) must be included in each of the two undergraduate years (one being the final undergraduate year).

b) Special Students: University Graduates

Applicants who have earned a degree from a recognized university, may elect to continue in full time undergraduate studies for the purpose of improving academic standing for application to medical school for a one year period only. The special year must contain five full or equivalent courses (30 credit hours) with a minimum of four full or equivalent courses at the honors level (numbered 200 or higher at Western).

Note: Prospective applicants who are deemed academically competitive may complete summer courses and part-time academic year courses in order to fulfil the mandatory course requirements listed in #3 prior to admission consideration. (See Selection Criteria for more details on academic requirements.)

2. Graduate students are required to have complete all requirements for their graduate degree prior to registration in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry MD Program.

3. Prior to being permitted to register in the MD Program, all applicants who are granted admission will be required to have successfully completed the following University Level courses:

a) Science Courses (interpreted as being equivalent to the science courses in Western's Academic Calendar)

A total of three full, or equivalent, science courses as follows:

b) Non-Science Courses (as interpreted by Western's Academic Calendar) A total of three full, or equivalent, non-science courses as follows:


Confidential Assessment Form

Any three persons who, in the opinion of the applicant, will give an informed critical assessment will be acceptable as referees.

Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)

All applicants must arrange for verified results of the revised Medical College Admissions Test (April 1991 or later) to be submitted directly to the Ontario Medical School Application Centre. The MCAT must be written prior to the October application deadline. Refer to the OMSAS application booklet for exact deadline dates.


Interviews will be conducted beginning in March. Applicants who satisfy the course load, the GPA, and the MCAT requirements (obtaining the minimum in each of the four sections of the MCAT) as determined by the Admissions Committee each year will have their applications reviewed carefully and will receive consideration for an interview. However, many factors contribute to the final determination of which applicants will be invited for an interview. Achieving the minimum GPA and MCAT scores does not guarantee an invitation to be interviewed.

Proficiency in English

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant whose facility in written and spoken English is judged to be inadequate.

Basic Life Support Training

Applicants should complete a St. John Ambulance course or the equivalent in standard first aid and a CPR Basic Rescuer course, and be able to produce valid certificates before enrolment in the medical program.


Admission to the MD Program is based primarily on the academic undergraduate record, MCAT scores, and the interview score. Although careful assessment is made of the academic record throughout all years at university, the academic marks obtained during the final and the best other full undergraduate year will be used to formulate your grade point average (five full courses in each year, (30 credit hours) September to April, being considered).

International (Student Visa) Applicants

A limited number of international (student visa) admissions may be available each year into the Doctor of Medicine Program. Interested individuals should contact the Admissions/Student & Equity Affairs office directly for specific information.


The maximum number of places available in first year is 103. Following the final date for application, an applicant may file any supplementary information relevant to the application with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario, on or before the last day of May in the year following submission of the application. Applicants may request a review of the decision of the Medicine Admissions Committee, provided that such a request is based upon new and significant information pertinent to the application. This request must be filed with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario, no later than two weeks after the issue of the original decision. The request should contain information not available to the applicant prior to the last Wednesday in May in the year following submission of the application and will be passed on to the Appeals Committee whose decision is final.

Advanced Standing and Transfers

The structure of the medical curriculum at The University of Western Ontario is such that transfer from another Canadian medical school can be considered only in very exceptional cases and subject to space being available. Applicants considering transfer must first contact the office of Admissions/Student & Equity Affairs. Western does not accept advanced standing or transfers from non-Canadian Medical Schools.

Application for Admission

Application for admission to the MD Program must be made upon the regular application form which may be obtained from:

The Ontario Medical School Application Service (OMSAS)
OUAC, Box 1328
Guelph, Ontario N1H 7P4
Telephone: (519) 823-1940
Email: omsas@netserv.ouac.on.ca
On-line applications: http://www.ouac.on.ca/omsas/

The completed application forms and supporting documents (originals) must be mailed to OMSAS, to arrive no later than October 16 for the class starting the following September.

All applicants must:

a) submit to OMSAS a completed application for admission form, making sure that all the pertinent instructions in the OMSAS Instructional Booklet are followed;

b) arrange to have the results from the Medical College Admission Test mailed directly to the OMSAS centre. Applicants must make their own arrangements for taking this test by consulting a university MCAT representative, or by writing to

The MCAT Program Office
P.O. Box 4056
Iowa City, Iowa
U.S.A. 52243
Phone: (319) 337 1357

International (student visa) applicants must use the application form provided by The Admissions/Student & Equity Affairs Office, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, UWO and should not apply through OMSAS for consideration to The University of Western Ontario.

The Admissions/Student & Equity Affairs Office
The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Medical Sciences Building, M103
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 5C1

Application Service Fee

A non-refundable institutional levy and OMSAS processing fee are required. Please refer to the OMSAS application booklet for more details.


Offers of admission will be made starting the end of May. Students accepted for admission into any year of Medicine will be advised directly by the Registrar's Office concerning registration.

No student will be registered after the designated registration date except by special permission of the Associate Dean, Admissions/Student & Equity Affairs. Those who register late will pay a late registration fee.

Statement on Potential Health Risks and Immunization Requirements

Students in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry will be required to care for persons with infectious diseases (including Hepatitis B and HIV) should they be assigned to them. Students accepted to the medical program will be sent complete documentation regarding health status policies and immunization requirements. Documentation of immunization and tuberculin status will be required.


S.00-210 Withdrawal of the Program in Honors Anthropology and French Linguistics

It was moved by P.A.W. Dean, seconded by W. Gibson,

That effective September 1, 2001, the program entitled "Honors Anthropology and French Linguistics" be withdrawn.


Page 45 of 2000 Calendar (French)


[replace existing Calendar copy with the following:]
This program has now been replaced with the new combined honors program in Linguistics and French. See under LINGUISTICS in the INTER-FACULTY section. Students registered in Honors Anthropology and French Linguistics prior to September 2001 may graduate under prior requirements.


[replace existing Calendar copy with the following:]
See under LINGUISTICS in the INTER-FACULTY section.

Page 146 of 2000 Calendar (Anthropology)


[replace existing Calendar copy with the following:]
This program has now been replaced with the new combined honors program in Linguistics and French. See under LINGUISTICS in the INTER-FACULTY section. Students registered in Honors Anthropology and French Linguistics prior to September 2001 may graduate under prior requirements.


S.00-211 Report on Distribution of Grades

Professor Thorp gave an oral report on the distribution of grades. His report is attached as Appendix 2.

S.00-212 New Scholarship and Award Conditions

SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships and awards for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

S.00-213 Graduate Program Approvals

Senate received for information a summary of the pathway for approval of new graduate programs at the level of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and above detailed in Exhibit III, Item 3.

S.00-214 Four-Year Bachelor of Arts Programs in Film Studies and French - Revised Implementation Date

In May and November 1999 respectively, Senate approved the introduction of a Four-Year Bachelor of Arts programs in French and in Film Studies to be introduced by the Faculty of Arts effective September 1, 2000. At the request of the Faculty of Arts, the implementation date has been revised from September to May 1, 2000, in order to allow students who have satisfied the degree requirements to graduate in October 2000. This parallels a similar change for the Four-Year BA Program in English of which Senate was informed in January 2000 (S.00-20).


S.00-215 Enrolment Projection and Institutional Enrolment Plans

On behalf of the Senate Committee on University Planning, it was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by J. White,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor:


S.00-216 SuperBuild Facilities Expansion at Western: Space Allocation in New Buildings

Dr. Moran provided an overview on the proposed space allocations in new SuperBuild buildings, as detailed in a document he circulated to Senators and others on October 10. He stated that SuperBuild at Western involves the construction of three new academic buildings on campus, an essential step in Western's plan to accommodate the anticipated increase in enrolment resulting from the double cohort and the "baby boom echo". Increased enrolment and teaching activity will require substantial additional instructional facilities -- classrooms and teaching laboratories -- and in turn will require additional office and laboratory space for faculty and staff. A key element of this initiative is flexibility. A priority in all of the construction projects will be to design and build space that can adapt to new and unforeseen future demands.

Concerns raised during Senate's discussion of the proposals included: the formula to be used to allocate faculty office space; the need for food service facilities; the lack of space allocation for the Faculty of Social Science; the need for computer labs; and the impact of transferring teaching activities from Alumni Hall to the new large classrooms. Dr. Moran asked that comments and suggestions relating to the proposals be submitted to him by November 2, 2000, with the intention that Senate's advice on the proposals will be invited at its meeting of November 17th.

S.00-217 Budget Planning Process 2001-02

Dr. Moran provided an overview of the Budget Planning Process for 2001-02. His presentation included an update on the 2000-01 budget, the budget outlook for 2001-02, and planning issues. Slides detailing his presentation are attached as Appendix 3.

S.00-218 Academic Development Fund - Small Grants Competition: 2000-01 Spring Awards

Senate received for information the Academic Development Fund - Small Grants Competition: 2000-01 Spring Awards, detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix 3.


The Report of the Academic Colleague on the 252nd Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities, detailed in Exhibit V, was received for information. Issues discussed included: Investing in Students Task Force, Implementation of the New Secondary-School Curriculum, Access to Education Initiative and Accessibility Fund.

Dr. Mercer reported that Western will submit a proposal to the Investing in Students Task Force as part of the CSAO consolidated proposals. The submission will be funnelled through COU and vetted by the Presidents before it goes forward.

S.00-219a Wilfrid Laurier University Job Advertisement [S.99-216]

Professor Katz asked if COU responded to his concerns about Wilfrid Laurier University's discriminatory advertisement. Professor Bentley reported that unfortunately the Chair of the Committee charged with dealing with the question has not been present at the COU meetings, but he hoped a response would be forthcoming in the near future.


Announcements and Communications detailed in Exhibit VI, were received for information.


The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

Signed by:

P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary