Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT III - May 19, 2000
Recommended: That effective September 1, 2000, a Three-Year Bachelor of Arts (Human Ecology) Family Studies program and a Four-Year Bachelor of Arts (Honors Human Ecology) Family Studies program be introduced at Brescia College and the Faculty of Science.
Note: Admission Requirements and Progression Requirements are those approved previously for the BA (Human Ecology) Clothing, Textiles and Design Programs (p 282 of Western Academic Calendar 2000)
Note: Common first, second and third years are taken by students in the 3-year and the 4-year programs.
First Year
Principal Courses
Family Studies 020
Human Ecology 022a/b, 033a/b
Subsidiary Courses
Chemistry 020, 021, 023
Business 020
One Arts or Social Science course at the 020-level
Second Year
Principal Courses
Human Ecology 122a/b
Foods and Nutrition 021
Family Studies 200
Human Ecology 255a/b
Subsidiary Courses
Computer Science 031a/b
One option and one half option at the 100 level or higher
Third Year
Principal Courses
Human Ecology 330a/b, 338a/b, 343a/b
Psychology 240a
Subsidiary Courses
Three full course equivalent senior options (must include at least one half-course in Statistics for those
progressing to Year IV).
Fourth Year
Principal Courses
Human Ecology 401a/b
Family Studies 402a/b
Two senior half-courses from: Education 100E, Psychology 141, 150, 153, Sociology 144a/b, 172a/b,
202, 235, 267a/b, 341F
Subsidiary Courses:
Three full-course equivalent senior options. At least one must be from outside the department.
Family Studies programs in Human Ecology combine social sciences, arts, and natural sciences with business and professional skills to address the needs of individuals and families. Students will benefit from an emphasis on the social science perspective in the proposed programs. Students entering the programs will prepare for service oriented professions and attaining the Professional Home Economist (PHEc) certification.
Recommended: That a Diploma in Accounting be introduced at The University of Western Ontario and offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences in partnership with the Western Centre for Continuing Studies, effective September 1, 2000.
(To be inserted in the composite academic calendar under the Faculty of Social Science following "Certificate in Health Promotion and Education")
Diploma in Accounting
The Diploma in Accounting is designed to provide students with the 51 credit-hours prescribed in the Syllabus for Entry to the Chartered Accountancy Profession [Uniform Final Examination (UFE)] of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO). The 51 credit hours will be attained through the successful completion of 6.5 degree-credit full-course equivalents and 3 diploma-credit full-course equivalents. The latter are completed in two nine-week sessions during the spring/summer term.
Enrolment is limited and competitive. Eligibility for admission to the program will be based on: 1) successful completion of the first three years of the BACS or HBA program with an overall average of at least 70%, including an overall average of at least 70% in all degree-credit courses that are to be applied towards the ICAO's 51 credit-hour requirement; or 2) successful completion of the BACS or HBA program. Other similarly qualified students will be considered for admission to the program. However, they must show evidence of having: a) successfully completed the 6.5 full degree-credit courses (or their equivalents as determined by the Faculty of Social Science); or b) the prerequisites required to enroll in the required 6.5 full degree-credit courses. This will be determined on a case by case basis by the Faculty of Social Science.
All students will be admitted to the program according to the policies and guidelines for admission to the University. Non-UWO students must first apply to The University of Western Ontario through the Ontario University Application Centre in Guelph, Ontario. In addition, prospective students must also complete the application form for the Diploma in Accounting provided by The Western Centre for Continuing Studies. Application forms are available through The Western Centre for Continuing Studies. Students who are currently enrolled at UWO are only required to complete The Western Centre for Continuing Studies application form.
Application Deadline: January 15 to be considered for diploma-credit courses offered during the spring/summer term of the same year.
The program consists of a combination of degree-credit courses and diploma credit courses as listed below.
Degree-credit components (6.5 full-course equivalents)
Administrative and Commercial Studies
275a/b Business Law I .5 credit
310a/b Finance for Administrative and Commercial Studies .5 credit
360a/b Intermediate Accounting I .5 credit
361a/b Intermediate Accounting II .5 credit
372 Management Accounting 1.0 credit
460a/b Advanced Accounting .5 credit
461a/b Advanced Accounting II .5 credit
Business Administration
257 Accounting and Business Analysis 1.0 credit
Computer Science
031a/b Computing Concepts for Business Applications .5 credit
020 Introduction to Economics 1.0 credit
Total degree-credit full-course equivalents 6.5
Diploma-credit courses* (3 full-course equivalents)
DA001 Canadian Personal Taxation * .5 credit
DA002 Auditing * .5 credit
DA003 Advanced Accounting * .5 credit
DA004 Canadian Corporate Taxation* .5 credit
DA005 Advanced Auditing * .5 credit
DA006 Computer Auditing and Control * .5 credit
Total diploma-credit full-course equivalents 3.0
* These are Diploma-Credit (non-degree credit) courses and their descriptions may be found in the Continuing Studies Calendar produced each year by The Western Centre for Continuing Studies.
Students in the Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies (BACS) and Honors Business Administration (HBA) programs can complete within their degree programs approximately two-thirds of the "credit-hours" that the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO) requires as part of its CA education program. Consequently, Western students wishing to pursue a career in chartered accountancy must leave UWO and the London area to enrol in ICAO-recognized courses offered at other universities in order to fulfil the remaining credit hour requirements and to qualify to write the ICAO's Uniform Final Examination (UFE). Chartered accounting firms have indicated that while they are anxious to hire graduates of The University of Western Ontario, Western graduates are at a disadvantage because they have not completed sufficient courses required by the ICAO.
The Faculty of Social Science of The University of Western Ontario, in partnership with The Western Centre for Continuing Studies, proposes remedying this shortcoming by offering a Diploma in Accounting. Graduates of the Diploma in Accounting will have completed the 51 credit-hours of academic study the ICAO requires of all candidates preparing to write the UFE. Applicants to the program will be admitted to either a concurrent stream (requiring them to be enrolled concurrently in either the BACS or HBA programs) or a post-baccalaureate stream (requiring the successful completion of a relevant degree from a recognized university).
Calendar copy for Continuing Studies and descriptions of Diploma-Credit courses are outlined in Appendix 1 [shown below].
SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:
Norma Heather Fletcher Undergraduate Student Awards in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Awarded to undergraduate students in Medicine based on outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Applications can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted by October 31. Final selection of the recipients will be made by a committee of Medical faculty. These awards are made possible by a generous donation from an anonymous donor in loving memory of Norma Heather Fletcher.
Value: Up to 10 annual awards of $1,000 each
Effective: May 2000 and continuing until fund is depleted.
Szilard Award in Theoretical Computer Science (Faculty of Science, Computer Science)
Awarded to a full-time 4th Year Honors student in the Department of Computer Science whose honors thesis in theoretical computer science is deemed most meritorious in the opinion of the Chair, the Curriculum Chair, and the Thesis Administrator for Computer Science 490 in the Department of Computer Science. This scholarship was established by Dr. Andrew Szilard, Professor Emeritus (Computer Science), BA '62, MA '68, Ph.D. '74 (Mathematics), who has taught in the Department of Computer Science since 1965, and the Department of Computer Science to encourage an outstanding theoretical computer science student to pursue graduate education in the field.
Value: 1 at $300 for a period of seven years. In the last year, the award value will exceed $300 and will
be based on funds remaining in the award account
Effective: May 1999 to April 2006
Law Society of Upper Canada Education Equity Awards (Faculty of Law)
Awarded to an undergraduate student in second or third year Law based primarily on financial need with due consideration being given to academic achievement and/or devotion and commitment to community and/or university service. To be eligible students must be members of a visible minority group, an aboriginal person, or a person with a disability, or gay or lesbian. Applications must be completed by October 31, and students should contact the Faculty of Law for information. Final selection will be made by the Dean of Law or designate. These awards are made possible by the Law Society of Upper Canada and are funded by Butterworths Canada Ltd. to encourage diversity and the attainment of equity in legal education and practice.
Value: award numbers and values to vary - total must not exceed annual gift from donor.
Effective Date: May 1999
Funding: Donor sends annual gift and then Law chooses recipients based on funds available.
Hobson Award for Studies in Gerontic Occupational Therapy (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division, Occupational Therapy)
Awarded annually to a full-time graduate student in second year of their MClSc degree program in Occupational Therapy based on academic achievement (minimum 78% average) and the evaluation of the student's proposal for an Independent Study in Evidence Based Practice (ISEBP) in the field of Gerontic Occupational Therapy. Under extenuating circumstances, such as medical conditions preventing full-time status, part-time students may be considered. Eligible students must be taking the ISEBP course starting in the first term. The best ISEBP proposal will be selected based on the quality of the submission, the scholarly integrity of the proposed study, the clinical relevance of the foreseeable findings, and adherence to the core values of the profession.
Applicants for this award must submit a proposal describing their ISEBP project to the Awards Coordinator for the School of Occupational Therapy by October 15. Further details regarding the application process can be obtained from the Awards Coordinator in the School of Occupational Therapy. The recipient will be selected by a committee consisting of a graduate faculty member, a consumer, and an occupational therapy clinician all with interest in and knowledge about older adults. If no suitable proposal is received, the award will not be given. This award is made possible by a generous donation from Professor Sandra Hobson.
Value: 1 at $250 annually for five years
Funding: Term funded. $1,315 expendable paid in full.
Effective: May 2000 to May 2004
Government of Ontario - Louis Simmons Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in Science or Technology research. These scholarships are based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. These scholarships were made possible by a generous bequest from the estate of Louis Simmons.
Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.
Value: 10 at $15,000, effective in May 1999 only
Government of Ontario - Science Class of 1973 Graduate Research Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by generous donations from the Science Class of 1973.
Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.
Value: 1 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only
Government of Ontario - Muriel Askin Graduate Research Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research in the area of Biological and Life Sciences. Preference will be given to a student focusing on research in Occupational Therapy or another Health Science. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by a generous donation from Muriel Askin.
Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.
Value: 1 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only
Government of Ontario - Psychology Faculty and Staff Graduate Research Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research. Preference in the first instance will be given to a student doing research in Psychology. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by a generous donation from Western's Psychology faculty and staff.
Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.
Value: 1 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only
Government of Ontario - Western Alumni Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by the generosity of an anonymous donor.
Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.
Value: 6 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only
Government of Ontario - Bill Etherington Graduate Research Scholarships (4) (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in Science or Technology research. Preference will be given to students conducting research in graduate programs in the Faculty of Engineering Science. These scholarships are based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. These scholarships were made possible by a generous donation from Bill Etherington.
Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.
Value: 4 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only
Government of Ontario - John Thompson Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in Science or Technology research. Preference will be given to students conducting research in graduate programs in the Faculty of Engineering Science. These scholarships are based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. These scholarships were made possible by a generous donation from John Thompson.
Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.
Value: 1 at $15,000 effective May 1999 only; 6 at $15,000 effective May 2000 only
Government of Ontario - Dorothy Emery Graduate Research Scholarships (2) (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by a generous donation from Miss Dorothy Emery.
Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.
Value: 2 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only.
The Diploma in Accounting is designed to provide students with the 51 credit-hours prescribed in the Syllabus for Entry to the Chartered Accountancy Profession [Uniform Final Examination (UFE)] of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO). The 51 credit-hours will be attained through the successful completion of 6.5 degree-credit full-course equivalents and 3 diploma-credit full-course equivalents, for a total of 9.5 full-courses.
Diploma-credit courses are taken over two, nine-week intensive spring and summer sessions. Each session of diploma-credit courses is designed for full-time attendance. In order to graduate from the program, students must obtain an overall average of at least 70% for all applicable degree-credit and diploma-credit courses taken.
Applicants for admission enter either through the Concurrent or Post-Baccalaureate Streams.
All students will be admitted to the program according to the policies and guidelines for admission to the University. Non-UWO students must first apply to The University of Western Ontario through the Ontario University Application Centre in Guelph, Ontario. In addition, prospective students must also complete the application form for the Diploma in Accounting provided by The Western Centre for Continuing Studies. Application forms are available through The Western Centre for Continuing Studies. Students who are currently enrolled at UWO are only required to complete The Western Centre for Continuing Studies application form.
Concurrent stream
Students must have completed the first three years of the BACS or HBA program at UWO with an overall average of at least 70%, including an overall average of at least 70% in all degree-credit courses that are to be applied towards the ICAO 51 credit-hour requirement.
Post-Baccalaureate Stream
Students may be admitted to this stream if they have successfully completed a relevant undergraduate degree at Western or another recognized university with an average of at least 70%, including an overall average of at least 70% in all degree credit courses that are to be applied towards the ICAO 51 credit-hour requirement. At the discretion of the BACS Program Director, successful applicants may receive credit in advanced standing for courses completed at another university (maximum 3 full-course equivalents) that are deemed equivalent to the required degree or diploma-credit courses.
Program Requirements for the Diploma in Accounting
Degree-credit components (6.5 full-course equivalents) UWO credit -- ICAO
Administrative and Commercial Studies
275a/b Business Law I .5 credit -- 3
310a/b Finance for Administrative and Commercial Studies .5 credit -- 3
360a/b Intermediate Accounting I .5 credit -- 3
361a/b Intermediate Accounting II .5 credit -- 3
372 Management Accounting 1.0 credit -- 6
460a/b Advanced Accounting .5 credit -- 3
461a/b Advanced Accounting II .5 credit -- 3
Business Administration
257 Accounting and Business Analysis 1.0 credit -- 3
Computer Science
031a/b Computing Concepts for Business Applications .5 credit -- 3
020 Introduction to Economics 1.0 credit -- 3
Total degree-credit full-course equivalents/ credit-hours: 6.5 -- 33
Diploma-credit courses (3 full-course equivalents)
DA001 Canadian Personal Taxation .5 credit -- 3
DA002 Auditing .5 credit -- 3
DA003 Advanced Accounting .5 credit -- 3
DA004 Canadian Corporate Taxation .5 credit -- 3
DA005 Advanced Auditing .5 credit -- 3
DA006 Computer Auditing and Control .5 credit -- 3
Total diploma full-course equivalents/ credit-hours 3.0 -- 18
Total ICAO credit-hours 51
Diploma-Credit Courses
These courses are designed with a learner-centred, competency-based approach. The emphasis is on the core-knowledge and skills identified for each of the subject areas in the Uniform Final Exam of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario.
DA001 Canadian Personal Taxation (36 hours)
This course examines the federal income tax law related to income of individuals from employment,
business and property. The implementation of the law and its effects and personal tax planning issues are
explored. This course also examines the Goods and Services Tax Act in relation to individuals.
DA004 Canadian Corporate Taxation (36 hours)
This course examines the federal income tax law related to small and large corporations and their
shareholders. The implementation of the law and its effects and tax planning issues are explored.
Taxation of unincorporated entities such as trusts and partnerships and the Goods and Services Tax Act
in relation to corporations are also examined
DA002 Auditing (36 hours)
This course examines audit concepts, objectives, standards and practices. Audit theory, the timing,
nature and extent of audit testing and audit procedures are covered in detail. Professional ethics and the
responsibility and role of the auditor are also discussed.
DA005 Advanced Auditing (36 hours)
This course examines current and/or advanced topics related to the auditing profession. Special reports,
non-audit engagements, prospectuses, future oriented financial statements and comprehensive audits are
DA006 Computer Auditing and Control (36 hours)
This course examines audit and control procedures in a computerized environment.
DA003 Advanced Accounting (36 hours)
This course examines special and contemporary topics in advanced accounting.