Getting Help After Experiencing GBSV

We're here to help. As the survivor, you decide what's next.

Getting Support

The Gender-Based Violence & Survivor Support Case Manager is there to connect survivors with resources and support, regardless of whether a formal complaint is submitted. 

You can reach out via email at, or by completing the self-referral form below.



A disclosure is the sharing of information by a Survivor with a Member of the University Community concerning an incident of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence.

This may or may not be for the purpose of accessing supports, services, and/or accommodations.


Making a formal complaint

Disclosure does not result in a formal complaint being made.
The decision to make a disclosure and that of filing a non-criminal complaint with the University are separate decisions to be made by a survivor.

They are not required to participate in an investigation by the University.


To Connect with Us:

The Gender-based Violence & Survivor Support Case Managers are located in the 3114 - 3127 office suite in Thames Hall.

To connect or set up an appointment email

If you have been the victim of gender-based violence, the following resources are available to you:

1. Go to a Safe Place

You are encouraged to go to a place where you feel emotionally and physically safe. On campus, you may find 24/7 support at:

Residence Students:

  • Seek out your residence staff member or contact the front desk who will send a staff member to you.

2. Seek Health Care

You are encouraged to go to a place where you feel emotionally and physically safe. In the community, you may find 24/7 support at:

3. Reporting Options 

4. Counselling Options


On-Campus Counselling Options:

Off-Campus Counselling Options:

  • Anova 
    Counselling for female-identified survivors of recent and historical experiences of gender-based and sexual violence.
    24-hour crisis & support line: 519-642-3000

  • Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program
    Counselling for survivors of any gender who experienced a recent (within the past year) incident of gender-based and sexual violence.

    Staffed 24/7: call 519-646-6100 ext. 64224


Staff and Faculty: