Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality is another concern, which arises from time to time. If you have concerns about poor indoor air quality, here are the steps you need to take to have the situation investigated and resolved.

If you have concerns about the use of personal and other scented products in workplace, please visit our Scent Awareness page.

One issue of ongoing concern is the indoor environment. In order to resolve concerns over indoor air quality, these are the steps which need to be taken.

Step 1

  • Inform your supervisor of your concern. Be specific and give all pertinent details. If you have experienced health effects, use the Accident / Incident Reports form.

Step 2

  • Contact Facilities Management at extension 83304 and explain the nature of the situation. The majority of indoor air quality situations are the result of breakdowns in the air handling system. FM needs to investigate to ensure the air handling system is functioning properly as installed. In some situations the use of a space has changed and the air handling systems may need to be redesigned.

Step 3

  • If step 2 does not resolve the problem, contact Occupational Health and Safety. A staff member will discuss the nature of the concern with you. A visual assessment of the worksite will be conducted. Many times a visual inspection will identify the problem. Further testing or analysis may be required at the judgement of the OH&S staff member.

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