Annual Graduate Symposium

The Society of Graduate Students in Music at Western University is pleased to announce our 25th annual Graduate Symposium on August 23rd and 24th, 2024. We are excited to welcome Dr. Antía Gonzalez Ben (University of Toronto) as our keynote speaker!

Call for Papers

This year, WUGSOM will be held virtually and in person! Attendees who are able to join us in person will be invited to a reception following the keynote presentation.

Deadline for submissions: June 30th, 2024, at midnight EST.

Paper presentations will be allotted twenty minutes and lecture-recitals forty minutes. A ten-minute question period will follow each presentation. Submissions should include a title, a 350-word abstract (please leave out any identifying information), and your preference for a virtual or in-person presentation. All abstracts will be evaluated anonymously and should be suitable for publication in the conference program.

We welcome a broad range of proposals that challenge preconceived notions about music making including, but not limited to the following:
- Theory
- Musicology
- Composition
- Performance
- Music education
- Ethnomusicology
- Music therapy
- Music technology

Please email your submission to:

Any questions or concerns can be sent to:
Joel Martinez-Lorenzana, Chair, SOGSIM
Ran Jiang, Co-chair, SOGSIM 
Lauren Jarman, WUGSOM Coordinator 

Further information will be posted to the conference website as it becomes available:    

We look forward to your submissions and seeing you at our 25th WUGSOM!


Past Events

Our Annual Graduate Symposium, organized by our doctoral students, draws presenters from across North America and the UK.