Research Western
Funding Opportunites - Research
Further details regarding this announcement can be found at:

Grant Amount: $250,000
Deadline: Dean's: Contact your Faculty Research Office for deadline details.
Internal: Sep 24, 2014
Sponsor's: Oct 01, 2014

Subject Areas:
Description: The Disease Challenge Team Grant will support projects that are developing novel cellular or stem cell-related therapeutic approaches to tissue repair and regeneration within specific diseases. Proposals must clearly identify the translational ?bench to bedside? path of the research and where the proposed research stands along the path. Partnerships with health charities or industry are an important component of the project. Partnerships and leveraged funding (in-kind and/or cash) will increase application ranking but are not mandatory. The application needs to be distinct from any other provincial grant (including the ORF) but can stem from the same principles. Projects that principally involve basic research are encouraged to apply to the New Ideas Grant

Application Details: Applicants must be OSCI members Partnerships and leveraged funding (in-kind and/or cash) will increase application ranking but are not mandatory. Partnerships can include health charities or industry or CCRM?s Industry Consortium. Applicants must execute a Disease Challenge Team Program agreement and take on all the associated rights and obligations (reporting, presenting at symposium etc.) Applicants must apply as a team (one of established disease teams or an open-call team) that consists of both scientists and clinicians
NOTE: All Letters of Intent and Full Applications must be processed through Research Development & Services for institutional approval. Requests for Institutional approvals should be received no less than 3 days prior to the posted Sponsor deadline. A ROLA Proposal (bearing applicant, Chair and Dean electronic approvals) is required for each submission.
Western Contacts: Halbersma,Joseph David

Sponsor Contacts:

n/a, Ontario, Canada