Class of 2021

Congratulations! over purple field with science icons

Matt Davison Headshot

Dear Western Science Class of 2021:

You made it through the pandemic and completed your degrees,  under difficult circumstances. If your year was like my year, you may feel that you did everything you needed to do but not so many of the fun things you’d imagined doing in your final degree year. I share your regret for what might have been, but this is overshadowed by my respect for your accomplishments and for your resilience! Congratulations!

I believe that this pandemic has clearly illustrated the crucial role science plays in our world. Scientific understanding of epidemics has allowed us to manage the pandemic;  Scientific understanding of genetics and of viruses has allowed us to vaccinate, and advances in computer science has allowed us to learn and communicate, remotely, in ways which would have been unimaginable even a decade ago. I hope this underlines for all of you your wisdom in choosing to study Science. I am so proud that you chose to study Science at Western.   You will always be part of the Western Science family. Please keep in touch.



Dr. Nusha Keyghobadi
Department of Biology

Nusha HeadshotCongratulations Science graduates! Completing your degree is a significant achievement under any circumstances; it’s particularly impressive under the constraints and pressures of the past year. Beyond what you've learned in your courses, this year has brought lessons in flexibility, persistence, and caring for each other ... and has clearly illuminated the core importance of scientific research and science communication. I hope you will carry these lessons with you, and take pride in being part of the Science community.

Dr.  Yining Huang
Department of Chemistry

Yinning Huang HeadshotCongratulations, class of 2021! You are truly a special group of students who graduated in the midst of pandemic. I want to congratulate you for completing your studies and graduating from Chemistry under difficult circumstances. I am grateful for your resilience as you had to adjust to the major changes in the learning and social environment. School may be over, but the journey of life has just begun. I wish you all the best for the future!

Dr. Michael Domaratzki
Department of Computer Sciences

Mike HeadshotCongratulations, class of 2021. You have taken on a challenge in finishing your degree at Western and should be very proud of your accomplishment. During this time, you’ve changed how you study, interact and work – I look forward to seeing you take the spirit and strength you’ve developed during this time into your future as Western Science alumni.

Dr. Patricia Corcoran
Department of Earth Sciences

Patricia HeadshotThrough your training in Earth Sciences, you are prepared to explore the frontiers of Earth and beyond and to discover the answers to the planet’s current and future challenges.

Dr. Graham Denham
Department of Mathematics

Graham HeadshotThe 2021 graduating class is particularly special. We went through some difficult times, both together and individually. I was impressed by the tremendous resilience you showed and, more than ever, proud of your accomplishments.

Dr. Robert Sica
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Bob HeadshotIf you learned anything the last 15 months I hope it is that life has its hills and valleys and you've got to be resilient to flow through them. Don’t dwell on the valleys of your unique experience as the Class of Covid but remember the lessons you learned about life that are not in your textbooks. Build on them in the coming years. You know in your hearts you can “develop a negative into a positive picture.”

Dr. Kristina Sendova
Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences

Kristina HeadshotCongratulations on the successful completion of your degree in the Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences at Western! We are proud of your achievement and we want to thank you for spending these productive years with us. We wish you a healthy and successful future in the carrier of your choice! Be kind, generous and understanding: this is the glue of our society and communities where we all want to work together and enjoy the special moments and delightful surprises that life brings to us. I wish you all of success and wisdom!