Previous Courses Offered & Course Outlines


Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies 1022 (001) - Introduction to Medieval Studies
The medieval aesthetic, political and moral outlook, sense of the divine and (most obviously) languages all frustrate modern expectations. To study the Middle Ages, therefore, the modern student must engage with the academic disciplines (art history, philosophy, theology, comparative literature, etc.) which seek to illuminate these points of contrast.

This course will not attempt to survey the entire 1000 years of European history, literature, and culture that constitute the medieval world. Instead, we will focus on four topics: early monks and nuns (400-700), the age of Vikings (800-1100), tournaments and courtly society (1300s) and the fall of Constantinople (1453). We will approach each topic from a variety of points of view, using a variety of academic disciplines. The course will introduce you to some of the topics that define the Middle Ages and it will provide training in some of the many disciplines necessary to understand the medieval world. 1.0 course
Instructor: R. Moll

Medieval Studies 3022G (001) - Introduction to Medieval Manuscripts (cross-listed with Classical Studies 3906G)
Using materials available in the Rare Books Room and from private collections, this course will familiarize students with the investigation of medieval manuscripts. It will introduce medieval scripts, the description of a medieval manuscript, issues of provenance and date, and the decoration used. Students will consider the preparation of ink and pigments, and the kinds of illumination and decoration available through the medieval period. 0.5 course
Instructor: K. Gervais

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Art History

Art History 2622F/G (001) - Italian Renaissance (Spring/Summer 2024)
A survey of selected examples architecture, painting, and sculpture from Italy during the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries. 0.5 course

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Classical Studies

Classical Studies 2200 (650) - Classical Mythology
Asynchronous Online Students will be introduced to the major myth cycles of ancient Greece and Rome, with reference to the cultural contexts in which they were produced and received. Students will become familiar with the ancient images and original texts (in translation) that provide us with evidence for the mythic narratives. Some of the major theoretical approaches to the study of myth will be briefly introduced. 2 lecture hours, 1.0 course
Instructor: A. Suksi

Classical Studies 3050G - Study Tour to Italy: Roman History, Archaeology and Culture (Spring/Summer 2024)
This intensive 3-week long study tour to Italy offers students a unique international learning experience. Roman history, literature and culture will be discussed in direct relation to the physical remains in museums and archaeological sites, such as the Forum Romanum, the Colosseum, the Vatican Museum and Pompeii. Extra Information: Field trip to Italy, minimum of 39 lecture hours.

Classical Studies 3905G (001) - Special Topics in Classical Studies: The Crisis of the Roman Republic
As Rome came into conflict with Carthage in the mid-third century BCE, foreign relations took on a new meaning: for the first time, the city on the Tiber played a part on the world stage. Some two hundred yearslater, the face of the Roman republic was about to change forever. In surveying the history of Rome from the third to first centuries BCE, we will examine the particular problems and developments in the Roman constitution and administrative system; the organization of the military; the question of Rome's "empire"; personal politics and the relationship between culture, history and the literature of the period. Sample topics for research and discussion include: was the ‘fall’ of the Republic inevitable? Can we determine when the Republic ended? How much do our own modern ideas about politics and empire affect our answers to these questions? 3 lecture hours, 0.5 course
Instructor: Nousek

Classical Studies 4585F (001) - Vindolanda Research Project
The course comprises the research component of the Vindolanda Field School. Students will write a research paper focused on some aspect of Roman history or archaeology. These papers should be related to or inspired by the student’s experiences at Vindolanda but need not be about the site itself. 1 tutorial hour, 0.5 course
Instructor: Greene

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Comparative Literature and Culture

Comparative Literature 2141A (001) - Food and Health in the Middle Ages (cross-listed with German 2270A and Italian 3380A)
Discover the fascinating world of medieval food culture and explore the role nutrition played in the theory of health and wellness. Study the presumed medicinal properties of the foodstuffs available in pre-Columbian Europe, their preparation and consumption, and try your hands on period recipes from the different regions. 0.5 course

Instructor: M. Adamson

Comparative Literature 2292G (001) - Special Topics in Comparative Literature and Culture: Life and Love in the Middle Ages (cross-listed with German 2261G)
Please consult Department for current offering. 0.5 course

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English Studies

English 2076G (001) - Medieval Heroes, Villains and Other Outsiders: King Arthur
This course will explore the role of medieval heroes and villains in European literature and culture. We will focus our attention on the stories surrounding King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table to examine the development of models of heroism and villainy. Using Arthur himself, but also Gawain, Lancelot, Yvain, Mordred, Morgana and a rogues gallery of giants, sorcerers and witches, we will trace the developments of stories that pit good versus evil and that problematize the relationship between the two. 0.5 course
Instructor: Moll

English 3300E (001) - History of English Language
A study of the historical development of English phonology, morphology, orthography and syntax from Old English to the modern period. At the same time, we examine the changing roles of English (commercial, literary, and administrative) and the different varieties of the language available to its many speakers. 1.0 course
Instructor: Toswell

English 3316E (001) - Love in the Middle Ages
This course explores representations of love and desire in the culture of Europe from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries. While introducing the Middle English language, we will read romances, dream visions, mystical visions, love letters, and plays in their scientific, historical, and religious contexts. 1.0 course
Instructor: Schuurman

English 3321F (001) - Paradise Lost
This half-course will examine such topics as Milton’s grand style, Satan, epic heroism (is Paradise Lost an epic or anti-epic?), the nature of innocence, what it means to “fall,” and whether there can be a “fortunate fall.” Attention will also be paid to seventeenth-century politics, science and astronomy. 0.5 course
Instructor: Leonard

English 3327B (001) - Remediated Shakespeare
This half-course will explore four major plays through a range of media including early and later print, staged performance, film, and live stream. Study of Shakespeare as text and performance will include students annotating, editing and staging scenes, and creating websites and/or blogs to reflect on their acts of making. 0.5 course

English 3330E (001) - Shakespeare
Shakespeare has inspired poems, novels, films, and new drama, and his plays remain a touchstone of artistic achievement, both on the stage and the page. There is also much to interrogate about Shakespeare’s place in the canon of literature in English. This course, taught by one of the department’s awarding-winning professors, will introduce you to twelve of Shakespeare’s plays. We will study comedies, histories, and tragedies, beginning with Richard II, which we will see at the brilliant new Patterson Theatre at the Stratford Festival. There will be emphasis on the plays in production and students will be given the interpretive tools and confidence to make Shakespeare their own. 1.0 course
Instructor: Kidnie
DRAFT Syllabus 

English 4311E (001) – Seminar in Medieval Language and Literature: Tolkien and Old English (cross-listed with English 9171)
When he was sixteen, Ronald Tolkien acquired an Anglo-Saxon primer from a master at King Edward’s School in Birmingham, which he devoured with enthusiasm before turning to the reading of Beowulf, then Middle English, then Old Norse, and then Germanic philology in general. After that, he turned to inventing languages. In this course, we will study Old English as Tolkien did, beginning with introductory short prose texts, then some of the shorter poems, and then Beowulf, making links with Tolkien’s life and work along the way. When we get to Beowulf, we will read his landmark Gollancz Lecture from 1936, which arguably turned the study of the poem away from the quarrying philologists and archaeologists and towards scholars of literature and culture. We will also consider the other poems which Tolkien addressed in his scholarly role as Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Oxford, and the changes he brought to the curriculum of the Faculty of English Language and Literature along with his friend C.S. Lewis. We will also engage with the works that Tolkien wrote himself, inspired by the medieval texts he studied professionally, reading The Lord of the Rings, and some of his other works. If time and energy permit, we will also delve into Tolkien’s own compositions in Old English, and his other engagements with issues of early medieval English culture. The course is set up so that individual students can learn Old English in detail, or can choose to focus more on Tolkien and his engagement with the medieval as a principal feature of the interdisciplinary subject of medievalism. 1.0 course

Instructor: Toswell

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French Studies


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History 2401E (001) - Medieval Europe
This course examines the transformation of European economies, political structures, religious and social institutions, and cultures in the thousand years between the fall of Rome and the European voyages of discovery, and the degree to which ordinary people shaped their societies and affected the course of historical change. 2 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 1.0 course

History 2450F (001) - Renaissance & Religious Reform in Europe, 1450-1600
In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Europeans wrestled with the legacy of antiquity, and religious dissent within Catholicism triggered violent upheaval. This course explores the culture of the Renaissance, European efforts to reconcile ancient learning with awareness of a “new” American continent, and the breakdown of Christian religious unity. 2 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 0.5 course

History 2818F (001) - Plague and Death from Antiquity to the 18th Century
From ancient 'plague' pestilences to the Black Death to outbreaks in London and Marseille, this course examines the disruption and uncertainty that characterized these disease episodes. How society and medicine understood disease causation, treatment options, and regulation will be examined through the lens of power, class, race, and gender. 2 hours per week; lecture; no tutorials, 0.5 course

History 3430G (001) - Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1700
Early modern Europe was defined by religious conflict: warfare between Christians and Muslims, the breakdown of Christian unity, and persecution of smaller Jewish minorities. But warfare was not the entire story. This course explores ideologies, conflicts, and reciprocal cultural influences among societies that viewed religion as a pillar of identity. 3 hours, 0.5 course

History 3602F Crusaders and Muslims in the Holy Land
This course examines the social and economic factors behind the Crusades, both in medieval Europe and in the Middle East. It explores the Crusaders kingdom in the context of medieval Islam and Christianity, as a neighbor of the Islamic states, and as a link to Mediterranean Europe. 2 hour seminar, 0.5 course

History 4416F (001) - Witchcraft in the Early Modern World
During the early modern period, tens of thousands of people, mostly women, were executed as suspected witches in Europe and its colonies. Witchcraft trials are remarkable windows into everyday life. This course explores the social conditions that enabled witchcraft accusations and considers their impact between ca. 1450 and 1700. 2 hours, 0.5 course

History 4603G (001) - Silk Roads and Spice Routes: Ancient and Medieval Asia and World Contacts
This course will investigate the economic, political, religious, cultural, and technological impact of long distance land and sea trade between Asia and other world religions in ancient and medieval times up to around 1500. 1 lecture hour, 2 seminar hours, 0.5 course

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Latin 2000 - Advanced Latin
In the first half of this course we’ll complete our study of Latin grammar and vocabulary that began in LA1000. In the second half of the course we’ll read extended passages of unadapted Latin prose and poetry. By the end of the course, students will have all the skills necessary to begin reading some of the greatest works of Western literature in the original Latin. 3 lecture hours; 1.0 course
Instructor: Gervais

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Philosophy 2202G (001) - Early Modern Philosophy
A critical examination of key works of selected figures of the 17th and 18th centuries. 0.5 course
Instructor: Hill

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Religious Studies


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Theological Studies

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Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies 1022-001 Introduction to Medieval Studies
Whether studying monks and nuns in their cloisters, Vikings at sea, knights wooing ladies, or the citizens of the besieged Constantinople as the last remnants of the Roman empire fell, the modern student will find that the Middle Ages look and sound foreign. The medieval aesthetic, political and moral outlook, sense of the divine and (most obviously) languages all frustrate modern expectations. To study the Middle Ages, therefore, the modern student must engage with the academic disciplines (art history, philosophy, theology, comparative literature, etc.) which seek to illuminate these points of contrast.

This course will not attempt to survey the entire 1000 years of European history, literature, and culture. Instead, we will focus on four topics: early monks and nuns (400-700), the age of Vikings (800-1100), English courtly society (1300s) and the fall of Constantinople (1453). We will approach each topic from a variety of points of view, using a variety of academic disciplines. The course will introduce you to some of the topics which define the Middle Ages and it will provide training in some of the many disciplines necessary to understand the medieval world.
Instructor: R. Moll

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Art History


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Classical Studies

Classical Studies 2200-001 - Classical Mythology
A study of Greek and Roman mythology, with some reference to its influence in modern European literature. 1.0 course

Classical Studies 2480A/B-001 - Roman Emperors: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
This course examines the characters, policies, and actions of famous and infamous Roman emperors. It examines the virtues of the best emperors, the depravities of the worst emperors, and how these men are judged, using literary, documentary and archaeological evidence to see how their reputations have evolved over time. 0.5 course

Classical Studies 4580F-001 - Vindolanda Field School
This course is a 6-week study abroad experience in northern England. Students participate five days per week on the archaeological excavation at the Roman fort at Vindolanda, learning practical techniques of field archaeology. Weekends are spent taking field trips to the historical sites of Northern England and Scotland. 0.5 course

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Comparative Literature and Culture


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English Studies

English 3300-001 - History of English Language
A study of the historical development of English phonology, morphology, orthography and syntax from Old English to the modern period. At the same time, we examine the changing roles of English (commercial, literary, and administrative) and the different varieties of the language available to its many speakers. 1.0 course

English 3315E-001 - Disenchanted Chaucer: Authority And Literature In Medieval England
The authority of crown, family, and church, and even the texts that supported those institutions, was questioned in the late medieval period. While introducing the Middle English language, this course will explore how Geoffrey Chaucer and his contemporaries used literature to critique social and political institutions. 1.0 course

English 3320F-001 - Desire in the Renaissance
Love and desire are complicated emotions, both today and in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. We will examine the profuse complexity of Renaissance love poetry, by men and women, queer and straight, including writers such as Shakespeare, Wroth, Donne, Barnfield, Spenser, Wyatt, Sidney, Marlowe, Herrick, Carew, Suckling, Marvell, and Philips. 0.5 course

English 3323F-001 - Drama after Shakespeare
The decades following Shakespeare’s retirement witnessed the production of some extraordinary drama. This half-course will range from dark tragedies, by authors such as Middleton and Ford, to improbable romances by the likes of Heywood and Fletcher. Island princesses, miraculous reunions, lycanthropy, bloody murders, sexual obsession, and redemption lie in wait. 0.5 course

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French Studies

French 3541F-001 - Culture and Literature in Society: The Middle Ages in France
Through the study of the cultural productions from the Middle Ages in France, students will deepen their knowledge of specific productions as well as of critical approaches to them in order to be able to formulate their own critical perspectives and to communicate them effectively and accurately orally and in writing. 0.5 course

French 3560F-001 - Culture and Literature in Society: The French Renaissance
Through the study of the cultural productions from the Renaissance in France, students will deepen their knowledge of specific productions as well as of critical approaches to them in order to be able to formulate their own critical perspectives and to communicate them effectively and accurately orally and in writing. 0.5 course

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History 2401E-001 - Medieval Europe
This course examines the transformation of European economies, political structures, religious and social institutions, and cultures in the thousand years between the fall of Rome and the European voyages of discovery, and the degree to which ordinary people shaped their societies and affected the course of historical change. 1.0 course

History 2607F-001 - History & Civilization of Medieval Islam
The course introduces the main events and themes of Islamic history and civilization and their place in world history. Topics include: Muhammad and the Qur'an, the Islamic legal system, social structure and political institutions, literature, philosophy, theology, art and architecture, medicine and science, interaction with Europe, the Crusades, and trade. 0.5 course

History 3605E-001 - Crusaders and Moslems in the Twelfth Century
Aspects of Frankish and Moslem Societies and Cultures in the Middle East. 1.0 course

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Latin 2000-001 - Advanced Latin
A continuation of Latin grammar and an introduction to the works of Latin authors. 1.0 course

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Music 3700B-001 - Topics in Medieval Music
Selected topics in the historical, cultural, and analytical study of medieval music (c. 900 - 1400). 0.5 course

Music 4791A-001 - The Notations of Early Music
The notation and editing of European music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance; principles and practical exercises. 0.5 course

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Philosophy 2202G-001 - Early Modern Philosophy
A critical examination of key works of selected figures of the 17th and 18th centuries. 0.5 course

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Religious Studies

Religious Studies 2204F/G-570 - World Religions: Judaism and Islam
A study of the history, faith and practices of Judaism and Islam. 0.5 course

Religious Studies 2285F/G-570 - Introduction to Islam
A study of Islam, its origin, main beliefs and practices; Islamic law, theology and mystical traditions; the diversity of modern Islam and its responses to the modern world. 0.5 course

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Theological Studies

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Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies 1022-001 Introduction to Medieval Studies
Whether studying monks and nuns in their cloisters, Vikings at sea, knights wooing ladies, or the citizens of the besieged Constantinople as the last remnants of the Roman empire fell, the modern student will find that the Middle Ages look and sound foreign. The medieval aesthetic, political and moral outlook, sense of the divine and (most obviously) languages all frustrate modern expectations. To study the Middle Ages, therefore, the modern student must engage with the academic disciplines (art history, philosophy, theology, comparative literature, etc.) which seek to illuminate these points of contrast.

This course will not attempt to survey the entire 1000 years of European history, literature, and culture. Instead, we will focus on four topics: early monks and nuns (400-700), the age of Vikings (800-1100), English courtly society (1300s) and the fall of Constantinople (1453). We will approach each topic from a variety of points of view, using a variety of academic disciplines. The course will introduce you to some of the topics which define the Middle Ages and it will provide training in some of the many disciplines necessary to understand the medieval world.
Instructor: R. Moll

Medieval Studies 3022F-001 Introduction to Medieval Manuscripts
Using materials available in the Rare Books Room and from private collections, this course will familiarize students with the investigation of medieval manuscripts. It will introduce medieval scripts, the description of a medieval manuscript, issues of provenance and date, and the decoration used. Students will consider the preparation of ink and pigments, and the kinds of illumination and decoration available through the medieval periodSyllabus 
Instructor: J. Grier

Note that this course is not offered every year. If you plan to take a program in Medieval Studies, please consider taking this course whenever the opportunity arises.

Art History

Art History 2620F-200 Northern Renaissance Art
Architecture, painting, sculpture, and graphic arts outside Italy with emphasis on the arts of the Netherlands and Germany of the 15th and 16th centuries.

Classical Studies

Classical Studies 2200-650 Classical Mythology (Asynchronous Online)
A study of Greek and Roman mythology, with some reference to its influence in modern European literature.

Classical Studies 2480A-650 Roman Emperors: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (Asynchronous Online)
This course examines the characters, policies, and actions of famous and infamous Roman emperors. It examines the virtues of the best emperors, the depravities of the worst emperors, and how these men are judged, using literary, documentary and archaeological evidence to see how their reputations have evolved over time.

Classical Studies 3050G-001 Study Tour to Italy
This intensive 3-week long study tour to Italy offers students a unique international learning experience. Roman history, literature and culture will be discussed in direct relation to the physical remains in museums and archaeological sites, such as the Forum Romanum, the Colosseum, the Vatican Museum and Pompeii.

Classical Studies 3490F-001 Late Antiquity
This course explores the world of the late Roman Empire from the "crisis" of the third century AD onward, including figures such as Constantine the Great and Julian the Apostate. It examines the political, religious, intellectual and social history of the late Empire through literature, documentary texts, and material culture.

Comparative Literature and Culture

CLC 3340G-001 Medieval Literature and Culture
Study the renaissance of the 12th century which revitalized intellectual life in Europe, and the first great works of chivalry and romantic love in their cultural context. Gain knowledge of medieval castle architecture, fashion, food, travel, medicine, sexuality, courtly love, and the hunt in text and image.

English Studies

English 2076F-001 Medieval Heroes, Villains and Other Outsiders
Many medieval heroes and villains are alive today: Thor, Loki, Beowulf, Joan of Arc, Richard the Lionheart, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Robin Hood, Arthur, Mordred, Hildegard of Bingen, Sylvester II. This course will investigate these real-life and literary figures, considering their construction in medieval texts, and their reconstruction through the agesSyllabus 
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

English 3300-001 History of English Language
English has a long history which begins in the British Isles around the time of the fall of the Roman Empire and is still in progress across the world. It also has a long prehistory: its earliest reconstructable ancestor was spoken in the approximate area of what is now Ukraine about five thousand years ago. This course will tell the whole story of the language, paying particular attention to reading texts in different varieties of English from a wide chronological and geographical range. Its primary focus will be on the dynamic life of the English language: its instability and diversity; its relations with other languages; and its place in the social and cultural lives of its speakers. The course will begin by introducing students to the components of linguistic analysis; after working our way through a historical survey from Old to Modern English, we will conclude the course by exploring global forms of English and non-standard forms of English. Syllabus 
Instructor: A. Schuurman

English 3310-001 Old English Language and Literature
This course introduces the language and literature of England as they were approximately 1000 years ago. In the Fall Term the language will be taught step by step through a reading of some texts in prose and poetry, before beginning consideration of Beowulf. In the second term students will continue to concentrate on Beowulf. Our focus for the year will be the context and historiography of thinking about Old English, with some examples of modern scholarship and with some consideration of how our thinking about Old English and early medieval England has changed in the two hundred years since scholars began considering these materials. Syllabus 
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

English 3316E-001 Love in the Middle Ages
Love may seem like a universal emotion, but as Chaucer notes:

Ek for to wynnen love in sondry ages,
In sondry londes, sondry ben usages.

If people express their love differently in different ages and lands, does it follow that they also feel love differently? This course will explore the different expressions and experiences of love in the medieval period. We will focus on the literature of late-medieval England, but we will place the English within a broader European context. We will also look at a variety of manifestations of love: the familial, divine and platonic in addition to the more obvious romantic and erotic. While exploring this most fundamental of emotional states, we will learn to read and enjoy Middle English literature. We will begin with Chaucer’s short lyric poems which are relatively easy, and work our way to more challenging genres and dialects of the languageSyllabus 
Insructor: A. Schuurman

English 3321F-001 Paradise Lost
This half-course will examine such topics as Milton’s grand style, Satan, epic heroism (is Paradise Lost an epic or anti-epic?), the nature of innocence, what it means to “fall,” and whether there can be a “fortunate fall.” Attention will also be paid to seventeenth-century politics, science and astronomy.
Instructor: J. Leonard

English 3328E-530 Renaissance Literature (Brescia University College)
Poetry and prose from the renaissance/early modern period, covering a range of male and female authors, such as More, Sidney, Spenser, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Lanyer, Donne, Jonson, Wroth, Herbert, Herrick, Marvell, and Milton; examination of their individual achievements will be combined with studies of form and genre, and the surrounding historical context.
Instructor: J. Doelman

English 3330E-001 Shakespeare
This year-long course offers intensive study of one of the world’s greatest playwrights. It will range across twelve plays that illustrate the variety of writing Shakespeare produced for the stage. We will discuss how theatrical conventions and political pressures gave – and in different ways, continue to give – this drama meaning.
Instructor: J. Purkis

English 3330E-570 Shakespeare (King's University College)
Shakespeare remains one of the most influential of English writers. This course studies twelve plays across a range of genres. Instructors may integrate theatre-oriented exercises and/or other dramatic or non-dramatic material, depending on individual emphasis. When possible, the teaching program will include an autumn theatre trip.
Instructor: P. Werstine

French Studies

French 2605F-001 Reading Literature in French: Middle Ages to Romanticism
This course enables students to master literary reading, including the understanding of the major aspects of French and Francophone literatures and cultures, their particular histories as well as their relationship to the larger discipline of arts and humanities. The course provides tools for textual analysis, and improves written and oral communication in French.

French 3540F-570 The Middle Ages in France (King's University College)
Through the study of the cultural productions from the Middle Ages in France, students will deepen their knowledge of specific productions as well as of critical approaches to them in order to be able to formulate their own critical perspectives and to communicate them effectively and accurately orally and in writing.

French 3560F-530/570 The French Renaissance (Brescia University College & King's University College)
Through the study of the cultural productions from the Renaissance in France, students will deepen their knowledge of specific productions as well as of critical approaches to them in order to be able to formulate their own critical perspectives and to communicate them effectively and accurately orally and in writing.

French 3870A-001 History of the French Language
An overview of the internal and external evolution of French, from Latin to the present. Historical phonetics, morphology and syntax shed light on lexical developments as well as philological issues arising in French texts of different periods. Social and political factors influencing the status of French today are also considered.


History 2401E-001 Medieval Europe
This course examines the transformation of European economies, political structures, religious and social institutions, and cultures in the thousand years between the fall of Rome and the European voyages of discovery, and the degree to which ordinary people shaped their societies and affected the course of historical change.

History 2403E-530/570 Europe & England 16th-17th C (Brescia University College & King's University College)
Cultural, social, economic, and political themes including the Protestant and Catholic Reformations; the rise of absolutism; the commercial revolution; heresy, witchcraft, and scepticism; plague and health problems; the origins of modern science; demographic trends; the Puritans; baroque art and music; Cromwell, Gustavus Adolphus, and the creation of the modern army.

History 2607G-001 History & Civilization of Medieval Islam
The course introduces the main events and themes of Islamic history and civilization and their place in world history. Topics include: Muhammad and the Qur'an, the Islamic legal system, social structure and political institutions, literature, philosophy, theology, art and architecture, medicine and science, interaction with Europe, the Crusades, and trade.

History 3605E-001 Crusaders & Moslems in the Twelfth Century
Aspects of Frankish and Moslem Societies and Cultures in the Middle East.

History 3621F-570 Late Medieval Korea (King's University College)
This course explores the history of Korea from the tenth to sixteenth centuries, during a period of transformative change in northeast Asia.

History 4603F-001 Silk Roads and Spice Routes: Ancient and Medieval Asia and World Contacts
This course will investigate the economic, political, religious, cultural, and technological impact of long distance land and sea trade between Asia and other world religions in ancient and medieval times up to around 1500.


Latin 1000-001 Introductory Latin
An introduction course in Latin covering major points of grammar and syntax.

Latin 2000-001 Advanced Latin
A continuation of Latin grammar and an introduction to the works of Latin authors.


Philosophy 2202F-530/550 Early Modern Philosophy (Brescia University College & Huron University College)
A critical examination of key works of selected figures of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Philosophy 2202G-001 Early Modern Philosophy
A critical examination of key works of selected figures of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Philosophy 2205W-570 Ancient & Medieval Philosophy (King's University College)
A survey of the great philosophers from the pre-Socratics to Aquinas; focusing on the systematic unity of their thought, the influence of their ideas and their importance for us today. Themes include: the nature of reality, human existence, truth, God, political agency, and ethics.

Philosophy 2214-570 Thomistic Philosophy I (King's University College)
An introduction to the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas through textual analysis and discussion of a selection of his philosophical writings. The course will concern principally his philosophy of nature, philosophical psychology, moral philosophy, metaphysics and philosophical theology.

Philosophy 3013E-570 Thomistic Philosophy II (King's University College)
An advanced course in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas for those already familiar with his thought. Some later forms of Thomism will also be considered.

Religious Studies

Religious Studies 2126F-550 The Early Church (Huron University College)
The history of the Christian Church from its origin to the late Middle Ages.

Religious Studies 2204F-570 World Religions: Judaism & Islam (King's University College)
A study of the history, faith and practices of Judaism and Islam.

Religious Studies 2205F-570 Emergence of Christian Tradition (King's University College)
An exploration of how Christian identity, belief and practice took shape from the beginnings of Christianity to the late Middle Ages. Topics include struggles over Christian doctrine; worship; monasticism; attitudes to the body, sexuality and gender; Christian expression in art and architecture.

Religious Studies 2285G-570 Introduction to Islam (King's University College)
A study of Islam, its origin, main beliefs and practices; Islamic law, theology and mystical traditions; the diversity of modern Islam and its responses to the modern world.

Religious Studies 2297B-550 Faith in Sound, Stone & Paint (Huron University College)
An exploration of how music, architecture, and the visual arts can both reflect and help shape faith. Representative works from a wide variety of historical periods will be studied in their theological and cultural contexts.


Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies 1022-200 Introduction to Medieval Studies (Blended)
This course will introduce civilization and thought in Europe and the Mediterranean between 400 and 1500, with emphasis on the medieval roots of many modern institutions and attitudes, including philosophy, technology, law, governance, courtly love and attitudes to women, warfare, art and archaeology, Christianity and Islam, literature, music and coinage. Syllabus 
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

Classical Studies

Classical Studies 3303G-001 Travel and Geography in the Ancient World
This course examines material and theoretical aspects of travel and geography in the ancient world in order to understand how the ancient Greeks and Romans perceived their world and moved around in it. It uses artifacts from illuminated maps to shipwrecks, and primary sources including travel narratives and descriptive geographies.
Instructor: A. Meyer

Classical Studies 4580G-001 Vindolanda Field School
This course is a 6-week study abroad experience in northern England. Students participate five days per week on the archaeological excavation at the Roman fort at Vindolanda, learning practical techniques of field archaeology. Weekends are spent taking field trips to the historical sites of Northern England and Scotland.
Instructor: E. Greene

English Studies

English 3316E-001 Love in the Middle Ages
Love may seem like a universal emotion, but as Chaucer notes:

Ek for to wynnen love in sondry ages,
In sondry londes, sondry ben usages.

If people express their love differently in different ages and lands, does it follow that they also feel love differently? This course will explore the different expressions and experiences of love in the medieval period. We will focus on the literature of late-medieval England, but we will place the English within a broader European context. We will also look at a variety of manifestations of love: the familial, divine and platonic in addition to the more obvious romantic and erotic. While exploring this most fundamental of emotional states, we will learn to read and enjoy Middle English literature. We will begin with Chaucer’s short lyric poems which are relatively easy, and work our way to more challenging genres and dialects of the language.
Instructor: A. Schuurman

English 4311E-001 Tolkien and Old English
At the age of sixteen, a master at King Edward’s School in Birmingham lent Ronald Tolkien an Anglo-Saxon primer, which he devoured with enthusiasm before turning to the reading of Beowulf, then Middle English, then Old Norse, and then Germanic philology as a subject of some fascination. And then he turned to inventing languages. In this course, we will study Old English as Tolkien did, beginning with introductory short prose texts, then some of the shorter poems, and then Beowulf, always comparing our approach to Tolkien’s, and the primer and reader that he used with our own introductory texts. When we get to Beowulf, we will read his landmark Gollancz Lecture from 1936, which arguably turned the study of the poem from the quarrying philologists and archaeologists, and towards scholars of literature and culture. We will also consider the other poems which Tolkien addressed in his scholarly role as Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Oxford. Alongside, we will engage with the works that Tolkien wrote himself, inspired by the medieval texts he studied professionally. We will read The Lord of the Rings, and some of his other works, and consider their reception during and after Tolkien’s life, and will delve somewhat into Tolkien’s own compositions in Old English, and his other engagements with Anglo-Saxon matters. Syllabus 
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

French Studies

French 3540G-001 The Middle Ages in France
Through the study of the cultural productions from the Middle Ages in France, students will deepen their knowledge of specific productions as well as of critical approaches to them in order to be able to formulate their own critical perspectives and to communicate them effectively and accurately orally and in writing.
Instructor: M. Longtin

French 3450F/G-570 The Middle Ages in France (King's University College)
Through the study of the cultural productions from the Middle Ages in France, students will deepen their knowledge of specific productions as well as of critical approaches to them in order to be able to formulate their own critical perspectives and to communicate them effectively and accurately orally and in writing.
Instructor: S. Small

French 3561F-001 The French Renaissance
Through the study of the cultural productions from the Renaissance in France, students will deepen their knowledge of specific productions as well as of critical approaches to them in order to be able to formulate their own critical perspectives and to communicate them effectively and accurately orally and in writing.
Instructor: J. Nassichuk

French 4040B-001 Old French Language
The introduction to Old French has a double objective: it permits the direct study of the earliest examples of French literature and at the same time provides a diachronic overview of the morphological, phonetic and syntactic evolution of the French language.
Instructor: J. Nassichuk


History 2401E-001 Medieval Europe
This course examines the transformation of European economies, political structures, religious and social institutions, and cultures in the thousand years between the fall of Rome and the European voyages of discovery, and the degree to which ordinary people shaped their societies and affected the course of historical change.
Instructor: M. McGlynn

History 3605E-001 Crusaders and Moslems in the Twelfth Century
Aspects of Frankish and Moslem Societies and Cultures in the Middle East.
Instructor: M. Shatzmiller

History 2607F-001 History and Civilization of Medieval Islam
The course introduces the main events and themes of Islamic history and civilization and their place in world history. Topics include: Muhammad and the Qur'an, the Islamic legal system, social structure and political institutions, literature, philosophy, theology, art and architecture, medicine and science, interaction with Europe, the Crusades, and trade.
Instructor: M. Shatzmiller

Languages and Cultures

CLC/Italian/German/Spanish 4500G-001 Senior Research Project: Food in the Middle Ages
In this capstone course, students develop their own research project with a specific historical or geographical perspective centred on a designated general theme. Students work in conjunction with peers and professors and choose their own medium of presentation ranging from the traditional to the experimental.
Instructor: M. Adamson

Religious Studies

Religious Studies 2126F/G-550 The Early Church to the Late Middle Ages (Huron University College)
The history of the Christian Church from its origin to the late Middle Ages.
Instructor: S. McClatchie


Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies 1022-001 Introduction to Medieval Studies
This course will introduce civilization and thought in Europe and the Mediterranean between 400 and 1500, with emphasis on the medieval roots of many modern institutions and attitudes, including philosophy, technology, law, governance, courtly love and attitudes to women, warfare, art and archaeology, Christianity and Islam, literature, music and coinage. Syllabus 
Instructor: M.J. Toswell


Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies 1022-001 Introduction to Medieval Studies
This course will introduce civilization and thought in Europe and the Mediterranean between 400 and 1500, with emphasis on the medieval roots of many modern institutions and attitudes, including philosophy, technology, law, governance, courtly love and attitudes to women, warfare, art and archaeology, Christianity and Islam, literature, music and coinage. Syllabus 
Instructor: K. Helsen

Medieval Studies 3022F-001 Introduction to Medieval Manuscripts
Using materials available in the Rare Books Room and from private collections, this course will familiarize students with the investigation of medieval manuscripts. It will introduce medieval scripts, the description of a medieval manuscript, issues of provenance and date, and the decoration used. Students will consider the preparation of ink and pigments, and the kinds of illumination and decoration available through the medieval period.
Instructor: J. Grier

Art History

Visual Arts History 2259G-001 Italian Renaissance Art
Architecture, painting, and sculpture in Italy from 14th-century Tuscany to late 16th-century Venice. Note: This is a blended course with an online component.
Instructor: C. Barteet

Classical Studies

Classical Studies 3490G-001 Late Antiquity
This course explores the world of the late Roman Empire from the "crisis" of the third century AD onward, including figures such as Constantine the Great and Julian the Apostate. It examines the political, religious, intellectual and social history of the late Empire through literature, documentary texts, and material culture.
Instructor: A. Meyer

Classical Studies 4580F-001 Vindolanda Field School
This course is a 6-week study abroad experience in northern England. Students participate five days per week on the archaeological excavation at the Roman fort at Vindolanda, learning practical techniques of field archaeology. Weekends are spent taking field trips to the historical sites of Northern England and Scotland. Note: For students who succeed in obtaining a place on the field school roster for summer 2019.
Coordinator: A. Meyer

English Studies

English 2076G-001 Medieval Heroes, Villains and other Outsiders
Many medieval heroes and villains are alive today: Thor, Loki, Beowulf, Joan of Arc, Richard the Lionheart, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Robin Hood, Arthur, Mordred, Hildegard of Bingen, Sylvester II. This course will investigate these real-life and literary figures, considering their construction in medieval texts, and their reconstruction through the ages.
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

English 3316E-001 Love in the Middle Ages
The authority of crown, family, and church, and even the texts that supported those institutions, was questioned in the late medieval period. While introducing the Middle English language, this course will explore how Geoffrey Chaucer and his contemporaries used literature to critique social and political institutions.
Instructor: R. Moll

English 3318E-530 Middle English Literature (Brescia University College)
This course is an introduction to some of the major texts and themes of Middle English literature, with an emphasis on Chaucer and his contemporaries. Examples of medieval drama, romances, texts from the Arthurian tradition, and medieval autobiography and letter-writing may also be included.
Instructor: D. Grace

English 3579G-001 Canadian Medievalism
Medievalism, the reception of the Middle Ages, is a relatively new field of scholarly endeavour, and even newer is analysis of medievalism as it functions in the literature of a particular nation. Australia is far in the lead, with several monographs and many articles specifying the particularly antipodean approach to the Middle Ages, and especially nowadays addressing how Peter Jackson makes the hobbit into a species indigenous to New Zealand. The study of Canadian medievalisms is a new one, but well worth our attention. One of the two inventors of Superman, a thoroughly medieval and chivalric hero, was Canadian. Several modern ventures in the field of real "reel" medievalism are Canadian: the joint Canadian­Icelandic production Beowulf and Grendel and more recently the Irish-Canadian television series The Vikings. There is also the strain of the academically trained individual engaging in a highly sophisticated way with the Middle Ages, notably the poets Earle Birney and Jeramy Dodds, the Icelandic immigrant literature of Western Canada (especially Manitoba), and the noted twentieth-century thinker, Robertson Davies. The course, then, will introduce the field of medievalism in general before looking at the roots of Canadian medievalism (in British and American nineteenth-centurymedievalisms by writers such as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Walt Whitman, Alfred Lord Tennyson, and T.S. Eliot). We will look at some other manifestations of Canadian medievalism: institutions, architecture, restaurants, stained glass, videogames, the role of the forest, and much more. We will then turn to the medievalist fantasy (which in Canada sometimes intersects with indigenous legend and myth), including works by such writers as Jack Whyte, Guy Gavriel Kay, Sean Stewart, and Charles de Lint. Finally, we will consider whether Canada's major contribution to modern medievalism lies in a recreation of the real Middle Ages or in a fantastic hybrid construction of the medieval with the modern. Note: Available by special permission depending on student's major project.
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

English 4311E-001 Seminar in Medieval Language and Literature: Tolkien and Anglo-Saxon (cross-listed with English 9171)
At the age of sixteen, a master at King Edward's School in Birmingham lent Ronald Tolkien an Anglo-Saxon primer, which he devoured with enthusiasm before turning to the reading of Beowulf, then Middle English, then Old Norse, and then Germanic philology as a subject of some fascination.  And then he turned to inventing languages.  In this course, we will study Old English as Tolkien did, beginning with introductory short prose texts, then some of the shorter poems, and then Beowulf, always comparing our approach to Tolkien's, and the primer and reader that he used with our own introductory texts.  When we get to Beowulf, we will read his landmark Gollancz Lecture from 1936, which arguably turned the study of the poem from the quarrying philologists and archaeologists, and towards scholars of literature and culture.  We will briefly consider the other poems which Tolkien addressed in his scholarly role as Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Oxford, before turning to the works that Tolkien wrote himself, inspired by the medieval texts he studied professionally.  We will read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and consider their reception during and after Tolkien's life, and will delve somewhat into Tolkien's own compositions in Old English, and his other engagements with Anglo-Saxon matters. Note: This is a fourth-year seminar in English.
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

English 4312G-001 Seminar in Medieval Language and Literature: Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde
This course is an in-depth study of Geoffrey Chaucer's masterpiece. Troilus and Criseyde was composed in the 1380s and tells the love story of Troilus, son of Priam and prince of Troy, and Criseyde, daughter of Calchas the traitor, as it unfolds during the siege of Troy. Widely considered to be the pinnacle of medieval romance, Troilus and Criseyde was also profoundly influential on English writers after Chaucer, including Shakespeare. Our study of the poem will entail some exploration of Chaucer's sources, such as Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy, Boccaccio's Il Filostrato, and Benoît de Saint-Maure's Roman de Troie, as well as selected readings in the poem's rich afterlife, with such texts as Henryson's Testament of Cresseid and Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida. We will read Chaucer's Middle English but all Latin, Italian, and French texts will be read in modern English translations. Our reading will be supported and informed by lectures and seminar discussions on such topics as Middle English poetics and the romance genre; philosophical ideas about time, free will, and necessity; key concepts and practices of textual transmission, translation, and adaptation; and late medieval politics of sex and gender. 
Instructor: A. Schuurman

French Studies

French 4040B-001 Old French Language
The introduction to Old French has a double objective: it permits the direct study of the earliest examples of French literature and at the same time provides a diachronic overview of the morphological, phonetic and syntactic evolution of the French language. Note: Prerequisites needed in French courses including at the 3000-level, as this course is taught in French.
Instructor: J. Nassichuk


History 2607F-001 History & Civilization of Medieval Islam
The course introduces the main events and themes of Islamic history and civilization and their place in world history. Topics include: Muhammad and the Qur'an, the Islamic legal system, social structure and political institutions, literature, philosophy, theology, art and architecture, medicine and science, interaction with Europe, the Crusades, and trade.
Instructor: M. Shatzmiller

History 3605E-001 Crusaders and Moslems in the Twelfth Century
Aspects of Frankish and Moslem Societies and Cultures in the Middle East.
Instructor: M. Shatzmiller

History 4603F-001 Silk Roads and Spice Routes: Ancient and Medieval Asia and World Contacts
This course will investigate the economic, political, religious, cultural, and technological impact of long distance land and sea trade between Asia and other world religions in ancient and medieval times up to around 1500.
Instructor: C. Young


Philosophy 2205W-570 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (King's University College)
This is a full-year introductory course taught in one term. A survey of the great philosophers from the pre-Socratics to Aquinas; focusing on the systematic unity of their thought, the influence of their ideas and their importance for us today. Themes include: the nature of reality, human existence, truth, God, political agency, and ethics.
Instructors: G. Mouroutsu (philosophy of antiquity) & G. Hegedus (philosophy of medieval period)

Religious Studies

Religious Studies 2126F-550 The Early Church to the Late Middle Ages (Huron University College)
The history of the Christian Church from its origin to the late Middle Ages.
Instructor: S. McClatchie

Religious Studies 2204F-570 World Religions: Judaism and Islam (King's University College)
A study of the history, faith and practices of Judaism and Islam.
Instructor: G. Hegedus

Religious Studies 2285G-570 Introduction to Islam (King's University College)
A study of Islam, its origin, main beliefs and practices; Islamic law, theology and mystical traditions; the diversity of modern Islam and its responses to the modern world.
Instructor: G. Hegedus

Religious Studies 2297F-550 Faith in Sound, Stone, and Paint (Huron University College)
An exploration of how music, architecture, and the visual arts can both reflect and help shape faith. Representative works from a wide variety of historical periods will be studied in their theological and cultural contexts.
Instructor: S. McClatchie

Theological Studies

Theological Studies 3331G-550 Liturgical Music (Huron University College)
Instructor: S. McClatchie


Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies 1022-001 Introduction to Medieval Studies
This foundation course will introduce civilization and thought in Europe and the Mediterranean between 400 and 1500, with emphasis on the medieval roots of many modern institutions and attitudes, including philosophy, technology, law, governance, courtly love and attitudes to women, warfare, art and archaeology, Christianity and Islam, literature, music and coinage.
Instructor: K. Helsen

Comparative Literature and Culture

German 3305-001 Advanced German
Take your German to the next level while exploring topics such as travel, politics, history, film, music, fine art, literature, technology and the environment. Learn to speak and write more fluently, express yourself more idiomatically, and master the more challenging points of German grammar.
Instructor: Lausch

English Studies

English 3300-001 (formerly 3001) History of the English Language
A study of the historical development of English phonology, morphology, orthography and syntax from Old English to the modern period. At the same time, we examine the changing roles of English (commercial, literary, and administrative) and the different varieties of the language available to its many speakers.
Instructor: M. Fox

English 3315E-001 Disenchanted Chaucer: Authority and Literature in Medieval England
The authority of crown, family, and church, and even the texts that supported those institutions, was questioned in the late medieval period. While introducing the Middle English language, this course will explore how Geoffrey Chaucer and his contemporaries used literature to critique social and political institutions.
Instructor: R. Moll

French Studies

French 3542F-001 Culture and Literature in Society: The Middle Ages in France (cross-listed with French 4102F)
Through the study of the cultural productions from the Middle Ages in France, students will deepen their knowledge of specific productions as well as of critical approaches to them in order to be able to formulate their own critical perspectives and to communicate them effectively and accurately orally and in writing.
Instructor: J. Nassichuk

French 3870B-001 History of the French Language
An overview of the internal and external evolution of French, from Latin to the present. Historical phonetics, morphology and syntax shed light on lexical developments as well as philological issues arising in French texts of different periods. Social and political factors influencing the status of French today are also considered.
Instructor: J. Nassichuk

French 4040A-001 Old French Language
The introduction to Old French has a double objective: it permits the direct study of the earliest examples of French literature and at the same time provides a diachronic overview of the morphological, phonetic and syntactic evolution of the French language.
Instructor: Leclerc


History 2405E-001 Thrones Games: The English Monarchy from the Anglo-Saxons to the Death of Richard III
The course begins with the Anglo-Saxon heptarchy (seven kingdoms) and ends in 1485. We shall study such themes as the means used to attain and keep power, the nature of rebellions and the relationship between rulers and ruled. Students will undertake document work and a Computer Module assist analysis.
Instructor: Murison

History 2606E-001 The Making of the Modern Middle East
This course moves from the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire through the formation of independent Turkey and the Arab and Jewish states to a consideration of social, economic and political developments such as the development of secular nationalism, socialism, pan-Islamism, and the challenges facing the modern Middle East. Instructor: M. Shatzmiller

History 3497F-550 Criminals, Crime Scenes and Punishment in Medieval Britain (Huron University College)
When someone commits a crime nowadays, witnesses and/or victims notify the police. But what would people do if no police force existed, as was the case in medieval Britain? How would criminals be apprehended and brought to justice? Not for the faint-hearted, this course will explore how both men and women experienced and dealt with crime in medieval Britain through a variety of (sometimes grisly) topics, including feud, imprisonment, murder, outlawry, rape, robbery, and execution.
Instructor: Duggan

History 4603F-001 Silk Roads and Spice Routes: Ancient and Medieval Asia and World Contacts
This course will investigate the economic, political, religious, cultural, and technological impact of long distance land and sea trade between Asia and other world regions in ancient and medieval times up to around 1500.
Instructor: Young


Latin 2000-001 Advanced Latin
This course completes the study of forms and grammatical material not covered in the beginners’ course and introduces students to the works of Latin authors.
Instructor: Gervais


Philosophy 2205W/X-570 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (King's University College)
A survey of the great philosophers from the pre-Socratics to Aquinas; focusing on the systematic unity of their thought, the influence of their ideas and their importance for us today. Themes include: the nature of reality, human existence, truth, God, political agency, and ethics.
Instructors: G. Mouroutsu (philosophy of antiquity) & G. Hegedus (philosophy of medieval period)

Philosophy 3012F/G-001 Medieval Philosophy
A survey of core issues and figures in medieval philosophy.
Instructor: H. Lagerlund

Religious Studies

Religious Studies 2204F/G-570 World Religions: Judaism and Islam (King's University College)
A study of the history, faith and practices of Judaism and Islam.
Instructor: G. Hegedus


Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies 1022-001 Introduction to Medieval Studies
This foundation course will introduce civilization and thought in Europe and the Mediterranean between 400 and 1500, with emphasis on the medieval roots of many modern institutions and attitudes, including philosophy, technology, law, governance, courtly love and attitudes to women, warfare, art and archaeology, Christianity and Islam, literature, music and coinage. Syllabus .pdf
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

Medieval Studies 3022-001 Introduction to Medieval Manuscripts
Using materials available in the Rare Books Room and from private collections, this course will familiarize students with the investigation of medieval manuscripts. It will introduce medieval scripts, the description of a medieval manuscript, issues of provenance and date, and the decoration used. Students will consider the preparation of ink and pigments, and the kinds of illumination and decoration available through the medieval period.
Instructor: J. Grier

Comparative Literature and Culture

German 3341F-001 Medieval Literature and Culture (cross-listed with CLC 3340F)
If you have ever wondered how aristocrats, peasants, and the emerging urban middle class in medieval Europe built, dressed, ate, healed, travelled, worshipped, loved, hunted, waged war, and entertained guests, and the way their lifestyles are reflected in the heroic and courtly literature of the time, this course is for you.
Instructor: M. Adamson

German 4500G-001 Senior Research Project (cross-listed with Spanish/Italian/CLC 4500G)
Chicken soup for a cold or flu is not a recent concept but an age-old remedy. Centred on the theme “Food and Medicine in the Middle Ages” develop your own research project. Avenues to explore may range from medieval ideas about nutrition, sick-dishes, foodstuffs and drugs, to cooking and dining practices, regional preferences and intercultural influences. Choose the medium of presentation that best suits your topic.
Instructor: M. Adamson

English Studies

English 3300-001 (formerly 3001) History of English Language
A study of the historical development of English phonology, morphology, orthography and syntax from Old English to the modern period. At the same time, we examine the changing roles of English (commercial, literary, and administrative) and the different varieties of the language available to its many speakers.
Instructor: R. Moll

English 3310-001 (formerly 3012) Old English Language and Literature
Studying the language and literature of England a millennium ago, we will move from introducing the language to simple prose texts to the poetry of the Exeter and Vercelli Books, and for most of the second term to the study of Beowulf. Syllabus .pdf
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

English 3116-570 Middle English Literature (King's University College)
This course is an introduction to some of the major texts and themes of Middle English literature, with an emphasis on Chaucer and his contemporaries. Examples of medieval drama, romances, texts from the Arthurian tradition, and medieval autobiography and letter-writing may also be included.
Instructor: P. Werstine

English 4120F-001 City and Stage - Drama in Medieval England
This course will explore the fascinating world of medieval York and the York Corpus Christi Play, a drama cycle made up of forty-seven surviving individual plays depicting key scenes in Christian salvation history. Our in-depth study of the play and its social and material context will combine literary analysis with explorations in medieval history and religion. Syllabus .pdf
Instructor: A. Schuurman

French Studies

French 4040A-001 Old French Language
Le cours d’introduction à l’ancien français poursuit un double objectif : permettre aux étudiants de comprendre les plus anciens textes de la littérature française et les amener à expliquer et à analyser les phénomènes grammaticaux qui caractérisent cet état de langue. On accordera également une importance primordiale au passage du latin au français. La connaissance des mécanismes qui ont marqué l’évolution phonétique et la formation des paradigmes morphologiques de l’ancien et du moyen français permettent ultimement de mieux comprendre certaines des caractéristiques du français moderne. Les exercices de compréhension et de traduction seront accompagnés de l’étude de la syntaxe et du vocabulaire de l’ancienne langue, sans pour autant délaisser certains aspects de la littérature et de la civilisation médiévales, nécessaires à la compréhension des textes.
Instructor: J. Nassichuk


History 2149A-001 Medieval Lives
An introduction to medieval western Europe through an examination of the lives of some of its inhabitants, with a particular focus on their daily lives. The historical reality of such lives is juxtaposed against contemporary popular notions about the middle ages. What can these lives tell us about their society. Syllabus .pdf
Instructor: E. Karakacili

History 2401E-001 Medieval Europe
This course examines the transformation of European economies, political structures, religious and social institutions, and cultures in the thousand years between the fall of Rome and the European voyages of discovery, and the degree to which ordinary people shaped their societies and affected the course of historical change. Syllabus .pdf
Instructor: E. Karakacili

History 3426G-001 Making a Living in the Middle Ages: Farmers, Guild Artisans and Merchants
This course provides an overview of select critical debates about the medieval western European economy by examining the lives of its most important actors: farmers, guild artisans and merchants. Students will also learn how to analyse some of the historical documents employed by historians in these debates. Syllabus .pdf
Instructor: E. Karakacili


Philosophy 3012F-001 Medieval Philosophy
A survey of core issues and figures in medieval philosophy. Syllabus .pdf


Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies 1022-001 Introduction to Medieval Studies
This foundation course will introduce civilization and thought in Europe and the Mediterranean between 400 and 1500, with emphasis on the medieval roots of many modern institutions and attitudes, including philosophy, technology, law, governance, courtly love and attitudes to women, warfare, art and archaeology, Christianity and Islam, literature, music and coinage. Syllabus .pdf
Instructor: M.J. Toswell

Medieval Studies 1025A-001 Introduction to the Medieval World
This course will introduce civilization and thought in Europe and the Mediterranean between 400 and 1500, with emphasis on the history, technology, law, governance, theology and philosophy of the period. It will focus on a theme, concept or moment in history, such as witchcraft, the Apocalypse, or the Crusades. Syllabus .pdf
Instructor: H. Lagerlund

Medieval Studies 1026A-001 Introduction to Medieval Cultures and Literatures
This course will introduce civilization and thought in Europe and the Mediterranean between 400 and 1500, with emphasis on the cultures, art, music and literatures of the period. It will focus on a theme, concept or moment in history, such as courtly love and attitudes to women, warfare and weaponry, or the farce. Medieval Studies 3022F/G - Introduction to Medieval Manuscripts Using materials available in the Rare Books Room and from private collections, this course will familiarize students with the investigation of medieval manuscripts. It will introduce medieval scripts, the description of a medieval manuscript, issues of provenance and date, and the decoration used. Students will consider the preparation of ink and pigments, and the kinds of illumination and decoration available through the medieval period.

Medieval Studies 1026B-001 Introduction to the Medieval World - Art, Architecture, and Literature
This course will survey the art, architecture and literature of the Middle Ages in Western Europe (approximately 400 to 1500 CE). As we move through the medieval period, we will consider the interrelations between art and literature while keeping in mind concurrent historical developments. Syllabus .pdf
Instructor: L. de Looze

Medieval Studies 2022G-001 Methodologies of Medieval Studies
Instructor: M. Longtin

Medieval Studies 3320F/G-001 Directed Readings in Medieval Studies
Students pursue directed readings in a field of Medieval Studies selected in consultation with a faculty member.

Medieval Studies 4320F/G-001 Independent Study Seminar
Students develop and pursue an independent research project, reporting on its progress in the seminar, and submitting an interim report and a final written report and oral presentation.