Certification & Courses
Contact the CCAA
Phone: 519-661-1603
Toll-free: 1-888-625-0077
Email: ccaa@uwo.ca
1201 Western Road
Elborn College, Suite 1101
London, ON N6G 1H1
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Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines
An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep for Adults 65 Years or Older.
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Instructor Information Videos
Meeting | SFIC Mentor Meeting
Presenter: Steve Di Ciacca
During this meeting we shared useful information related to the evaluation rubric, using the RPE scale to measure intensity and we explored regressions and progressions. There were also opportunities for discussions on key topics relevant to seniors’ fitness instructor mentors.
Meeting | Renewal Information
Presenter: Dana Van Gorp
During this meeting we provided important information and guidance regarding the 2024 renewal process. SFIC renewal documentation was reviewed, including the Professional Development Credit Tracker, and the Seminar Summary Form. Using MyCCAA to upload and share renewal documents with the CCAA was also reviewed.
Webinar | Mastering Mentorship
Presenter: Steve Di Ciacca
This webinar is geared towards CCAA-certified instructors and provides valuable insights into updated mentorship requirements for SFIC candidates. Topics covered include: mentorship types, mentor qualifications, responsibilities, and benefits, an overview of hours and requirements, working with multiple mentors/mentees and virtual mentorship options.