Vice-Provost (Academic Planning, Policy & Faculty)


Academic Planning

The Vice-Provost advises the Provost, and works with the Deans, to consolidate Western’s Academic Planning. Some specifics include: working with the Provost and the Associate Vice-President (Institutional Planning and Budgeting) on creating the planning guidelines that are provided to the Deans; providing advice to Deans as they prepare their planning submissions; working with the Deans to ensure their academic plans are in place and up-to-date throughout the year; and, advising throughout the year on any in-year changes to Faculty plans arising from unforeseen events or opportunities.


The Vice-Provost advises the Provost in matters of policy that serve the academic interests of the institution. The work in this area is often project-based. To give some examples, the Vice-Provost facilitates the development of criteria and implementation of processes attached to: Canada Research Chair allocation; Western Research Chair allocation; Interdisciplinary Initiatives competitions; and the selection processes for Distinguished University Professorships and Faculty Scholars.  Additionally, the Vice-Provost is engaged in institutional data and metrics initiatives of the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents (OCAV) and the Council of Ontario Universities (COU).  

Nusha Keyghobadi has assumed the role of Acting Vice-Provost (Academic Planning, Policy & Faculty) for a one year term beginning July 1, 2024. 

Margaret McGlynn, currently on leave, assumed the role of Vice-Provost (Academic Planning, Policy & Faculty) on July 1, 2020.

The portfolio consists of the three main areas: Academic Planning, Policy, and Faculty.


The Vice-Provost is responsible for approval, recommendation or authorization of all faculty and librarian appointments and advises on subsequent changes to these appointments (e.g., where applicable: tenure, promotion, sabbatical and other leaves, alternative workload and reduced responsibility arrangements, salary adjustments, retirement, resignation, etc). The portfolio of the Vice-Provost also includes responsibility for the negotiation, implementation and administration of agreements with unionized and non-unionized academic staff. In regards to the latter, the day to day operational and non-academic decisions necessary for the administration and renewal of these agreements are accomplished in the Office of Faculty Relations (OFR), which is led by a Director who reports to the Vice-Provost.  OFR provides advice and support to academic leaders and their offices on managing employment relationships with academic staff, and facilitates the business process necessary to put the conditions of those relationships into operation.  Also, within the Vice-Provost’s portfolio, the Office of Faculty Recruitment and Retention (OFRR) supports unit level and institutional initiatives in the successful recruitment and retention of faculty, and provides immigration advice and transition services to units and candidates.

