Autism Spectrum & Language Disorders LabWestern Health Sciences

Current Studies


Team & Partners


Using EEG to examine maturation of auditory processing in the cortex and how it relates to typical and atypical language development in young children

Alyssa Janes, Theresa Pham, Marlene Bagatto, Nichole Scheerer, Janis Oram


Examining children's responses to altered auditory feedback and its relation to language development

Jessica Holmes, Nichole Scheerer, Caitlin Coughler, Janis Oram, David Purcell


Evaluating caregiver-mediated social communication supports for autistic children

Vipula Rajesh Kumar, Amanda Binns, Janis Oram

The Hanen Centre &  Western University

Evaluating parent and clinician experiences with a virtual caregiver-mediated social communication program for autistic children

Lauren Denusik, BJ Cunningham, Amanda Binns, Janis Oram, The Hanen Centre