P. David Howe, PhD
Room 2225H, 3M Ctr519 661-2111 x84458
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ORCID: 0000-0002-0618-8441
Lab: Health and Physical Cultures for Social Justice
- PhD - Medical Anthropology (University College, London)
- MA - Social Anthropology (Toronto)
- BSc - Anthropology (Trent)
Graduate Program Supervision
Research In Profile
P. David Howe is a medical anthropology and holds the Dr. Frank J. Hayden Endowed Chair in Sport and Social Impact in the School of Kinesiology at Western University, Canada. Professor Howe has research interests in physical activity cultures related to disability sport and related health outcomes. His ethnographic research focuses on unpacking the embodied socio-cultural milieu surrounding inclusive physical activity and disability sport. His publications on the co-constitution of disability and medicine in sport and physical activity mark him out as a leader in the socio-cultural investigation of the field. With reference to the culture of disability, ableism, health and (dis)ability and medical discourse surrounding the disability sport games, professor Howe is concerned that his research highlights ways and means of making sport and physical activity more empowering for marginalised populations.
Featured Publications and Projects
Edited Books
- Powis, B., Brighton, J., & Howe, P.D. (Eds.). (2022). Researching Disability Sport: Theory, Method, Practice (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003153696
Chapters and Reports
- Howe, P.D. (2022) ‘Cultural Politics, Disability Sport and Physical Activity Research’ in Powis, B., Brighton, J. and Howe, P. D. (eds.) Theory, Method, Practice: Disability Sport and Physical Activity Cultures London: Routledge.
- Silva, C.F. and Howe, P. D. (2022) Dis/ability Sport for “All:” The Ultimate dream In Goodwin, D. and Connolly, M Hubris in Adapted Physical Activity: Reflexivity as a Moral Imperative for Change. London: Routledge
- Howe, P. D., & Silva, C. F. (2022). ‘Technology, Disability and High-Performance Sport: A Socio-Cultural Reading’. In Tzankova, V and Filimowicz, M. (eds.) Interactive Sports Technologies: performance, participation and safety (pp. 168-181). London: Routledge.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Howe, P. D. and Silva, C. F. (2021) ‘Cripping the Dis§abled Body: doing the posthuman tango, in through and around sport’, Somatechnic, Vol. 11(2) 139–156 http://doi.org/10.3366/soma.2021.0348
- Howe, P. D. and Silva, C. F. (2021) ‘Parenting Special Olympians: an agenda for ethnographic engagement’, Sport and Society: Culture, Commerce, Media, Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/17430437.2021.1904899
- Silva, C. F. and Howe, P. D. (2019) ‘Sliding to Reverse Ableism: An Ethnographic Exploration of (Dis)ability in Sitting Volleyball,’ Societies 2019, 9, 41; http://doi:10.3390/soc9020041
Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.
Current Grants and Research Projects
- Social Science and Humanities Research Council – Canada, Partnership Development Grant ‘Family Culture and the Special Olympics Movement’ (PI P. D. Howe; Co-I Silva, C.F and Servais, M.) $198,040
- Social Science and Humanities Research Council – Canada, Partnership Development Grant ‘Diversity and Equity in Olympic Sport’ (PI A. J. Schneider; Co-I P. D. Howe) $53,266.66
Featured Graduate Student Projects
Visit the Health and Physical Cultures for Social Justice lab website for a list of graduate student research projects.
Graduate Student Opportunities
Professor Howe is currently seeking high quality graduate students in the broad area of Health and Physical Culture as it pertains to social justice. To see if your interests might fit his lab, please visit their website, Health and Physical Cultures for Social Justice.
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Professor, Department of Anthropology, Western University (cross appointed)
- Guest Professor, Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Professional Activities
- Series editor, Disability Sport and Physical Activity Cultures with Routledge
- Member, scientific committee of International Paralympic Committee VISTA Conference to be held in Amsterdam in September 2023
- Founding member, European Network Sport and Disabilities, Sport and Citizenship: sport serving society
- Editorial Board Member, European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity (2009 – present)