Sean McWatt, PhD


  • PhD, Human Anatomy Education (University of Guelph)
  • MSc, Human Anatomy (University of Guelph)
  • BSc Hons, Human Kinetics (University of Guelph)

In Profile

As a human anatomist whose primary duties revolve around teaching, professor Sean McWatt's main research interest is in evaluating how students learn human anatomy and exploring ways to improve their learning outcomes. In his courses, he uses various technologies, resources, environments, and teaching methods to promote authentic learning within human anatomy education. He then studies those factors to determine their influence on areas such as motivations for learning, approaches to learning, performance, and long-term learning outcomes, while accounting for intrinsic learner traits and lived experiences. To do so, he employs a range of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches that include the collection of survey-based, interview-based, and biometric data. His findings ultimately inform his teaching in a constant effort to improve the human anatomy learning experience for learners at Western University that extends throughout the global anatomy community.

Teaching Areas

  • Human Anatomy
  • Neuroanatomy

Featured Publications and Projects

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Wang C, McWatt SC (2023) Visuospatial ability and student approach to learning as predictors of academic performance on written versus laboratory-based assessments in human anatomy. Anatomical Sciences Education. 0:1–13. 
  • Utomo R, McWatt SC, Talis A, Xiao QY, Saraci K, Waschke J, Sigmund AM, Gill Sagoo M, Wingate R, Brassett C, Chien CL, Traxler H, Sakurai T, Zeroual M, Olsen J, El-Batti S, Viranta-Kovanen S, Yamada Y, Keay K, Kitahara S, Stewart W, Mao Y, Lang A, Kunzel C, Bernd P, Patel S, Buhler L, Kielstein H, Preker A, Hardy M, Noël GPJC, Wu A (2023) Health profession students’ outlooks on the medical profession during the COVID-19 pandemic: A global perspective. Journal of Communication in Healthcare. 
  • Wu A, McWatt SC, Utomo R, Talis A, Xiao QY, Saraci K, Brassett C, Gill Sagoo M, Wingate R, Chien CL, Traxler H, Waschke J, Vielmuth F, Sigmund A, Yamada Y, Sakurai T, Zeroual M, Olsen J, El-Batti S, Viranta-Kovanen S, Keay K, Stewart W, Mao Y, Lang A, Kunzel C, Bernd P, Kielstein H, Noël GPJC (2023) A thematic analysis of students’ discussions on death and body donation in international online focus groups. Anatomical Sciences Education. 16: 768–784. 
  • Wu A, Xiao QY, McWatt SC, Utomo R, Talis A, Saraci K, Brassett C, Gill Sagoo M, Wingate R, Chien CL, Traxler H, Waschke J, Vielmuth F, Yamada Y, Sakurai T, Zeroual M, Olsen J, El-Batti S, Viranta-Kovanen S, Keay K, Stewart W, Kunzel C, Bernd P, Kielstein H, Noël GPJC (2022) The anatomy course during COVID-19: The impact of cadaver-based learning on the initiation of reflection on death. Medical Sciences Educator. 32: 1033–1044. 
  • McWatt SC (2021) Responding to COVID-19: A thematic analysis of students’ perspectives on modified learning activities during an emergency transition to remote human anatomy education. Anatomical Sciences Education. 14(6): 721–738. 
  • McWatt SC, Newton GS, Umphrey GJ, Jadeski LC (2021) Dissection versus prosection: A comparative assessment of the course experiences, approaches to learning, and academic performance of non‐medical undergraduate students in human anatomy. Anatomical Sciences Education. 14(2): 184–200. 

Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.

Current Grants and Research Projects

  • Dietrich E, McWatt SC (in progress) Perspectives on Alternative Grading Approaches in Graduate Anatomy Education.
  • Prentice M, Mukesh A, Rauch M, Guo I, Bellas B, McWatt SC, Ventura N (in progress) Student reflections on death and body donation in medical education before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Dhillon J, Moukarzel M, Ventura N, Laggis G, Noel GPJC, McWatt SC (in progress). Determining the efficacy of remote versus in-person anatomy education through comprehensive analyses of student and instructor experiences, learning outcomes, and time, resource, and cost considerations. (Funded by a Research Grant on Educational Advancements or Innovations in Response to COVID-19, Institute of Health Sciences Education, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, $5000 CAD)
  • Xiao I, Laforge G, Ilie A, Chouachi M, O’Brien J, Noel GPJC, McWatt SC (in progress) Evaluating the cognitive load of medical trainees using the HoloLens for the integration of medical imaging with cadaveric dissection.

Additional Information

Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations

  • Center Affiliate, Center for Education Research and Innovation, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
  • Affiliate Member, Institute of Health Sciences Education, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University

Media Highlights


  • COESP BioEd Graduate Student Research Award, University of Guelph (2018)
  • Associate Vice President Academic Teaching Assistant Award of Excellence, University of Guelph (2018)
  • Harold Draper Graduate Prize, University of Guelph (2014)

Professional Activities

  • Vice President and Founding Member, Black in Anatomy Inc. (2020-Present)
  • Advisory Board Member, International Collaboration and Exchange Program in Anatomy (2020-Present)
  • Member, American Association of Clinical Anatomists (2020-Present)
  • Member, American Association for Anatomy (2015-Present)