Undergraduate Chair
Dr. Cristina Caracchini
Undergraduate Assistant
Erika Gu
Academic Counselling
Study Abroad and International Exchanges
Interested in Studying Abroad or Going on an Exchange?
• How to earn credits towards your degree through study abroad or exchange
• Learn more about Western's Exchange and Study Abroad Opportunities
• For more information on exchanges and study abroad, please contact the Undergraduate Chair Dr. Cristina Caracchini
Germany and German Speaking Countries
Study Abroad and Exchange, Germany and German Speaking Countries
Ontario / Baden-Württemberg Exchange Program
Contact Western International for more information. "Going on exchange was one of the best experiences of my university career. I believe any student who has a chance should go for a year abroad. The challenges and experiences will change your perspective of yourself and your perspective of the world. You will challenge your limits and in the process learn more about your abilities and make friendships that will last a lifetime."
Ceyda Yetkiner
Spain and Latin American Countries
Study Abroad and Exchange, Latin America and Spain
Study Abroad in Holguin, Cuba
"My 6-week experience in Cuba was amazing as a travel experience, but even more lucrative as a learning experience. Being immersed in the language all day, every day made learning much easier than it would have been sitting down for homework every night in Canada. I was also learning by doing everyday activities, such as browsing in a bookstore, going out to restaurants with friends, and hanging out with local students. I can say now, with confidence, that I can speak Spanish and feel comfortable enough to carry on a conversation with old teachers."
Katelyn Barnes
Teaching Assistantships
PAD Fremdsprachenassistenten program

International Study Experience in Havana, Cuba
About Havana
• Travel occurs during Fall Reading Week (there will be five pre-departure classes to introduce students to the different areas that will be explored in the course)
• Students will participate in guided tours in Colonial Havana and learn through many facets that make Havana a unique place: music, architecture, film, and local artists
Program Information
Learning Outcomes:
- • Demonstrate cultural awareness by reflecting on their identity within a global world
- • Rethink their identity and deepen their knowledge about their own culture
- • Compare artistic expressions and reflect on how those have evolved through time
- • Respect, understand, and relate to the voices of others
- • Be exposed to and take meaning from different socio-cultural realities
- • Tolerate and appreciate intercultural differences by recognizing the value of diversity
Course Information
The Western course offered through this program is
Spanish 2104F: 500 Years of History and Life (0.5)
This course combines in-class instruction in the fall with a one-week travel opportunity to Havana, Cuba to embrace the beauty of the culture, surround themselves with historical signficance, and engage with a wide range of people
- Review the program information above and the course requirements listed in the Aademic Calendar
- Contact Iona Colgiu at icolgiu@uwo.ca for registration/application details
Further Information/Resources
- • Past Spanish 2104F Syllabus
- • Information session date TBA
- • For more information please contact the Undergraduate Assistant or Iona Colgiu
International Study Experience in Rondine, Italy
About Rondine
• UWO Study abroad at Rondine is a program promoted by the University of Western Ontario and its partnerships with Huron University College, King's University College and the Rondine Cittadella della pace institution. The program is aimed at any student enrolled at Western and its affiliates interested in pursuing the study of Italian language and culture at the beginning and intermediate level and with an interest in international relations, peace building, conflict resolution and intercultural competence.
• The association "Rondine Cittadella della pace" is an international organization established in 1997 in order to promote dialogue and conflict resolution through education, fostering social change. It is an Italian NGO nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015 for its outstanding international commitment it was awarded the Luxenbourg Peace Prize for Outstanding Peace Education in June 2016. The core project of Rondine Cittadella della pace is the cohabitation of young women and men who come from countries in conflict and from different cultures. Rondine helps them to become global citizens, and young leaders able to develop concrete social, political and economic projects leading to social change. It is located in a picturesque Tuscan region in Italy believed to be the backdrop to Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.
Program Information
• Western students have the opportunity to study and live alongside a group of international graduate students in a Medieval Italian town where they will experience global academic engagement in a truly novel and stimulating environment. On top of UWO academic curricula, students may attend local conferences and events focusing on subjects such as human rights, international law, forced migration, war crimes, and conflict resolution. The quality of the instruction, combined with the variety of study options available and the global setting constituted by international students who are permanently on location, make Rondine an incomparable institution for this International Study Experience.
• Students will also acquire language skills as they learn Italian in its original setting, and gain intercultural communication abilities that will resonate with them both in their personal lives and future professional careers, making friends throughout the process. They will be immersed in Italian culture in the heart of Tuscany through daily interactions with native speakers, and through the screening of films, the study of pop songs, and the reading of some examples of non-fictional texts in the classroom.
• The activities will take place in May at Rondine Citadella della Pace, Tuscany, Italy, for 2-4 weeks (depending on the course) while the participants will stay in the city of Arezzo. Throughout the week (M-F), morning curricular study for courses other than SJPS 2211 will be followed by a lunch break with further cultural activities or time to study during the afternoon. SJPS 2211 lecutures (listed below) take place in the afternoon. Students will share common meals, housing in Arezzo, and be involved in additional sightseeing and other practical activities during the weekends. The courses will last one to four weeks (depending on the course).
• There will be a general information session held in the Fall. Students will then have 3 meetings during the Winter term to prepare for the travel courses. Permission can be given for students to overload their Winter term for enrollment purposes if required despite the courses primarily taking place in May.
Course Information
• Upon successful completion of this program, students can earn 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 credits from the following courses or course combinations (Note: students cannot take ITALIAN 1045/1046 and ITALIAN 2202X in the same year):
ITALIAN 1045B Italian for Travellers I (0.5 credit)
(1.0 credit if taken with ITA1046 or SJPS2277) (1.5 credits if taken with ITA1046 and SJPS2211)
This course is an accelerated and full immersion course over the first two weeks in May in Italy with four predeparture sessions held over the Winter term at Western. Register for Italian 1045B, listed in the Winter term.
ITALIAN 1046B Italian for Travellers II (0.5 credit)
(1.0 credit if taken with ITA1045) (1.5 credits if taken with ITA1045 and SJPS2211)
Students of Italian for Travellers I would also be eligible to take this additional 0.5 credit course: Italian for Travellers II. This course runs over the last two weeks in May. Register for Italian 1046B, listed in Intersession.
ITALIAN 2202X Intermediate Italian in Italy (1.0 credit)
Designed for students with a basic knowledge of Italian, the course builds upon this knowledge placing emphasis on the development of effective oral and written skills in a real-life environment. The primary objective is that students learn how to communicate their ideas with clarity in a variety of settings. The course be held over four weeks in May in Italy with four predeparture sessions held in the Winter term at Western. Register for Italian 2202X, listed in the Winter term.
ITALIAN 3040B / SJPS 2211G Social Justice and Peace Studies (0.5 credits)
(1.0 credits if taken with ITA1045; 1.5 credits if taken with ITA1045 and ITA1046)
Students will have the opportunity to attend afternoon seminars, classes, or conferences organized in Rondine which focus onvarious aspects of human rights, international law, war crimes, genocides, and conflict resolution.
The curriculum is taught in a combination of Italian (for language and culture courses) and English (for the seminar in social justice, contemporary migration and peace building). The course will be taught over 4 weeks in May during the afternoon in conjunction with ITALIAN 1046. Register for ITALIAN 3040B or SJPS 2211G, listed in the Winter term.
- Review the program information above and course requirements in the Academic Calendar
- Register and attend the information session for more details and to ask any questions
- Apply for the program through the Western International Atlas portal
- Once approved, enroll in the applicable course codes for Winter/Intercession sessions on the Student Center website. Please contact the Undergraduate Assistant or Dr. Pietro Pirani
Further Information/Resources
- • Check out the information session this Fall (Date TBA)
- • For more information please contact the Undergraduate Assistant or Dr. Pietro Pirani
International Study Experience in Seville, Spain
Program Information
• Students register for the course for the Winter Term and attend 3-4 pre-departure sessions held virtually. The remainder of the course is held in Seville, Spain over the first two weeks of May.
- • In Spain, there will Students register for the course for the Winter Term and attend 3-4 pre-departure sessions held virtually. The remainder of the course is held in Seville Spain over the first two weeks of May.
• Students will learn about Peninsular language, literature, and culture, with a focus on Seville, Spain. The course combines pre-departure sessions, lecture and experiential learning through the travel component to Spain for an immersive and unforgettable learning experience.
- • Permission can be given by the Department for students to overload their Winter Term for this experience if required as it primarily takes place in May
Course Information
The course offered through this program is
SPA 2956B/3910B: Spanish Language, Linguistics and Culture (0.5 credits)
This course is an introduction to Peninsular language, literature, and culture. In this course, we
focus on Seville, Spain. This course is divided into three modules: culture, in which we explore
the history, culture, identity and music; linguistics, in which we focus on Andalusian dialect, (its
morphology, phonetics and vocabulary), as well as issues concerning dialect revitalization;
literature, in which we focus on some most influential authors, specifically Adolfo Bécquer and
those of Generation’ 27. Through number of songs, videos and short texts, we will learn major
differences in speech and structures and how these structures might have influenced the culture,
politics, and economy of Spain today. In addition to exploring cultural importance of Seville to
the world today, we will also delve into Spanish society and customs, and learn about local
culture, architecture, art and traditions that continue to shape the city’s identity into the present
day. We will discover how these symbols have evolved through history and how they impact the
relationship Sevillians have with their city to this day.
- Review the program information above and course requirements in the Academic Calendar
- Attend the information session this Fall (Date TBA)
- Contact Dr. Olga Tararova to apply and next steps for enrollment.
Further Information/Resources
- • For more information please contact the Undergraduate Assistant or Dr. Olga Tararova