Late-season tornado in Southern ON on Nov 10

An NTP investigation, including a ground / drone survey, has led to the confirmation of a late-season tornado in the Fergus area of Southern Ontario on the evening of November 10. A narrow 6 km track of tree and light residential damage was found, and an EF0 rating assigned.

Details can be found in the event summary below, along with regional and survey maps and survey photos. The tornado can be plotted on a map using the NTP Dashboard here.


Event Name: Elora - Fergus, ON

Date: November 10, 2024

Start Time: 10:15 PM EST (0315 UTC)

Final Classification: Tornado (Over Land)

Final EF-Scale Rating: EF0

EF-Scale Damage Indicator / Degree of Damage: FR12/DOD-2

Start of damage track: 43.6877N, 80.4123W

End of damage track: 43.7069N, 80.3441W

Location of worst damage: 43.7044N, 80.3685W

Description: Tree damage was reported in Fergus after a storm passed through. No injuries were reported. An NTP ground and drone survey was completed on November 11, 2024, documenting tree damage and minor roof damage to several homes. Damage assessed as EF0 tornado, with an estimated max. wind speed of 125 km/h, preliminary track length of 6.01 km and max. path width of 250 m. Tornado motion was from the WSW (approx. 250 degrees). Start time is radar estimated. Further investigation is pending, including satellite imagery review.


Regional map showing the location and rating of the Fergus tornado.

Survey map showing the preliminary track details for the Fergus tornado. Note that minor damage was also found WSW and ENE of the track but the distance between the points (> 3 km) precluded their inclusion in the assessed track. This may change if additional damage is found.

Drone photo of worst damage showing several houses with minor shingle damage in Fergus.

Ground photo of several snapped spruce trees at Highland Park just west of the worst damage area in Fergus. Numerous trees were either snapped or uprooted along the path of the tornado.