Where can I find Canadian tornado data and information?
For the latest tornado information, and NTP event data going back to the start of the project in 2017, the NTP Dashboard is the place to start. There you can plot tornado events on a map of your choosing, filter data, and click on any tornado pin to drill down to the source data collected for that event.
NTP's website also includes an Open Data portal where all NTP source data and analyses can be searched and found. This NTP blog post discusses how to download NTP data via this portal.
The NTP has also created an Advanced Dashboard to access our full revised and updated tornado database that extends back to 1980. This NTP blog post discussed the Advanced Dashboard and how you can obtain an account.
The ECCC/MSC Library holds all of the country’s physical tornado archives up from Canada's first tornado in 1792 up to the 1990's, including reports, event summaries, maps, newspaper clippings, photos, slides, video and film. Much of this material has been digitized and is being uploaded to the Michael Newark Digitized Tornado Archive at Western Libraries here.