About Carbon Solutions

UC Tower in spring

Sustainability is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, demanding collaboration, innovation, and bold experimentation in research. The phrase "think globally, act locally" is particularly relevant when addressing sustainability issues. As a research-intensive institution, Western University is already deeply engaged in a wide array of globally significant research projects spanning across all our faculties, each contributing to a more sustainable world.

Carbon Solutions at Western University is based on academic and partner collaboration to address the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases. The sectors of focus for carbon reduction have strong ties to Southwestern Ontario for opportunities that have significant national impact either directly or through validation for deployment across Canada and internationally.

Funded Carbon Solutions projects will support Canada's efforts by:

  1. Bringing together partners to develop leading solutions for addressing identified carbon reduction strategies for Canada.
  2. Enhancing and developing new technologies that raise Canada's renewable and clean energy capabilities.
  3. Focusing on the circular economy to develop sustainable and enhanced life cycle development strategies for products, energy usage, and recycling.

Funded Carbon Solutions proposals will explore, demonstrate, or validate:

  • Viable potential solutions, including demonstration projects, prototypes, system testing, designs, and intellectual property.
  • Identifying opportunities for research and translation required in areas with knowledge gaps, including policy development, education, legal and regulatory matters, and economic assessment.