Contact Us
Jennifer Holburn
Faculty Recruitment Consultant
519-661-2111 (84366)
Connie Zrini
Associate Director of Faculty Relations
Separation and Divorce
Western's Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) offers confidential, face-to-face and secure web-based counseling, 24/365 emergency telephone counseling, telephone advisory services, wellness workshops, sychoeducational groups and legal services referrals. The EFAP is available through Morneau Shepell.
The following websites are resources to help you with your separation or divorce. For further assistance please email Jennifer Holburn.
Separating in Ontario

Divorce and Separation Ontario
A resource offered by the province of Ontario that outlines the legal issues and the process of obtaining a divorce in Ontario.
Department of Justice
Family Law information provided by the Goverment of Canada on the process of divorce, financial matters, and children.
Ministry of the Attorney General
Information to better understand the legalities of divorce in Ontario and its impact on family members.
Legal Aid Ontario
Provides legal advice on custody, support or access and Children's Aid matters for those that qualify financially.
Parenting Resources

Public Health Agency Canada
Part of the Public Health Agency of Canada, this site provides information on how to help children and youth live with separation and divorce.
Family and children's support resources.
Caring for Kids
Information for parents from Canadian paediatricians.
AFCC Ontario
Listing of resources from around Ontario dedicate to the resolution of family conflict.
Families Change
Information to help kids, teens and parents deal with a family break up.
Support Groups

Psychology Today
Lists counselors located in London available for support.
Changing Ways
Offers support for men and women with respect to stopping domestic violence.