Liens utiles
Jeff Tennant
519-661-2111 ext 87885
University College, room 3126
Ph.D. (Toronto), 1995
Domaines de spécialisation
- Langue française
- Linguistique générale
- Phonétique
- Sociolinguistique
- Français canadien
Current Projects and Research
Jeff Tennant is an Associate Professor in the Department of French Studies at Western, specializing in phonetics and sociolinguistics. He is currently working on a SSHRC-funded research project entitled Language Contact and Prosodic Variation in Ontario French. He was Chief Negotiator for the UWOFA (University of Western Ontario Faculty Association) during three rounds of negotiations and currently serves as Chair of the OCUFA (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations) Collective Bargaining Committee. He has been awarded the title of Profesor Invitado by the University of Holguín, Cuba, the distinction of Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the Government of France, and the CAUT (Canadian Association of University Teachers) Distinguished Service Award. He is currently Academic Convenor for the 2020 Congress of the under the theme "Bridging Divides: Confronting Colonialism and Anti-Black Racism".
Chapitres et articles publiés
Tennant, Jeff, Holmes, Damaris. "Rythme prosodique dans le français et l’anglais des francophones du Nord- Est de l’Ontario." Nouvelle Revue Synergies, 17. 25 pages, 2023
Herry-Bénit, N. Lopez, S., Kamiyama, T., Tennant, J. "The interphonology of contemporary English corpus (IPCE-IPAC)." International Journal of Learner Corpus Research, 7(2), 275–289. (Approximately 20% of the work on this article), 2021
Gómez, C., Rafat, Y., Tennant, J. "Towards Modeling Second Dialect Speech Learning: The Production of Bogota [s]" in Ciudad Bolivar by Speakers of Three Different Varieties of Colombian Spanish. Languages, 5(2), 2020
Pierre Léon et la variation. In Galazzi, E. & Santone, L. (Eds.), "Hommage à Pierre Léon: Au prisme de la voix." Toronto: Édition du GREF, 177–191, 2018
Ontario. In U. Reutner (Ed.), "Manuel des francophonies situation sociolinguistique: aménagement linguistique et particularités du français." Manuals of Romance Linguistics. Berlin: De Gruyter, 334–354, 2017
Les anglophones. In S. Detey, I. Racine, Y. Kawaguchi & J. Eychenne (Eds.). "La prononciation du français dans le monde: du natif à l’apprenant" (pp. 97-102). Paris: Clé International, 2016
Kaminskaïa, S., Tennant, J., & Russell, A. "Prosodic rhythm in Ontario French." Journal of French Language Studies26: 183–208, 2016
Tennant, J., & Poiré, F. "French in Ontario: A speaker from Hearst." In S. Detey, J. Durand, B. Laks & C. Lyche (Eds.), Varieties of Spoken French: A Source Book, 290–299. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
"Canadian anglophone learners’ realization of French liaison." Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée102: 65–85, 2015