Completed Theses


February 2021
Mohamed Baya (PhD), Veni, Pati, Scripsi: The Maghrebi Diaspora in Driss Chraïbi’s Les Boucs and Salah Methnani-Mario Fortunato’s Immigrato.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia.


November 2020

Shahrzad Izadpanah (MA), Shame and Its Other Family Members in Philip Roth's Sabbath's Theater and Everyman and Pierre Lemaitre's Au revoir là-haut. Supervised by Allan Pero.

George A. Condrache (PhD), Between a Harmless Game and a Bittersweet Disease: Forms of Nostalgia in Post-Socialist Central and Eastern Europe. Supervised by Vlad Tumanov.

Emadeddin Naghipour (PhD), I Ran to Write: Travel, Translation and Journalism on Persian Spaces. Supervised by Allan Pero.

July 2020

Diana Bychkova (PhD), Embodiment of Creative Thought and Visual Logic in Bookmaking: An Example of Intermediality in Word-Picture Adaptation.

Previous Years: As of April 2012, all theses are stored electronically and can be found in the Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.


November 2019

David Mongor-Lizarrabengoa (PhD), Re-presenting Violence in the works of Jorge Amado, Gabriel García Márquez, and Ariel Dorfman. Supervised by Rafael Montano.

Donatas Sinkunas (PhD), The Amphibian, Melioristic Agenda for Dividuals: Tropological Oscillations versus Tropological Settlements. Supervised by Vlad Tumanov.

October 2019

Alexandre Desbiens-Brassard (PhD), Moloch's Children: Monstrous Techno-Capitalism in North American Popular Fiction.  Supervised by Marilyn Randall.

July 2019

Persheng Yari (MA), Kurdish Narratives of Identity: A Comparative Reading of Novels from Turkey and Iraq. Supervised by Thy Phu.

April 2019

Rosario Pollicino (PhD), Postcolonial Trauma in the Mediterranean: The Italian-Libyan Transnational Community. Supervised by Julia Emberley.


December 2018

Andrea Privitera (PhD Dual Doctorate), Romance, Politics and Minor Art: A Nomadology of Inamoramento de Orlando and Star Wars. Supervised by Jonathan Boulter (UWO) and Guido Baldassarri (Padua).

August 2018

Jessica Marino (MA), Cultural Memory and the Traumatic Past: Examining the Voids in Contemporary German and Uruguayan Literature, Museums, and Film.  Supervised by Janelle Blankenship.

March 2018

Parastoo Nasrollahzadeh (MA), Exploring Kitsch: Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Vonnegut's Slauterhouse-Five. Supervised by Luca Pocci.

February 2018

Zohre Javaheri (MA), Subjectivity in Young Adult Literature (Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials, Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis. Supervised by Vlad Tumanov.


October 2017

Gabriella Colombo Machado (MA), "Walking around with broken hearts on their hands": Intimate Writings in Contemporary Comics.  Supervised by Christine Roulston.

Bahareh Nadimi Farrokh (MA), Being Gender/Doing Gender, in Alice Munro and Pedro Almadovar.  Supervised by Christine Roulston.

March 2017

Reza Ashouri Talooki (PhD), Let Me Tell You What It Means: Reading Beyond Humor in Selected Iranian-American Memoirs, Stand-up Comedy, and Film in the Post-9/11 Era.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia.


December 2016

Barbara Guerrero (MA), Representing Modern Female Villain: On Feminine Evil, Perverse Nationhood, and Opposition in Rómulo Gallegos' Doña Bárbara and Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children.  Supervised by Rafael Montano.

Kevin Godbout (PhD), Saturnine Constellations: Melancholy in Literary History and in the Works of Baudelaire and Benjamin.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

November 2016

Rachel Wong (MA), Discussions of Diaspora: Cultural Production and Identity in Contemporary CHinese Canadian Literature.  Supervised by Hua Laura Wu.

October 2016

Sasha Salyga-Reynolds (MA), Inhuman and Heroic Women: Femininity in the Odyssey and the Arthurian Vulgate.  Supervised by Laurence de Looze.

September 2016

Paola Preciado (MA), From Dispossession to the Grotesque: Deterritorializing Human Identity in Cobra, El obsceno Pájaro de la noche and The Unnamable.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

August 2016

Naqaa Abbas (PhD), Organizations of Knowledge about the Orient in German and British Romanticism 1780-1820. Supervised by Angela Esterhammer and Tilottama Rajan.

Sheena Jary (MA), The Entelechial Thinker in Space: 'Worlds within Worlds' in Durrell, Flaubert, and Carroll.  Supervised by Vlad Tumanov.

July 2016

Parastoo Alaeddini (MA), "I" am not "I" anymore: Negation, Doubling and Identity in Roman Polanski's The Tenant and Max Frisch's Stiller. Supervised by Paul Coates.

April 2016

Driton Nushaj (MA), Cosmography and Topography: A Comparison of André Thevet's "Les Singularités de la France Antarctique" and Jean de Léry's "Histoire d'un Voyage Faict en la Terre du Brésil". Supervised by Laurence de Looze.

January 2016

Mehraneh Ebrahimi Eshratabadi (PhD), Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetic Play in Diasporic Iranian Visual Literature: Neshat, Satrapi, Bashi, Soltani.  Supervised by Tim Blackmore.


December 2015

Yanxiang Wu (PhD), Paradise Lost: Astronomy, Scepticism, Perspective.  Co-Supervised by Laurence de Looze and John Leonard.

October 2015

Leah Persaud (MA), Who's the Fairest of Them All?  Defining and Subverting the Female Beauty Ideal in Fairy Tale Narratives and Films through Grotesque Aesthetics.  Supervised by Angela Borchert.

August 2015

Karim Abuawad (PhD), In the Thick of National Unconsciousness: Form and Style in Little Mountain and Midnight's Children.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Sarbani Banerjee (PhD), "More or Less" Refugee?: Bengal Partition in Literature and Cinema.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia.

Anda Pleniceanu (MA), Peri algeos.  Pain in Aeschylus and Sophocles.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

February 2015

Janice Zehentbauer (PhD), Scintillating Scotoma: Migraine and Perception in European Literature, 1860-1900.  Supervised by Janelle Blankenship.


November 2014

Aviva Atlani (PhD), The Ha-Ha Holocaust: Exploring Levity Amidst the Ruins and Beyond in Testimony, Literature and Film.  Supervised by Alain Goldschlager.


September 2013

Katarzyna Jasinski (MA), Magic(infra)realism: Jetztzeiten of Believability and Latin American History in García Márquez’s Cien años de soledad and Otoño del patriarca.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

August 2013

Ndeye Ba (PhD), Enunciation and Plurilingualism in the Francophone and Anglophone African Novel.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia and Late Lawson-Hellu.

May 2013

Tamara Kowalski (MA), Through the Carnival Looking Glass: A Carnivalesque Reading of Bruno Schulz's A Street of Crocodiles and Guy Davenport's A Table of Green Fields.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Patrick Crowley (MA) Mobilizing Insurgent Pasts Toward Decolonial Futures.  Supervised by Teresa Hubel.

April 2013

Roberta Cauchi-Santoro (PhD), Beyond the Suffering of Being: Desire in Giacomo Leopardi and Samuel Beckett.  Supervised by Jonathan Boulter and Luca Pocci.

February 2013

Agnieszka Herra (PhD), Unmasking the Protester: The Meanings and Myths of Collective Civil Resistance Movements in African American and Polish Postresistance Prose Fiction.  Supervised by Paul Coates.

January 2013

Nazia Akhtar (PhD), From Nizam to Nation: The Representation of Partition in Literary Narratives about Hyderabad, Deccan.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia and Teresa Hubel.

Aurie Zeran (MA), The Evolution of Indifference: Locating Stoic Influence in Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly's "Du Dandysme et de Geourges Brummell" and Charles Baudelaire's "Le Peintre de la vie moderne".  Supervised by Angela Borchert.


August 2012

Adrienne Orr (MA), Mechanical Artists: The Performances of Human Automata in George Du Maurier's Tilby and Raymond Roussel's Locus Solus.  Supervised by Christopher Keep.

Meng Wu (MA), Playing with The Other: The Stories of Mu Xin and Vladimir Nabokov.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Natalya Domina (MA), Burying Dystopia. The Cases of Venedikt Erofeev, Kurt Vonnegut and Victor Pelevin.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

April 2012

Bruna Reis (MA), The Gospel According to José Saramago: a Comparative Study of Critical Reception in Portugal, United States, and Canada.  Supervised by Marilyn Randall.

January 2012

Nashifa Dharshi (MA), The Changing Absolute in Romanticism: Hegel, Shelley, Keats.  Supervised by Tilottama Rajan.

Rahel Nega (MA), Mobilizing Race: African-American Internationalism and Literature in the Wake of the Civil Rights Movement, 1965-1975.  Supervised by David Darby.


September 2011

Maria Roxana Baiceanu (MA), Female Flânerie Between Modernity and Postmodernity. The Cases of Dorothy Richardson's Pilgrimage and Régine Robin's Mégapolis. Les Derniers Pas Du Flâneur.  Supervised by Anthony Purdy.

August 2011

Tingfang Du (MA), Mistranslating Mistranslation: The Woman Warrior in American and in Chinese.  Supervised by Marilyn Randall.

Anirban Halder (MA), "Decolonization As Such": Reading Interventions in Mahasweta Devi and Alexis Wright.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia and Julia Emberley.

Heather Auksi (MA), Dante after Auschwitz: Holocaust Narratives and the Commedia.  Supervised by James Miller.

May 2011

Nida Sajid (PhD), Myth, Language, Empire:  The East India Company and the Construction of British India, 1757-1857.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia.

March 2011

Adrian Mioc (PhD), Baroque Expressions in Romanticism: Heinrich von Kleist and John Keats.  Supervised by Angela Esterhammer.

January 2011

Duru Gungor (PhD), Dark Sayings: Toward a Theory of the Parabolic Mode.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.


November 2010

Guoyuan Liu (PhD), Displacing the Scene:  The Fantasy of Place in Chen Shi-Zheng's Peony Pavilion.  Zhang Yimou's Turandot, and Frederic Mitterand's Madame Butterfly.  Supervised by Anthony Purdy.

October 2010

Maria Mayr (PhD), Holey Berlin: Literatures of Migration in the Berlin Republic.  Supervised by David Darby.

September 2010

Amy Hondronicols (PhD), Towards an Aesthetics of the Icon: Perspective, Mimesis, Ekphrasis.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

August 2010

Caitlyn Doyle (MA), Carroll, Cadiot and the Playful Becomings of a Deleuzian Subject.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Matthew Godfrey (MA), "Everybody Row": Simone Weil and the Search for Transcendence in the Metaxic Poets.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Mansoor Behnam (MA), Shadow Play: Pre-Cinematic Spectacle and the Adaptation of Persian and Arabic Literature.  Supervised by Janelle Blankenship.

Xi Cheng (MA), The Everyday in Murakami Haruki and Wong Kar-wai: A Wind-up World of Amae.  Supervised by Anthony Purdy.

Shasha Li (MA), Homo Sentimentalis: the Comic in Nabokov and Kundera's Novels.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

January 2010

Soroosh Shahriari (MA), Translation of Children's Literature in Iran: Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels From the Constitutional Revolution to the Present.  Supervised by Vladimir Tumanov.


August 2009

Kyunghee Kim (MA), "Hybrid Cultural Products": Screen trnanslation and the Subtitling, Subbing and Dubbing of Hallyu.  Supervised by Janelle Blankenship.

Iulia David (PhD), Purely Ornamental: Representations of Salome in the Work of Stéphane Mallarmé, Guetave Moreau, Oscar Wilde, and Richard Strauss.  Supervised by Christopher Keep.

Kaitlyn Pinder (MA), A World of Lost Things: The Canadian Baroque Tradition in its Modernist Context.  Supervised by Elias Polizoes.

Miroslav Zovko (MA), From the Camera Obscura to (Digital) Camera: History, Memory and Subjectivity in Chris Marker's Sunless and David Albahari's Bait.  Supervised by Janelle Blankenship.

July 2009

Shuyi Feng (MA), We are Whar We Remember: A comparative Study of the Relationship Between Memory and Identity in Chinese Canadian Literature.  Supervised by Hua Laura Wu.


August 2008
Nazia Akhtar (MA), An Investigation of the 'Island of Bujan' Motif in Russian and Scandinavian Tradition.  Supervised by Russell Poole.

Jessica Natiuk (MA), The God Idea: Narrating the Spiritual Awakening in the Literature of Addiction.  Supervised by Vladimir Tumanov.

Pin Sun (MA), A Haunted Home: Ghosts in Mazine Hong Kingston and Wayson Choy.  Supervised by Lily Cho.

Jayna Lynn Brett (MA), Excavating a Medieval Lapidary: Hildegard of Bingen's Book on Stones and the Tradition of Medical Libri Lapidum.  Supervised by Melitta Adamson.

Maria Dasios (MA), Skirting the Abyss: Limit Experience in Kazantzakis and Bataille.  Supervised by Elias Polizoes.

Victoria Kushelnyk (MA), Geryon's Point: The Economics of Anagogy in Medieval and Postmodern Plague Literature.  Supervised by James Miller.

Samanta Ordonez Robles (MA), Intertextuality, Pastiche, and Allegory in Postmodern Aesthetics: An Analysis of Enrique Vila-Matas, Cindy Sherman, and Cristina Peri-Rossi.  Supervised by Elias Polizoes.

Sheng Wu (MA), Cultural Codes of Plagiarism in China: Custom, Law, and Morality.  Supervised by Marilyn Randall.

Corina Tiron (PhD), Guilty on All Self-Counts: Selfhood, Responsibility, Response-Ability.  Supervised by Thomas Carmichael.

July 2008
Luke Arnott (MA), Epic Lineage of Aeneid, Grettis, Saga and First Contact.  Supervised by Russell Poole.

June 2008
Mykola Polyuha (PhD), "Birds of Protean Pedigree": Irradiations of Imagism in German and Slavic Literatures.  Supervised by Stephen Adams and Vladimir Tumanov.

March 2008
Emmanuel Nkurunziza (MA), Resistance in Emmanuel Nkeeshimaana's Songs Imiduri.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.


August 2007
Meredith Snyder (MA), Writing the Self Across Media.  Supervised by Christopher Keep.

Natalie St. Pierre (MA), The Decay of Difference: Literature of the French and Italian Fin de siècle.  Supervised by Elias Polizoes.

Zhou Yu (MA), The Approach to Building Dreams: J.A. Strindberg and Gao Xingjian's Dream Writing.  Supervised by Paul Coates.

Carmen Barbu (PhD), The Will to Harmony: Music in the Novels of André Gide, Aldous Huxley and Thomas Mann.  Supervised by Anthony Purdy.

Gregorz Danowski (PhD), Manifestations of National Identity in Vladimir Vysotsky's and Jacek Kaczmarski's Guitar Poetry.  Supervised by Vladimir Tumanov.

July 2007
Veronica Jimenez (MA), Puzzling Maps and Maps as Puzzles Grids, Maps and Other Cartographic Endeavours in Paul Auster and Georges Perec.  Supervised by Anthony Purdy.

June 2007
Monica Rettig (MA), Mixed Media & Postmemory: Holocaust Remembrance in Sebald, Spiegelman, and Boltanski.  Supervised by Anthony Purdy.


August 2006
Iulia David (MA), The Enigma of Return: Reworking the Baudelairean Correspondence.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

May 2006
Asta Matharu (MA), An Analysis of Detachment in V.S. Naipaul's The Mimic Men and Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia.

April 2006
Christopher Rowe (MA), The Space-Age Romantic: Perception and Time in Three Science Fiction Films.  Supervised by Walid Hamarneh.


August 2005
Michelle Witen (MA), "A Kind of Sterility"- The Decaying Aesthetic in Faulkner's Early Works.  Supervised by Martin Kreiswirth.

Cristina Ionica (MA), The Exhaustion of Literature: Urmuz and Daniil Kharms.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Adina Arvatu (MA), Lector in Tabula: Listing and Storytelling in Rabelais, Flaubert, and M.H. Simionescu.  Supervised by Walid Hamarneh.

July 2005
Maria Mayr (MA), Bridging Borders in Emine Sevgi Ӧzdamar’s Die Brücke Vom Goldenen Horn and Lee Maracle’s Ravensong.  Supervised by Marilyn Randall.

Naqaa Abbas (MA), Playing with Masks: Identity in Kleist, Hoffmann, Hugo and Byron.  Supervised by Angela Esterhammer.

Gang Liu (MA), The Macrocosmic and the Microcosmic: A Study of Two Contending Perspectives in Perceiving and Understanding Modern China (1894-1949).  Supervised by Laura Wu.


September 2004
Saikat Maitra (MA), Narrating Famines: An Insight into Modernity and Nationalist Myths.  Supervised by Diana Brydon.

GuoYuan Liu (MA), Diaspora at Home.  Supervised by Diana Brydon.

Corina Tiron (MA), The Majority of One or Some: Subjectivity in Alexis de Tocqueville and Henry James.  Supervised by Walid Hamarneh.

Riisa Walden (MA), Telling Tales: French-Canadian and English-Canadian Women's Autobiographical Narratative of Child Sexual Abuse.  Supervised by Anthony Purdy.

Adrian Mioc (MA), Modern Insights into Romantic Myth-Making: William Blake and E.T.A. Hoffmann.  Supervised by Angela Esterhammer.

August 2004
Jody McNabb (MA), Nietzsche's Intoxication with Dionysus.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

July 2004
Monika Markus (MA), Through the Red Looking-Glass -- Stalinism, Post-Stalinism and the Absurd in the Works of Daniil Kharms and Slawomir Mrozek.  Supervised by Vladimir Tumanov.

June 2004
Xufan Lu (MA), Adventure and Beyond: A Comparison of the Lord of the Rings and Tianlong Babu.  Supervised by Walid Hamarneh.

May 2004
Duru Eldahudy (MA), The Antibody: A Rhizomatic Model of Decadent Style in Huysmans, Sade and Beardsley.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

April 2004
Mariana Ortega-Brena (MA), The Book of Bodies: Corporeality and Text in Peter Greenaway's Prospero's Books and The Pillow Book.  Supervised by Anthony Purdy.


October 2003
Aviva Atlani (MA), Examining Shadows: The Muselmänner and the Limits of Representation.  Supervised by Alain Goldshlager.

Yaoci Pardo-Dominguez (MA), The Emblematic Corpse: A Monstration of the Sxiom or the Categorical Paradox of Power as Played in the Puppet-Theatre of Titus Andronicus, a Catalogue and an Anatomical Plate.  Supervised by Dominique Russell.

September 2003
Amy Hondronicols (MA), Translating the Image: Photography and Narrative in Calvino, Elytis and Brossard.  Supervised by Anthony Purdy.

Sally Booth (MA), Bridging the Gap: History Through Magical Realism in El Reino de Este Mundo and The Dark Jester.  Supervised by Diana Brydon.

August 2003
Maud Asante-Nimako (MA), Political and Social Indoctrination in Calerón’s La Vida es Sueño and Kleist’s Prinz Friedrich Von Homburg.  Supervised by Angela Esterhammer .

July 2003
Fortunato Trione (MA), The Idea of the Journey in Charles Baudelaire and Bruce Chatwin.  Supervised by James Miller.


September 2002
Carmen Barbu (MA), Entities A-Peel. Beautiful Epidermis in Baudelaire, Kafka, and Rilke.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Jianmeng He (MA), Representation and Self-Representation in Ding Ling's Works.  Supervised by Diana Brydon.

Leon Berdichevsky (MA), Mad Order: Meanings of Madness in "Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste" and "Marat/Sade".  Supervised by Dominique Russell.

Christine Hill (MA), The Genesis of Silence: Ingeborg Bachmann and Yves Bonnefoy at the Limits of Language.  Supervised by David Darby.

June 2002
Laura Ene (MA), In Pursuit and in Defiance of the Law: Narration, Tropes and Theoretical Practices in Michael Kohlhaas and Les Faux-Monnayeurs.  Supervised by Angela Esterhammer.

April 2002
Amber Riaz (MA), Literary '"Testimonials" of 1947: Recovering Lost Voices from Fiction about the Partition of India.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia.


September 2001
Sorin Tomuta (MA), The Crisis of Character and the Character of Crisis in Robert Musil's The Man Without Qualities (Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften) and Italo Svevo's The Consciousness of Zeno (La Coscienza di Zeno).  Supervised by Melitta Adamson.

Kimberly Fortin (MA), Anarchist Themes and Forms of Authority: Liberal Aspirations and Anti-Authoritarianism in the Literary Works of Kafka, Joyce, Orwell and Artaud.  Supervised by R. Barsky.

Dorin Garofeanu (MA), The Trace of Dreams The Poetics of the Oneiric in Homer and Virgil.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

June 2001
Klara Kolinska (MA), Tricksters (Don't Always) Leave Tracks: Trickster Narratives in Russian and Canadian Perspective.  Supervised by David Bentley.

February 2001
Lenka Pankova (MA), The Devil Speaks with a Foreign Accent: The Evil One in The Bible, The Brothers Karamazov, The Master and Margarita and The Witches of Eastwick.  Supervised by Christine Roulston.


November 2000
Julia Grant (MA), LitarotURE: Tarot as a Metafictional Device in Twentieth-century Literature.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

September 2000
Caroline Couillard (MA), Protesting in Silence, Macabéa and Eréndira Go to the Movies. Supervised by Dominique Russell.

Robert Ryder (MA), Schein-ing Disorder: The Sublime in Writings on Music at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century.  Supervised by Angela Esterhammer.

Maria Ionita (MA), Meta by Night: Fantastic Literature and Metafiction.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Deepa Chordiya (MA), Translation of Text and Context The Politics of Language and the Role of Translation in Indian Literature in English.  Supervised by Nandi Bhatia.

June 2000
Maya Bevan (MA), Non-Fiction Eutopias: Contradiction, Complexity, Consilience.  Supervised by Vladimir Tumanov.

January 2000
Roland Luo (MA), Ezra Pound, Confucius and the Art of Interpretation. Supervised by Stephen Adams.


June 1999
Sanda Nemeth (MA), The Room of Memory: On the Practice of Writing of Virginia Woolf and Marcel Proust.  Supervised by Angela Cozea.

Marta Guzy (MA), What is Art? Gombrowicz, Eco, and Barthes on Art and Literature.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Ellen Painter-Zykmund (MA), The Crisis of National Identity in Thomas Mann and E.M. Forster.  Supervised by David Darby.

January 1999
Jason Soloway (MA), Negotiating a Hyphenated Identity: Three Jewish-Canadian Writers.  Supervised by A. Gedalof.


August 1998
Ramona Uritescu (MA), The Magician's Modern Avatars: A Study of the Artist Figure in the Works of Marcel Proust, Thomas Mann and Franz Kafka.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Andrei-Paul Zlatescu (MA), Prospero's Planet: Magic, Utopian and Allegorical Injunctions in the Rise of the Modern State. Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Hynek Zykmund (MA), Poetics and Politics of the Contemporary Novel.  Supervised by Laurence de Looze.


August 1997
Nancy Bray (MA), Incorporating the Sublime or Translating the Body in Christa Wolf's Kassandra and Nicole Brossard's Le Dé sert Mauve.  Supervised by David Darby.

Jefferson Gatrall (MA), Word and Image in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov: From an Analysis of the Dialectic in the Novel to an Interpretation of Dostoevsky's Confrontation with Hans Holbein the Younger's The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb.  Supervised by Reul Wilson.

Norah Ismail (MA), The Story's Horizon is Death: The Palestinian Short Story as Minor Writing.  Supervised by Călin Mihăilescu.

Daniel Mellamphy (MA), Le Pas Sage: A Mathesis (Angeometry & Djinnialogy of the Short Story). Supervised by Angela Cozea.


For further information about any aspect of the program, please contact:
The Graduate Chair, Comparative Literature
Department of Languages and Cultures
Phone: (519) 661-2111, ext. 85862/Fax: (519) 661-4093
E-Mail: Prof. James Miller