Western's 24th Chancellor - Call for Nominations
As we approach the conclusion of Linda Hasenfratz’s four-year term as Western’s 23rd Chancellor, the University’s Board of Governors and Senate have established an Electoral Board to select our next Chancellor who will join the prominent group of Canadian leaders who have served in this important symbolic role since 1878.
Members and friends of the Western community are invited to submit nominations for our next Chancellor by emailing the University Secretary at: abryson4@uwo.ca.
Please write “Attention Electoral Board for Chancellor” in the subject line.
Submissions must include detailed biographical information about the nominee and be received no later than March 2, 2023.
Nominators are advised that the nominating process is confidential, and candidates should not be informed that they are being nominated. Information about the role of Chancellor and the Electoral Board can be found at: http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/about/
The Chancellor’s term of office will be four years (non-renewable), taking effect on July 1, 2023. To be eligible, a nominee may not be a member of the governing body, faculty, staff or student body of any degree-granting institution.
In addition to their official duties of presiding at convocation and admitting candidates to degrees, diplomas, and certificates, the Chancellor will be an individual who:
- will make us proud and who can represent Western- has capacity to be part of a volunteer fundraising team
- has a relationship with Western or another university
- is willing to connect with students, alumni, faculty, and staff
- is committed to higher education, believes in the mission of the university and supports Western’s strategic plan
- demonstrates leadership in their community and/or who exercises leadership character in alignment with Western’s values