

We offer over 100 different awards and bursaries in the Faculty, including our two Faculty specific entrance scholarships listed below. 

ScholarshiP DirecTory 

Neen Hodgins Scholarships 

Neen Hodgins National Entrance Scholarship
ONE at $80,000; payable $20,000 per academic year for a period of four years.

Neen Hodgins President's International Entrance Scholarship
ONE at up to $80,000; payable $20,000 per academic year for a period of four years.

Neen Hodgins Indigenous Continuing Admission Scholarship
ONE at $40,000, awarded annually ($10,000 per year for up to 4 years) 

Neen Hodgins Award
FIVE at $3,000, awarded annually 

Neen Hodgins Bursary
Number and value will vary as funds permit (initially 1 at $2,000) 

Neen Hodgins Continuing Admission Scholarship
18 scholarships available at $40,000 (payable $10,000 per year continuing for up to 4 years).  Renewal requirements:  Full time status (minimum 3.5 course load, maintain 80% average, continue to be registered in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. SIX at $20,000, awarded annually ($5,000 each year continuing for up to 4 years) 

Neen Hodgins Graduating Scholarship
ONE at $2,000, awarded annually 

Faculty of Arts and Humanities Entrance Scholarship of Excellence

Awarded to full-time students entering the first year of an undergraduate program in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities (with the exception of National Scholarship, Western Scholarship of Excellence, and Neen Hodgin's scholarship recipients). Students must have a minimum final admission average of 90% and be eligible for a University entrance scholarship. This scholarship is offered IN ADDITION to Western’s Admission Scholarships. 
Value: $2,000 each.

Dean’s Entrance Scholarship (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)

Awarded to full-time students entering the first year of an undergraduate program in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities. Students must have a final admission average between Western's final admission average and 89.9% Value: $2,500 each.

These scholarships are GUARANTEED as long as you accept your offer of admission to the Faculty of Arts & Humanities by the response deadline on your offer of admission, meet all of your admissions conditions, and remain registered as a student in the Faculty as of November 1, with at least 2.0 courses offered by the Faculty of Arts & Humanities (Main Campus). Students must apply directly from secondary school.


89.9% and lower

A&H Dean's Entrance Scholarship



$2,500 TOTAL

90.0% to 91.9%


A&H Scholarship of Excellence

Western Admission Scholarship (unlimited)



$2,500 ($1,500 in first year, plus $1,000 for optional study abroad experience)

$4,500 TOTAL

92.0% and higher

A&H Scholarship of Excellence

Western Scholarship of Distinction (unlimited)



$3,500 ($2,500 in first year, plus $1,000 for optional study abroad experience)

$5,500 TOTAL

Western Scholarship of Excellence

250 scholarships recognizing outstanding achievement are awarded based on the top high school admission averages.

Value: Total of $8,000. $6,000 in first year, plus $2,000 for an optional study abroad experience. (These cannot be combined with another Western admission scholarship.)

These amounts are effective for the September 2023/2024 Academic Year.

Click HERE to view a full list of all available scholarships and awards.