Student Reflections

Reflective practice is a key component of experiential learning and professional development. Through reflection, we understand our strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, and behaviours. When we reflect on our experiences, we assign meaning to them, and from that process, we can develop best practices; recognize, hone, and expand our skills and professionalism; and plan and prepare for the future.

For Arts & Humanities students, reflection is especially important to identify the soft skills they are developing and understand how those skills can be applied in the working world.

Every SASAH student submits reflections and reports as their EL opportunities are ongoing. Click on the links below to read a few longer-form student reflections.

Celine Tsang (SASAH & Linguistics) Publicis Sapient, Summer 2022

Sophie Wu (SASAH & Mathematics) Western's Muller Lab, Summer 2022 


Andrew Fullerton (SASAH & English Language & Literature) Osborne Holdings, Winter 2021


Kaitlyn Lonnee (SASAH & Creative Writing and English Language & Literature) The Grand Theatre, Fall/Winter 2020-2021


Evalyn Watson (SASAH & Creative Writing and English Language & Literature) Impressive PR, Summer 2021

SASAH students have also written elsewhere about their experiential learning. Follow the links to read about their experiences:

2022 2021 2020
Rachael Jensen Julia Campbell QingXiao Cui
Ash Ecclestone Rebecca Jackson
Azadeh Odlin Jade Rozal
Avery Vojvodin Betty Wang





Learning from Experience

In our fall and winter “Learning from Experience” events, SASAH’s 4th- and 5th-year students discuss and reflect on their internship or community-engaged learning experiences in front of an audience of peers, professors, staff, supervisors, and special guests. The always-inspiring presentations showcase the diverse, exciting, and impactful opportunities undertaken by the students in our program.

Please watch the video recording of our most recent Learning from Experience event.

Want to see more? You can find previous years’ Learning from Experience videos here