
 Why join SPINA?

why join spinaGlobally, musculoskeletal spinal problems are the leading cause of pain, disability and need for effective rehabilitation. By joining SPINA, you will contribute important information required for researchers and physiotherapists to improve patient care and outcomes for musculoskeletal spinal problems.


spina community iconWhen registering with SPINA, you can give permission to be contacted about additional opportunities to participate in research studies. Through these studies, you will engage with international research to advance our knowledge of musculoskeletal spinal problems and treatments.


 spina metricsYour completed SPINA surveys will be available to download for your personal records or to discuss with your healthcare provider. You can also interact with your SPINA Synopsis to track your health over time. SPINA Synopsis tracks changes in key areas including sleep, physical functioning, pain, quality of life, and mood.


Who can join?

You are eligible to join SPINA if you are:

  • Experiencing pain/symptoms in the neck, upper or mid-back, or lower back
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Fluent in English
  • Able to provide informed, written consent



spina qr code iconScan the QR code or click here to register for SPINA. Enter your information in the fields provided, which is necessary for SPINA to accurately record your information, send instructions and reminders. You will then receive an email with instructions to log on to SPINA.


spina signature iconOnce you log on to SPINA, you will be provided a letter of information describing SPINA and asked to sign the consent form. Information you entered on the website will be stored if you sign the consent form or deleted within a week if you do not sign the consent form. 


780x_spina2.pngOnce you give consent, you are a member of SPINA! You will then start your journey with the online intake survey which will take 15 - 30 minutes to complete. You will receive reminder emails to complete SPINA follow-up surveys, which will take 10 - 20 min to complete. 

   spina patient survey timeline


 Please contact a member of the SPINA research team by emailing:


Privacy and Confidentiality

Your information is collected online through a highly secure data collection system that is accessible via the world-wide web. Information will be stored on secure servers in protected locations. Extremely high standards of physical and virtual security measures are in place to reduce risk for privacy breach. Your information will not be shared with anyone or published anywhere without your permission, unless required by law. 

Patient participants will only have access to their own survey information. Physiotherapy clinicians and clinical site managers will not have access to patient participant information. 

You can withdraw from SPINA at any time by emailing: