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Dr. P. David Howe
Email: david.howe@uwo.ca
Phone: 519-661-2111 x84458
Office: 3M Ctr 2225H
Principal Investigator
P. David Howe
P. David Howe is a medical anthropologist in the School of Kinesiology at Western University, Canada. David has research interests in physical activity cultures related to disability sport and related health outcomes. His ethnographic research focuses on unpacking the embodied socio-cultural milieu surrounding inclusive physical activity and disability sport. His publications on the co-constitution of disability and medicine in sport and physical activity mark him as a leader in the socio-cultural investigation of the field. With reference to the culture of disability, ethics of Paralympism, health and disability and medical discourse surrounding the disability sport games, David is concerned that his research highlights ways and means of making sport and physical activity more empowering for marginalized populations.