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Lisa Archibald, PhD
Associate Professor
Western University
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Elborn College
1201 Western Rd.
London, Ontario CANADA
N6G 1H1
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 82753
Email Dr. Archibald
Follow Dr. Archibald on twitter at @larchiba6!
2006-07 Poster Presentations
Speech-Language Pathology Presentations
Anderson, M.A: Critical Review: The Effects of Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy on Speech in Individuals with Cerebral Palsy.
Angle, K: Critical Review: The effectiveness of errorless learning in the treatment of word finding difficulties for persons with aphasia.
Atteslander, E: Critical Review: What is the Evidence for Deficits in Decoding Emotion through Facial Expressions in Parkinson’s Disease?
Butler, C.P: Critical Review: The Effectiveness of TEACCH on Communication and Behaviour in Children with Autism.
Butler, L: Critical Review: The Effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin as Treatment for Drooling among Patients with Parkinson’s Disease.
Cagnin, D: Critical Review: The Effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin in the Treatment of Children with Drooling Problems.
Coulas, V: Critical Review: The efficacy of cognitive rehabilitation approaches for recovery of memory impairments following stroke.
Devine, K: Critical Review: The use of Auditory Integration Training to reduce aberrant behaviours in individuals with PDD.
Grass, V: Critical Review: How do speech-language pathologists provide therapy to school-aged children who stutter and have a concomitant speech or language disorder?
Henderson, K: Critical Review: The Cause of Drooling in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Hypersalivation versus Swallowing Impairment.
Hisson, R.A: Critical Review: Evidence for Residual Long-Term Speech Deficits Following Transient Cerebellar Mutism in Childhood.
Howden, A: Critical Review: The Impact of Recurrent Otitis Media on Phonological Development in Preschool Children.
Iulianella, I: Critical Review: Can sub-thalamic deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) improve speech output in patients with Parkinson’s Disease?
Lorincz, O: Evidence for improved speech production following levodopa medication in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease.
Maloney, K: Critical Review: Efficacy of Narrative-Based Intervention on Improving Oral Narrative Skills in Children with Language Impairments.
Marcotte, P: Critical Review: Effectiveness of FEES in comparison to VFSS at identifying aspiration.
McEwen, S.D: Critical Review: Efficacy for SLP – Teacher Collaboration for Classroom Based Intervention.
Meredith, S: Critical Review: Evidence of the Association between Laryngopharyngeal Sensory Deficits and Risk of Aspiration.
Nouh, N: Critical Review: The Impact of Strengthening Exercises on Swallowing Function.
Paling, J: Critical Review: Does Baby Sign Language have a Positive Affect on the Language Development of Typically Developing, Hearing Infants of Hearing Parents?
Randev, J: Critical Review: Do cochlear implants improve literacy outcomes in children with hearing impairments?
Vuckovich, M: Critical Review: Electropalatography and the productive speech intelligibility of children and adolescents with hearing impairments.
Audiology Presentations
Altman, T: Critical Review: In preschool aged children (0-3years), is there evidence of noise induced hearing loss related to the use of battery-operated age-appropriate toys?
Bianchi, K: Is there evidence to show that older adults with hearing loss who use hearing aids and participate in an information-based aural rehabilitation group will experience increased hearing aid benefits?
Emerson, K: Critical Review: Is there evidence to support that FM listening devices benefit children with learning disabilities (LD) in the educational setting?
Johnson, J: Critical Review: Is there Evidence to Support the Use of FM Technology within the Preschool Population?
Neukom, M: Critical Review: Efficacy of Otoprotective Drugs in Preventing Noise Induced Hearing Loss.
Reid, M: Critical Review: Is There Evidence to Support the Use of Directional Microphone Technology within the Pediatric Population?
Wheeler, K.S: Critical Review: Is there evidence that auditory steady-state response measures provide a more accurate electrophysiological estimate of behavioural thresholds for infants than tone-burst auditory brainstem response measures?