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Lisa Archibald, PhD
Associate Professor
Western University
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Elborn College
1201 Western Rd.
London, Ontario CANADA
N6G 1H1
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 82753
Email Dr. Archibald
Follow Dr. Archibald on twitter at @larchiba6!
2010-11 Poster Presentation
Speech-Language Pathology Presentations
Aizawa, L: Critical Review: The outcomes of communication skills training for the familial caregivers of people with dementia of the Alzheimer's type.
Balagopal, S: Critical Review: Is errorless learning more effective than errorful learning in the treatment of anomia for individuals with aphasia?
Bedard, M: Critical Review: What are the language abilities of preschool siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Bélair, M: Critical Review: Does a phonological awareness approach improve literacy skills in children with childhood apraxia of speech?
Bender, A: Critical Review: What are the Psychosocial Effects of Cleft Lip and Palate?
Brown, C: Critical Review: For patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), what are the outcomes associated with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices?
Broxterman, E: Critical Review: What are the effects of language intervention on pro-social behaviours in children with behavioural disorders?
Cermak, C: Critical Review: The efficacy of group therapy for adults with chronic aphasia.
Gennaro, M: Critical Review: Does having a traumatic brain injury during childhood affect literacy outcomes?
Goldberg, R: Critical Review: Is parent based intervention equally as effective for improving language outcomes as clinic based therapy for preschool children with language impairment?
Grund, S: Critical Review: Constraint-Induced Language Therapy (CILT); Comparison to Traditional Treatment Methods and the Efficacy of Modifications to the Original Approach
Harder, K: Critical Review: What is the validity of using nonverbal intelligence scores as an exclusionary criterion when identifying children with specific language impairment?
John, N: Critical Review: Examining the Effectiveness of the Orton-Gillingham Reading Approach for Poor Readers in Elementary School.
Kelly, K: Critical Review: Possible Intervention Programs for Remediation of Word-Finding Difficulties in School-Age Children.
Labute, J: Critical Review: Effectiveness of delivering speech and language services via telehealth.
Levee, T: Critical Review: Which Speech Symptoms Contribute Most to Reduced Intelligibility in Individuals with Ataxic Dysarthria Secondary to Friedreich’s Disease?
Matchett, J: Critical Review: Will teaching your preverbal hearing child symbolic gestures have advantages for his/her language development?
McFadden, E: Critical Review: What are the effects of parent-mediated intervention for speech and language outcomes in children with cleft lip and palate?
McIntosh, M: Critical Review: The Effects of Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation on Speech Production in Parkinson’s Disease.
Murray, E: Critical Review: What is the efficacy of auditory training in the treatment of individuals with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD or APD)?
O'Leary, M: Critical Review: Are social skill interventions an effective means of reducing social deficits in school aged children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders?
Osborne, A: Critical Review: The efficacy of speech-language pathology intervention for naming deficits in primary progressive aphasia (PPA).
Pace, J: Critical Review: Is PROMPT an effective treatment method for children with speech production disorders?
Petrasko, A: Critical Review: Is a gluten-free/casein-free diet effective in improving language and communication skills in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Pounds, A: Critical Review: Effectiveness of Sound Production Treatment (SPT) with individuals with apraxia of speech.
Schwartzentruber, A: Critical Review: The effects of a free-fluid protocol on individuals with thin-liquid dysphagia.
Skowronek, D: Critical Review: Is it beneficial for children awaiting a cochlear implant to be taught sign language prior to implantation?
Turner, A: Critical Review: Is peer-mediated video-modeling an effective social skills intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder?
VanBeurden, A: Critical Evaluation of the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale (FQOL-Scale)
Audiology Presentations
Andres, A: Critical Review: Are amplification features such as digital noise reduction, directional microphone technology, or additional programs beneficial in noisy situations for school-aged children with mild to severe hearing loss?
Barons, D: Critical Review: Is aural rehabilitation beneficial for adults with hearing impairment?
Brunger, E: Critical Review: Current Management Strategies of Children with Minimal and Mild Bilateral Hearing Loss.
Cheung, J: Critical Review: Can the use of amplification prevent the effects of auditory deprivation in adults with sensorineural hearing loss?
Coletta, M: Critical Review: Is ipsilaterally combined electro-acoustic stimulation an effective alternative to hearing aids or cochlear implants alone when treating individuals with severe to profound high-frequency hearing loss?
Cowley, A: Critical Review: What are the objective and subjective outcomes of fitting a conventional hearing aid to children with unilateral hearing impairment?
Coyne, J: Critical Review: Are There Successful Predictors of Cochlear Implant Outcomes in Children with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD)?
Falls, C: Critical Review: The use of tympanic electrocochleography in the identification of Ménière's disease: What protocol offers the best sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis?
Hannan, M: Critical Review: Does the addition of tactile stimulation improve speechreading performance for individuals with severe to profound hearing loss?
Holding, A: Critical Review: Which verification method for Bone Anchored Hearing Systems and their removable Softband counterparts is best for use with adults?
Jessome, H: Critical Review: Comparison of contralateral routing of signal (CROS) hearing aids with bone-anchored implantable hearing devices (BAHAs) in adults with single-sided deafness.
Kramp, L: Critical Review: Can carriers of a Cx26 mutation be detected through audiological assessment?
Lampe, B: Critical Review: Are currently available pre-packaged behavioural test batteries (SCAN and MAPA) effective for use in the assessment and or diagnosis of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) in children assuming the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) definition of APD?
Lau, E: Critical Review: Are Simultaneous Bilateral Cochlear Implants More Effective in Promoting Normal Functioning Bilateral Auditory Pathways in Children than Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implants?
Lee, C: Critical Review: What are the spatial and non-spatial benefits of bilateral compared to unilateral cochlear implants in adults?
MacKay, K: Critical Review: Do adult cochlear implant (CI) recipients over 70 years of age experience similar speech perception/recognition gains postoperatively in comparison with adult CI recipients under the age of 70?
Martin, A: Critical Review: Comparison of Phonological Awareness Abilities of Bilingual and Monolingual Children.
Nicholson, J: Critical Review: What is the Efficacy of Prescribing Frequency Lowering Devices for Adult Patients?
Petrovic, M: Critical Review: Using cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEP) as the outcome measure of cortical maturation, is there an optimal age to implant deaf children to provide better auditory development?
Quelch, R. W: Critical Review: What are the effects of long-term sound therapy on the perception of tinnitus loudness?
Sulkers, J: Critical Review: The (Sound) Wave of the Future: Is Forward Pressure Level More Accurate than Sound Pressure Level in Defining In Situ Sound Levels for Hearing Aid Fitting?