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Lisa Archibald, PhD
Associate Professor
Western University
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Elborn College
1201 Western Rd.
London, Ontario CANADA
N6G 1H1
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 82753
Email Dr. Archibald
Follow Dr. Archibald on twitter at @larchiba6!
2012-13 Poster Presentations
Speech-Language Pathology Presentations
Amodeo, V: Is group therapy for social skills training effective for individuals with traumatic brain injury?
Anderson, J: The effectiveness of script training intervention on the rate of speech and percentage content use in the speech of persons with chronic, non-fluent aphasia
Atkinson, A: Does dialogic book reading improve overall language skills in preschoolers?
Bouchat-Laird, N: The Effect of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training (EMST) on Dysphagia in individuals with Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease
Breedveld, K: Is webcam-based delivery of fluency intervention effective for the treatment of stuttering?
Calderaro, S: What are the effects of an early phonological awareness intervention program on later literacy development for children with a speech and/or language impairment?
Chad, L: What are the effects of palatal plate therapy on orofacial features and speech in children with Down syndrome?
Chalmers, L: Dickson, L: Is Group Therapy an Effective Intervention Method for Improving Fluency in School-Aged Children and Adolescents who Stutter?
Dunphy, C: The Hands On Approach: Perilaryngeal Manual Therapies in the Treatment of Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Dzelme, K: Is the Neonatal Oral-Motor Assessment Scale, a valid assessment tool to identify and quantify future infant oral-feeding difficulties or oral-motor dysfunction?
Farrar, C: Inner and overt speech post-stroke: Is there a dissociation?
Feldman, S: Do Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation Techniques Improve Swallowing Function Post-Stroke?
Gallagher, L: The effectiveness of ultrasound technology as a visual biofeedback tool on the productive speech intelligibility of adolescents and young adults with a hearing impairment
Gallant, I: ‘Late Talkers’: What Can We Expect?
Hamilton, E: What is the relationship between nasalance as measured by the Nasometer and perceptual measures of nasality in English speaking children with a history of cleft palate and/or related craniofacial anomalies?
Hansen, S: Effects of errorless learning on object naming and face-name associations in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease
Hazelden, O: Who Has a Role in Swallowing?
Heikamp, J: Is Small Group Narrative Intervention Effective in Increasing Narrative Forms in Preschool Children with Language Impairment?
Jeronimo, B: Is the endoscopic swallowing assessment more sensitive than the videofluoroscopic swallowing assessment at identifying penetration or aspiration in adults with dysphagia?
Kaempffer, A: Which Design Overlay is Better Suited for Early Assisted AAC Intervention in Preschoolers: Visual Scene Displays or Traditional Grid Layouts?
Kondrackyj, M: Is neuromuscular electrical stimulation more effective than traditional swallowing therapy for treating pharyngeal dysphagia?
Legge, L: Can online assessments be used to obtain an accurate measure of speech intelligibility in individuals with dysarthria?
Marks, T: Does Narrative Instruction Improve Reading Comprehension in Children with Learning Disabilities?
Marr, C: Does Fast ForWord Improve Language Outcomes in School-Age Children with Language Impairment?
McKee, R: In adult second language speakers of English seeking accent modification, can intervention based on suprasegmental features (i.e. prosody) be more effective than segmental features (consonants, vowels) in modifying foreign accents/improving positive speech characteristics?
Mohr, S: Are social stories effective at decreasing maladaptive behaviours in children with autism?
Popper, L: The Effects of Rate Reduction on Speech Intelligibility in Individuals with Hypokinetic Dysarthria
Reusser, J: The effectiveness of tongue strengthening on swallowing function in adults with dysphagia
Singer, B: Is videonasopharyngoscopy biofeedback therapy effective in improving velopharyngeal closure in patients with cleft palate?
Siwicky, M: Does treatment with levodopa improve swallowing function in patients with Parkinson’s Disease?
Spratt, J:Stirling, C: Participation and Communication Disorders in Preschoolers: A Critical Review and Pilot Study
Taylor, J: What is the effect of subthalamic deep brain stimulation on swallowing in persons with Parkinson’s disease?
Thiessen, A: Efficacy of Parent-Focused Interventions for Preschool Children with Language Delays
Wilson, J: Does pharmacological treatment have an effect on language performance in school-aged children with ADHD?