Victoria Smye, PhD
Director and Professor
Room 3301A, FNB
519 661-2111 x86986
ORCID: 0000-0001-6588-4925
Room 3301A, FNB
519 661-2111 x86986
ORCID: 0000-0001-6588-4925
- PhD (University of British Columbia)
- MHSc (McMaster)
- BA (Brock)
- Nursing Diploma (Hamilton Civic Hospitals School of Nursing)
Graduate Program Supervision
Research In Profile
Professor Victoria Smye's research makes a contribution to current knowledge that links health inequality to social and structural inequities by shedding light on the processes and practices (including policies) that contribute to health inequality and to those that mitigate their effects and improve health and well-being, in particular in the substantive areas of mental health and addictions, women and violence and Indigenous health.
Featured Publications and Projects
Chapters and Reports
- Smye, V.L. Culture, ethnicity and mental health. (Chapter 8). (2022). In E. Goldner, E. Jenkins & D. Bilsker (eds.) A Concise Introduction to Mental Health in Canada, 3rd. edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
- Smye, V.L. & Oudshoorn A. (2022). Cultural implications for psychiatric mental health nursing (Chapter 8). In C. Pollard & S. Jakubec (eds. )Varcarolis’s Canadian Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Canadian edition (3rd edition). Toronto: Elsevier.
- Smye, V.L., Josewski, V., Gross, P., Efimoff, I., Patrick, L. & Lambert, S. (in press). Trauma- and Violence-Informed Mental Health Interventions: Our Work with Indigenous Men. In: C.N. Wathen & C. Varcoe (Eds). Implementing Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care: A Handbook for Diverse Service Contexts. University of Toronto Press.
- Smye, V.L, Hill, B., Varcoe, C., Browne, A.J., Antone, C., Jackson, L. & Wylie, L. (in press). Cultural Safety & Trauma- and Violence- Informed Care: Integrated Services for Indigenous Peoples. In: C.N. Wathen & C. Varcoe (Eds). Implementing Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care: A Handbook for Diverse Service Contexts. University of Toronto Press
- Smye, V.L. (2020). Theoretical issues in nursing in the 21st century: Nursing theorizing as everyday practice. (Chapter 7, pp.). In L. McCleary & T. McParland (Eds.) Canadian Nursing: Issues and Perspectives, 6th ed. Toronto: Elsevier.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Davison, K., Thakkar, V., Lin, S.L et al….Smye, V.(2021). Interventions to support mental health among those with health conditions that present risk for severe infection from the coronavirus disease 2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(14), Team member
- Sun, W., Bartfay, E., Smye, V., Biswas, S., Newton, D., Pepin, M.,& Wilson, Wilson, D. (2021). Living well with dementia: The role volunteer-based social recreational programs in promoting social connectedness of persons with dementia and their caregivers. Aging and Mental Health (IF: 2.956)
- Efimoff, I., Patrick, L., Josewski, V., Gross, P., Lambert, S & Smye, V. (2021). The power of connections: How a novel Canadian men’s wellness program is improving the health and well-being of Indigenous and non-Indigenous men. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 12(2), https://10.18584/iipj.2021.12.2.10896
- Smye, V., Varcoe, C., Browne, A., Dion Stout, M., Josewski, V., Ford-Gilboe,M., & Keith, B. (2021). Violence at the intersections of women’s lives: Indigenous women’s experiences of leaving and/or staying with an abusive partner. Violence Against Women. 27(10), 1586-1607.
- Carswell, J., Wathen, C.N., Smye, V., Macphail, S. (2020). Fostering a trauma and violence informed community: Developing strategies to inform public education. Global Qualitative Nursing.
- Ross, C.A., Berry, N.S., Jakubec, S., Smye, V. & Goldner, E.M. (2020). The Business of Managing Nurses’ Substance-Use Problems, Nursing Inquiry. 27.
- Smye, V., Varcoe, C., Browne, A., Dion Stout, M., Josewski, V., Ford-Gilboe,M., & Keith, B. (2020). Violence at the intersections of women’s lives: Indigenous women’s experiences of leaving and/or staying with an abusive partner. Violence Against Women. 1-22.
- Ross, C.A., Berry, N.S., Jakubec, S., Smye, V. & Goldner, E.M. (2020). The Business of Managing Nurses’ Substance-Use Problems, Nursing Inquiry. 27.
Current Grants and Research Projects
- Co-Principal Investigator (Oudshoorn, NPI) (2021-2024). EQUIP Housing: Enacting Culturally Safe Housing Stability for Indigenous Youth Finding Home, funded by Making the Shift- National Centre of Excellence, $235,902
- Co-Investigator (Ford-Gilboe, NPI) (2022-2027). An Evidenced-Based Health Promotion Intervention (iHEAL) for Women Experiencing IPV: Implementation in Diverse Contexts, Evaluation and Scale-Up funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, $2.1 M
- Research Lead (Kernaghan, NPI)
Featured Graduate Student Projects
Moving Towards Cultural Safety in Indigenous Contracting: Lessons from British Columbia
- Josewski, Viviane (2019) PhD, Simon Fraser University, BC
Decolonizing Nursing Education
- Coggins, Danae (2018) MScN, Western Nursing
Registered Practical Nurses’ (in Post RPN-BScN Education) Experiences of Nurse-to-Nurse Conflict in the Workplace
- Mais, Yvonne (2017) MHSc, Ontario Tech University, formerly UOIT
Exploring Experiences of Mental Health in Second Generation South Asian Canadians
- Cader, Nurul (2017) MHSc, Ontario Tech University, formerly UOIT
Examining Community Capacity to Support Karen Refugee Women’s Mental Health and Well-Being in the Context of Resettlement in Canada
- Clark, Nancy (2015) PhD, UBC Nursing, BC
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Associate Scientist, The Lawson Health Research Institute
- Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia (UBC) School of Nursing
- Associate, Critical Research in Health and Health Inequity (CRiHHI) unit, UBC School of Nursing
- ‘iHEAL’, a community-based program designed to meet the needs of women who have left an abusive partner
- ‘EQUIP Healthcare’, community-based research to examine the impact of the intervention to enhance staff knowledge, attitudes and practices; improve processes of care; shift organizational policies and structures; and improve selected client outcomes
- Adjunct Professor, Ontario Tech University (OTU), Formerly the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
Media/Video Highlights
- Smye, V., Browne, A., Gross, P., Johnson, R., Littlejohn, D., Mussell, W., Varcoe, C., Josewski, V. & Azak, E. (2016.) A Thousand Words. Produced by Jeff Topham (filmmaker). Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Role: Principal Investigator, Aboriginal Men’s Health Narratives – Reclaiming our Lives.
- Smye, V., Browne, A., Gross, P., Johnson, R., Littlejohn, D., Mussell, W., Varcoe, C., Josewski, V. & Azak, E. (2014.) In Their Words (the Dudes Club). Produced by Lonnie Wright (filmmaker), Three Bridges Films. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Role: Principal Investigator, Aboriginal Men’s Health Narratives – Reclaiming our Lives. Vimeo.
- Smye, V., Parkes, T., Salmon, A., Lipsky, N., Gloyn, S.& the BCAPOM Board. (2014). We are the Warriors - The Methadone Warriors. Produced by Lonnie Wright, Three Bridges Films. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). DVD for Distribution.
- Cultural Safety (2006). Advisory Team Member, Video for distribution, University of Victoria.
- Management of Eating Disorders (1995). Educator, Video for distribution, Nursing Care of Adults and Families with Mental Health Concerns Series. UBC: Outreach Education.
- Goldner, E., Leung, S., Smye, V. (1995). Consultant, Video for distribution, Shaping the Future: Freedom from Eating Disorders. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data. Video. BCMA funded.
- Education Award, Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International (NNVAWI) (2022)
- Leadership in Education Award, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) (2022)
- Canadian Academy of Nursing (CNA), Fellow (2020)
- Centenary Medal of Distinction, UBC School of Nursing (2019)
Professional Activities
- Board Member, St. Joseph’s Health Care London (SJHC)
- Committee Member, Ethics Committee, SJHC, London
- Committee Member, Finance and Audit Committee, SJHC, London
- Board Member, Women’s Rural Resource Centre, Strathroy
- Board Member, Mood Disorders Society of Canada
- Advisor/Friend, First People’s Wellness Circle, formerly the Native Mental Health Association of Canada
- Member, Nurses Network on Violence Against Women International (NNVAWI)
- College of Reviewers, CIHR