Teaching Faculty

One of the strengths of the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing is its strong cohort of teaching faculty members. Click on a faculty member's name to view their full profile and learn more about their teaching areas.

Connor Gould

  • Nursing student sense of belonging
  • simulated clinical practice
  • Health promotion and caring

Michele Hancock

Michele Hancock
  • Undergraduate courses involving simulation
  • Simulated flu clinic practice
  • Undergraduate clinical skill courses

Amy Horton

  • Health assessment and Health Promotion
  • Holistic Health Assessment
  • Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnosis
  • Integrative Practicum

Erin Kennedy

  • Interprofessional clinical teams
  • In-situ and interprofessional simulations; simulation innovation
  • Leadership development for Nurse Practitioners
  • Knowledge synthesis methods

Lynne Hughes Marsh

Lynne Hughes Marsh
  • Health Promotion & Caring
  • Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnosis
  • Integrative Practicum

Mary-Anne McIlvena

Mary-Anne Davies
  • Healthcare Informatics
  • Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing
  • Quality Improvement and Healthcare Reform
  • Clinical Instructor in Practice Setting

Ashley Mckeown

  • Obstetrics/Pregnant Persons Health
  • Indigenous Health
  • Global Health
  • Nursing Education

Safeyyah Raji

Safeyyah Raji
  • Clinical Skills Lab and Simulated Clinical Practice
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Health Assessment
  • Clinical Practice Placements

David Reid

David Reid
  • Professional practice
  • Acute/episodic illness
  • Barriers to health
  • Global Health

Holly Relouw

  • Community Health Nursing
  • Clinical Skills Lab
  • Simulated Clinical Practice

Barbara Sinclair

Barbara Sinclair
  • Clinical skills
  • Courses involving simulation

Alexis Smith

Alexis Smith
  • Clinical Practice Placements
  • Experiential Learning

Jessica Timbrell

Jessica Timbrell
  • Simulated clinical practice