Tuition and Financial Support

The Theory Centre aims to provide every qualified student offered admission to the program with sufficient financial resources to accept their offer. 

All full-time students in the Theory and Criticism programme receive a guaranteed minimum financial support package -- funding is awarded automatically and no application is required. This support package consists of a combination of Graduate Research Scholarship and Graduate Teaching Assistantship. The package is designed to cover a portion of a student's expenses for the eligible period of funding, and may be adjusted based on external awards and overall levels of student support.

Domestic Master's students are eligible for financial support for the first six terms (two years) of full-time registration. Qualified students are provided with a minimum funding guarantee of $37,000 over two years and up to $52,850 over two years including external scholarships. 

All Doctoral students are eligible for financial support for the first twelve terms (four years) of full-time registration. The Centre for Theory and Criticism provides all full-time PhD students with a minimum funding guarantee of $95,200 over four years, and up to $176,400 over four years including external scholarships.

In addition to sources of university support, students are encouraged to apply to external funding sources. During their period of fundabilty, students must apply for external awards (OGS, SSHRC) for which they are eligible.

Learn more about funding opportunities and tuition payments.

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2024 - 2025 Tuition Fees

Effective September 1, 2024. 
For the most recent tuition fee schedule for domestic and international graduate students at Western, click here.


Domestic: $6,360/year*
International: $20,146/year*


Domestic and International: $6,360/year*

*does not include ancillary fees which vary by term and can be found at: