Committee terms begin effective July 1.
Committees can view a copy of the Theory Centre Constitution here.
Students can view a copy of the Theory and Criticism Student Assembly Constitution here.
Graduate Studies Committee
The Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) is the governing body of the Centre. The GSC has the obligation to defend and promote the interests of the
Joshua Schuster (Director - Chair)
Joel Faflak (English)
Helen Fielding (GSWS & Philosophy)
Allan Pero (English)
John Vanderheide (Huron)
Brendan Brown (PhD rep)
James Van Schaik (MA rep)
Graduate Student Assembly
The mandate of the Theory and Criticism Student Assembly (TCSA) is to:
- Maintain a continuous body of knowledge with respect to institutional practices and procedures;
- And in that regard, seek a transparent and accountable channel of communication with the Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism’s administrative bodies;
- Hold a regular forum for Theory Centre students to express their concerns and desires with respect to the operations of the Centre;
- Elect student representatives to administrative bodies internal and external to the Centre;
- Foster community and peer-to-peer interaction among the Theory Centre student body.
Chairperson: Paria Rahimi
Treasurer: Elk Paauw
Business Administrator: Ulysse Sizov
Students can view a copy of the TCSA Constitution here.
Research Committee
The Research Committee is responsible for the administration of the Centre's annual Speaker Series. This committee serves to coordinate and manage conferences, and to address other research-related issues and initiatives as they arise.
Joshua Schuster (Director - Chair)
Russell Duvernoy (Philosophy at King's University College)
Scott Schaffer (Sociology)
Matt Stahl (MIT)
Nick Witheford (MIT)
Mara Gonzalez Gonzalez (PhD rep)
Seoyeon Bae (MA rep)
Steering and Advisory Committee
Responsibilities of this committee are to promote the continued success of the
Dean of Arts & Humanities (Chair)
Dean of Social Science
Dean of Information & Media Studies
Joshua Schuster (Director)
Nandita Biswas Mellamphy (Political Science)
Christof Migone (Visual Arts)
Tilottama Rajan (English)
Chris Austin (PhD rep)
Charlie Martin (MA rep)
Qualifying Examination Committee
The Qualifying Exam Committee is responsible for the administration of program requirements unique to the Doctoral degree, such as Core Qualifying Examinations.
Russell Duvernoy (Philosophy at King's University College)
Allan Pero (English)
Daniel Vaillancourt (French)
Equity Committee
The Equity Committee is a body of core faculty members, PhD, and MA students that oversee and coordinate issues having to do with inclusiveness and respect in the Centre and to seeks to promote a culture of inclusiveness and open dialogue. The Committee is especially concerned with developing ways to assure that the Centre welcomes members of traditionally marginalized groups and that its courses, exams, and other scholarly activities represent a diverse range of theorists and schools of thought.
Jonathan De Souza (Music)
Michael Gardiner (Sociology)
Chris Roulston (French and GSWS)
Kashfia Arif (PhD rep)
James Edward Van Shaik (MA rep)