
Since the inception of its MA program in 1990, and the PhD program in 2002, more than two hundred graduate students have successfully completed the programme in Theory and Criticism. A listing of all graduates and their MA thesis and PhD dissertation titles can be found below. Theses submitted electronically are available through Western's Electronic Theses & Dissertation Repository.

2020 to present 






2015 to 2019






2010 to 2014





  • Brendan Bruce, The Subject and the Ghost of ImmanenceMaster of Arts.
  • Galen Crout, Expanding the Bounds of Critique: Kant and Benjamin, Master of Arts.
  • Jennifer Gartner, From Terminology to Ontology, Master of Arts.
  • Owen Glyn-Williams, The Politics of Kants' Aesthetics, Master of Arts.
  • Stephen Gray Jibb, Austerity in America, Doctor of Philosophy.
  • David Janzen, The Right to Politics, Master of Arts.
  • Ian McCausland, Thinking Where I am (k)not, Master of Arts.
  • Jared McGeough, Romantic Anarche: The Philosophical and Literary Anarchism of William Godwin, Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Cristian Melchiorre, The Downward Path, Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Sara Rodrigues, Vaginal Biopolitics, Master of Arts.
  • Laura Rooney, Contemplating Suicide, Master of Arts.
  • William Samson, Rights As Praxis, Master of Arts.
  • Marshall Smith, Touch My Desire, Master of Arts.
  • Hart Walker, Perceiving Cosmopolitanism, Master of Arts.
  • John Vanderheide, Allegory and Apocatastasis, Doctor of Philosophy.


  • Mary Bunch, Outlawry and the Experience of the (Im)possible: Deconstructing Biopolitics, Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Brendon Langer, Literature and its DimensionsMaster of Arts.

2005 to 2009


  • Brock Baines, The Practice of Freedom: Kant and Levinas in Proximity, Master of Arts.
  • Michael Bennett, Sociality and Infinity, Master of Arts.
  • Jason Dockstader, Spinoza's Divine Wisdom, Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Kane Faucher, Oncontology: Plateau 1001, Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Ariel Fuenzalida, Pharmakontologies, Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Laura Krahn, Eat Your Words: The Incorporation of Language and Body, Master of Arts.
  • Alasdair McMillan, Mechanism, Dynamism and Subjectivity, Master of Arts.
  • Laurel Mitchell, Find the Dyke in This Picture, Master of Arts.
  • Catherene Ngoh, Memory and Truth, Master of Arts.
  • Jessica Reilly, Beyond the Spectacle: Rethinking Debord, Master of Arts.
  • Jessica Sherman, Israel and Its Discontents, Master of Arts.


  • Mark Asberg, Go On, Give Up: Cynical Aporias, Doctor of Philosophy.
  • LindaBeth Nichols, Engendering Heteronormativity: A Critical Analysis of Marriage in the United States as a Discursive Site of Cross-Institutional PracticesMaster of Arts.
  • Sheena McKay, Taboo, Laughter, Shame in Psychoanalysis, Master of Arts.
  • Gerald McKinley, Tease of the New Earthdivers: Following Native Narrative in Search of New IdentitiesMaster of Arts.
  • Adam Parker, Effective HistoryMaster of Arts.
  • Christopher Shaw, The Mouse That Roared: Information Theory and the Clinamen, Master of Arts.
  • Adrian Sinclair, Thinking the Digital Corporeally, Master of Arts.
  • Kevin Spencer, Swearing: Force and Language, Master of Arts.


  • Kieran Aarons, Time and Intensity in Deleuze's Difference and Repetition, Master of Arts.
  • Leila El Qawas, Thinking Literature, Master of Arts.
  • Shannon Foskett, Speculative Science: Gilles Deleuze, Chaos & the QuantumMaster of Arts.
  • Corey Katz, The Territorialisation of Responsibility: International Relations, Kant, and the Failure of the Levinasian TurnMaster of Arts.
  • Emily Smart, A Grammar of Grey: A Study of Crowds, Clouds and PronounsMaster of Arts.
  • Joshua Synenko, Uncommon Singularities: Event, Politics and RepresentationMaster of Arts.
  • Elise Thorburn, The Crude and the Abject: A Psychoanalysis of the Oil EconomyMaster of Arts.
  • Sarah Trimble, Monstrous: Action, Life and Citizenship in Science FictionMaster of Arts.
  • Jakub Zdebik, The Extraordinary ContractionDoctor of Philosophy.


  • Timothy August, The Edible PlebisciteMaster of Arts.
  • Matthew Austin, Critical Studies on the Subject, the Genius Figure and Faust, Master of Arts.
  • David Collins, Physical and Artistic Taste in Hegel, Nietzsche and HuysmansMaster of Arts.
  • Averil Farrar, Toward a Critical 'Ontology of the Present'Master of Arts.
  • Petra Hroch, Puppet Masters: Aesthetics and Politics of the Marionnette, Master of Arts.
  • Darren MacDonald, (En)counter Dialogues, Master of Arts.
  • Martin McCallum, Trauma and Metaphor: Lacan, Lacapra, and the 'Poetic Spark', Master of Arts.
  • Andrew Robb, Hegemony and Governmentality, Master of Arts.


  • Dustin Atlas, Kierkegaard's GrotesqueMaster of Arts.
  • Christopher Bundock, Ethics and Writing, Master of Arts.
  • Shea Coulson, Adorno's Aesthetics of CritiqueMaster of Arts.
  • Andrea Dumbrell, A History of Care in the Work of Michel FoucaultMaster of Arts.
  • Jason Dockstader, Gigantomachia: Spinoza vs. Heidegger, Master of Arts.
  • Tara Kachroo, Under the Sign of Transparency, Master of Arts.
  • Joshua Lambier, Justice, Community and the Romantic Political Unconscious, Master of Arts.
  • Dolleen Manning, Anishinabemowin: Language that Gives to the Eternal Impasse, Master of Arts.
  • Christopher Morrison, Post-Heideggereanism and the Co-Ontological Horizon, Master of Arts.
  • Alexei Procyshyn, 'Silence': Towards a Critical Theory, Master of Arts.
  • Kathryn Simpson, Minerva's Owl, Master of Arts.
  • Carolyn Veldstra, Subversive Postmodern Humour in the Era of Its Impossibility, Master of Arts.

2000 to 2004


  • Dana M. Broadbent, Outside of All Places?, Master of Arts.
  • Fiona Coll, Writing Without Authority in the Practice of Everyday Life, Master of Arts.
  • Timothy De Vries, Passage Atlas: Benjamin and the Arcades, Master of Arts.
  • Selena Horrell, "Worlding" Corporeality, "Dis Placing" Globalization, Master of Arts.
  • Lila Knighton, Expressive Marks: Women's Self-Injury and Communication, Master of Arts.
  • Allison Mackey, The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Guilt Language and Reparation, Master of Arts.
  • Maureen Melnyk, Monstrous Expressions: On the "Style" of Tattooed Women, Master of Arts.
  • Jonathan Murphy, Onto-Epistemology after Metaphysics, Master of Arts.
  • Jeremy Proulx, Non-Contemplative Idealism, Master of Arts.


  • Heidi ArsenaultBasic Cable: Notes Toward Digital Ontology, Master of Arts.
  • Darryl BiedronMaurice Merleau-Ponty and Hannah Arendt: The Intersection of Institution, Natality, and Birth, Master of Arts.
  • Elana Commisso, Simulate This! Figurations of Simulacra: The Truth(s) that Belie Representation, Master of Arts.
  • Siobhan Corr, The New World: (Re)mapping the Globe, Master of Arts.
  • Heather Egger, A Glittering Set of Things: Performing Postmodern Subjectivities, Master of Arts.
  • Rachel HancockThe Violence of Aesthetics: Benjamin, Kane, Bolaño, Master of Arts.
  • Timothy Kaposy, The Claim of Errancy: Psychoanalysis and Ideation, Master of Arts.
  • Cristian Melchiorre, Affect and Transference in Theoretical Discourse, Master of Arts.
  • Steven Millar, New Abolitionism, White Abjections, and the Cooption of Antiracism, Master of Arts.
  • Tara Mimnagh, Living Dead Girl: Death, Representation and Repetition, Master of Arts.
  • Andrew PendakisHegel's Unconscious: Analyzing Matter in the Philosophy of Nature, Master of Arts.
  • John ReedLife Beyond Politics: Toward the Notion of the Unpolitical, Master of Arts.


  • Mary Bunch, Mapping the Secrets of Life, Master of Arts.
  • Camilla Eckbo, The Iterable Sublime: Towards a Theory of Communication, Master of Arts.
  • Cynthia Leighton, Mechanics of Thought and Its Relation to the Concept of LifeMaster of Arts.
  • Bernard Lesawich, Towards a Politics of the PosthumanMaster of Arts.
  • Margaret Macpherson, The Politics of ThereismMaster of Arts.
  • Ursula MisztalThe Elemental Coding of Sexual Difference, Master of Arts.
  • Andrea Schwam, Mis entre parenthèses, Master of Arts.
  • Surti Singh, Negativity in Hegel, Master of Arts.
  • John Vanderheide, On Ideology and the Ideological Ritual of AllegoryMaster of Arts.
  • Jakub Zdebik, A Diagram of Allegory: Benjamin, Deleuze and the Space of Language, Master of Arts.


  • Christopher Bradd, On the Fields of Emergence: Towards a Politics of TimeMaster of Arts.
  • Elizabeth Guerrier, The Promise of Justice: Interpreting Mi'kmaw Treaties in an Ever-Changing World, Master of Arts.
  • David Patrick, Chemistry at Work: Drugs, Mysticism, TheoryMaster of Arts.


  • Keith Bresnahan, Nothing, Really: Absence, Negativity, and the Last Word (On Theological Remainders in Post-Heideggerian Thought)Master of Arts.
  • Kevin Davis, Hypnogony: The Sleep of Philosophy-An Art of Sleep, Master of Arts.
  • Jared Hunt, Image (Gesture) Text: Toward an Aesthetic of Gesture in William Hogarth and Walter BenjaminMaster of Arts.
  • Randy Innes, Architecture at Sea: Desire, Rhythm, and the Poetic ImageMaster of Arts.
  • Katherine Kiloh, A girl, being, a sculpture: Eva Hesse, Emmanuel Levinas, and the ethical image, Master of Arts.
  • Zahra McDoom, Unsettled Identity: Rhizomes, Home and Diaspora in the West Indies, Master of Arts.
  • Julie Petruzzellis, Anti-Optant: First Nations Rights, Citizenship, and Radical Democracy, Master of Arts.
  • Heather Snell, Spacing the Event: The Theoretical Performance of Jean Baudrillard, Master of Arts.
  • Graeme Stout, Vienna-Berlin-Frankfurt: The Fragmenation of Subjectivity in Weimar Germany, Master of Arts.

1992 to 1999


  • Mark Asberg, Towards a Kantian Ethics of (In)decisive Obligation, Master of Arts.
  • Brett Buchanan, Who is Nietzche's Philosophy?: Psychological Remainders of Post-Kantian Anthropology, Master of Arts.
  • Neil Gohill, "Spirit" in Schelling's Freedom Essay, Master of Arts.
  • Nathaniel Leach, The Ethical Face and the Tragic Mask: Levinas and the Responsibility of Tragedy, Master of Arts.
  • Kim Olynyk, Suffering, Master of Arts.
  • Stephen Schryer, Discourses of Delinquency: Language and Power in a Canadian Juvenile Court, Master of Arts.
  • Dorian Stuber, Waving, Drowning: Trauma, Representation, Corporeality, Master of Arts.


  • Colin MacPhersonThe Spirit, Grace, and the Soul of ScienceMaster of Arts.
  • Laura Penny, Spent, Master of Arts.
  • Cynthia Thoroski, Re/Collective Narratives: Relational Economy in the Confessional Ethnography of Michel Leiris and Eric Michaels, Master of Arts.


  • R. Scott Bakker, Supernaut: An Assay into the Temporalities of Performance and Representation, Master of Arts.
  • Jennifer Caruso, Towards a Theory of the Threshold: Levinas, Benjamin, ProustMaster of Arts.
  • Jennifer Dyer, The Theory of Repetition: Rothko and KierkegaardMaster of Arts.
  • Maria Lundin, Spiral/Translation/Skin: An Aesthetic History of the Video ImageMaster of Arts.
  • Allyson Lunny, Queerying Homosexuality as Inversion: The Trope of Inversion and the Heterosexualizing ImperativeMaster of Arts.
  • Gary Peters, Martin Heidegger and the Ethics of Deconstruction, Master of Arts.
  • John Sawicki, Towards a Politics of Apathy: Baudrillard, Bartleby and AdornoMaster of Arts.


  • Nandita Biswas, The Anxiety of Conscience: On the Non-Concept of CommunityMaster of Arts.
  • George Conway, Spivak/Bhabha: Re-Reading Foucault, Power- Knowledge and Said's Orientalism, Master of Arts.
  • Amanda Gryzb, Jacques Derrida and the Holocaust: Cinders, Deconstruction and Excessive Responsibility, Master of Arts.
  • Gordon Hughes, Scare Marks: Towards an Ontology of Anti-SemitismMaster of Arts.
  • Christine Tetrault, All that is Sol(i)d: Cultural Capital, Private/Public Intellectuals and the Politics of Pedagogy, Master of Arts.
  • Tyler Tokaryk, Ontoepistomologies and Ethicopolitics within Canadian Multiculturalism, Master of Arts.
  • Richard van Oort, Speech-Act Theory and Generative Anthropology: The Performative Context of Language, Master of Arts.
  • Timothy Wood, The Eleventh Thesis: Strategico-Theoretical Integrations of Jean Beaudrillard & the Situationist International, Master of Arts.


  • Michelle Amlin, Thoroughly Modern Millennium: Articulating Discourses of "Otherness", Master of Arts.
  • James Brouwer, Over & Over: From Derrida to Hegel and Beyond, Master of Arts.
  • Robert Diab, The Crisis of Modernity: Husserl and Heidegger, Metaphysics and Science, Master of Arts.
  • Jonathan Singer, Sign(all)ing the Subject: A Critique of the Baudrillardean SubjectMaster of Arts.
  • Linda Wayne, The War of Position in Canadian Universities, Master of Arts.
  • Karen Wirsig, Pass/Fail? Resistance and University WorkMaster of Arts.


  • Lynn (Adam) Hughey, (De)Composing Derrida's Mourning, Restitution, and the SublimeMaster of Arts.
  • Jean M. Bruce, Feminism and Postcoloniality: The Postmodern Ethnographic Cinema of Trinh T. Minh-ha, Master of Arts.
  • Catherine Hobbs, Postmodern Feminist Parody: An Alternative Cultural Mode for Postmodern FeminismMaster of Arts.
  • Terry Hoople, The SM Ascetic Practice of Resistance: A Critical EthnographyMaster of Arts.
  • Matrix, Sidney (M. Reynolds), (Un)Authorized Disclosures: Lesbian: Theory, Master of Arts.
  • Kym Pruesse, Reader in Crisis: The Performative Tensions of Transgressive Theory: Theoretical Premises of Hybridization in the Work of Georges Bataille, Julia Kristeva, and Jacques Derrida, Master of Arts.
  • Mark Rozahegy, Levinas and the Architecture of AlterityMaster of Arts.


  • Sheila Butler, Psychoanalysis, Agency and Androgyny: The Work of Meret Oppenheim, Master of Arts.
  • Nina Bombier, The Politics of Hermeneutics: Agency, Objectivity and Feminist Theory, Master of Arts.
  • Michael C. K. Ma, The Completely Buried Woodshed: Some Problems of Self-Reflexivity and Historicity in the Interpretation of Postmodern Visual Art Work, Master of Arts.
  • William McConnell, Figuring Paul de Man: (Literary) History and the Indeterminacy of the Reading/Writing Subject(s), Master of Arts.
  • Daniel Mellamphy, Master of Arts.
  • Susan K. Varney, Putting Love into Words: Kristeva's Heretical Ethic of Signs, Master of Arts.


  • D. Grant Stirling, Psychoanalysis and Grammatology: Freud (Lacan) Derrida, Master of Arts.
  • Michelle K. Owen, Simone de Beauvoir and the Radicalization of 'Woman': Identity Politics and Politics and Political Action, Master of Arts.
  • Imre Szeman, Critics, Ironists, and Agents of Love: Richard Rorty's Intellectuals, Master of Arts.