Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations – Senate Committees

The Senate Nominating Committee is currently accepting nominations from members of the University community for vacancies on the following Senate Committees:


  • Selection/Review Committee for the Vice-Provost (Academic Planning, Policy & Faculty): Three (3) persons elected by Senate, one of whom shall be a Dean.
    • Composition:
      • Provost & Vice President (Academic) who shall be Chair
      • Vice-President (Research).
      • 3 persons elected by Senate, one of whom shall be a Dean
      • 1 faculty member nominated by the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association

Nominations Process

To submit your nomination, please fill in our Nominations Form. The Senate Nominating Committee will consider all nominations it receives without regard to the source of the nomination.

Foundational to the work of the Nominating Committee is a commitment to ensure that candidates represent the breadth of the University’s academic community in the diversity of Indigeneity, race, gender identity/expression, ability, sexual orientation and religion. Diversity of our community is one of our strengths and is integral to the decision-making and governance of our institution.