Winter 2025

This course schedule is subject to change. Please refer to student centre for the most up to date information.

Geology/Geophysics 9580: Graduate Seminar


This is a required course for all new M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in the Department of Earth Sciences. The objectives of the course are to: i) write and present a thesis/project proposal, ii) develop strong research skills, iii) learn how to effectively present information orally,  iv) become familiar with grant proposal writing, and v) practice scientific and professional learning skills through teamwork exercises.

 Course Outline: Grad Seminar

Geophysics 9507: Advanced Mineral Physics

Instructor: Sean Shieh 


 Course Outline:

*Crosslisted with ES 4424

Geology 9552: Mineral Deposit Geochemistry


 Course Outline:

* Crosslisted with ES 4432B

Planetary Science 9606: Remote Sensing and Image Analysis for Earth & Planetary Science

Instructor: Catherine Neish 

The principle objective of this course is to provide participants with a strong technical and conceptual grounding in remote sensing data. The course will focus on image analysis; learning the ability to manipulate and analyze a wide variety of remote sensing data sets. Participants will get a hands-on experience applying the learned techniques to diverse terrestrial and planetary data sets and deriving meaningful geologic and environmental information. It will feature both overview lectures on background theory, as well as hands-on exercises using satellite data, geological maps, and field data. This course is intended to provide the non-specialist analytical tools when working with various types of spatial and spectral data.

 Course Outline: PS 9606