Winter 2025 - Environmental Science Courses

EnviroSci 1021G: Environmental Science and Sustainability


An overview of the science underlying key environmental issues (e.g. climate change, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem function, air and water pollution, and resource use) and how each issue impacts environmental sustainability from the local to global scale.

Prerequisite(s): Priority will be given to students in their first year at Western.

 Course Outline

EnviroSci 3350G: Research Techniques in Environmental Science


A multi-module course where a case study approach will be used to acquaint students with the research tools of environmental science, and the analysis, interpretation and presentation of environmental data.

Prerequisite(s): Environmental Science 2300F/G or the former Environmental Science 3300F/G, and enrolment in any Environmental Science module, Honours Specialization in Integrated Science with Environmental Science, Honours Specialization or Major in One Health, Major in Ecosystem Health, or permission of the Department.

 Course Outline:

EnviroSci 4970G: Independent Study in Environmental Science


A research project course in a particular field under the direction of a faculty member who is a member of the Centre for Environment and Sustainability.
Antirequisite(s): Environmental Science 4999E.

Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in Year 4 of the Specialization or Major module in Environmental Science. Students must have arranged a project with a supervisor before completing registration.

 Course Outline:

EnviroSci 4999E: Honours Research Project


A major laboratory or field project that emphasizes experimental design, instrumentation, collection and analysis of data, and communication of experimental results by oral and written presentations.
Antirequisite(s): Environmental Science 4970F/G, the former Environmental Science 4971F/G.
Prerequisite(s): Fourth year registration in the Honours Specialization in the Environmental Science module. Students must have arranged a project with a supervisor before completing registration. In the late winter, a list of potential projects for the following academic year will be available from the Undergraduate Chair of Environmental Science.

 Course Outline: