Population and Life Course Studies

Participating Faculties: Social Science (host), Science, and Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

Project Leaders: Daniele Belanger and Lorraine Davies

Total Project Funding:  $133,785

Funding Period: 3 years

Population and Life Course Studies draws on existing strengths in population health (Department of Epidemiology, statistics (Statistics and Actuarial Science), environment, development and health (Geography) and population and life course studies (Sociology) to create vibrant interdisciplinary synergisms that will enhance research as well as faculty and graduate training at UWO. Specifically, aspects of three traditionally separate areas of study will be integrated: population processes (aging, immigration, reproduction, spatial changes in population); social trends (in family formation as reflected in rates of marriage, cohabitation, divorce, single-parent families, alternative family forms, shifts in family size, step-relations; changing labour force participation rates, caring patterns over the life course and work/life balance patterns); and health over the life course (population health; morbidity; longevity; mortality; psychological well-being). The objective of promoting activity beyond typical disciplinary boundaries will be met by concentrating on the three major substantive areas of population processes, social trends, and health in relation to research, education, and policy. A key focus of research and education is providing advance training opportunities for students and faculty members in current approaches to quantitative and qualitative research methods.