Contact Us
Jennifer Holburn
Faculty Recruitment Consultant
519-661-2111 (84366)
Connie Zrini
Associate Director of Faculty Relations
Western's contract supplier for relocation services is Armstrong International Movers.
Use of Western's preferred movers is encouraged as it eliminates prepayment by the new hire, allows the University to take advantage of preferred rates and allows the University control over the quality of the move.
Armstrong International Movers
Angelo Lepore
Director, International
Direct Telephone: (905) 795-6680
Toll Free: 1-866-670-3600
Relocation budget matters and moving companies are handled by your hiring unit. Please contact the administrative coordinator of your unit for additional information on the current practice in your department.
When moving, please ensure that any essential research materials, notes, papers or books are transported in a secure location. Confirm with the driver the inventory of these items and the location during the move.
Questions regarding Western's preferred vendors can be directed to Procurement Services.
Reimbursement for moving expenses is part of the recruitment package prepared by your department and Dean's Office. Please consult with your administrative officer regarding the protocol in your unit for expense reimbursement and allotted budget.
Please refer to (MAPP) POLICY 2.17 Moving Allowances (PDF) for further information.