Peer-to-Peer Staff Awards


The Faculty of Health Sciences encourages its staff members to acknowledge and recognize their teammates' contributions to the Faculty and School/ Centre’s development. Peer-to-Peer awards provide an annual opportunity for staff to nominate deserving colleagues for an award that enable our Operational Excellence Priorities. These awards highlight outstanding accomplishments, process innovations or the contribution to the overall support and services in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the broader University or in the health care community.

There are three categories for the Peer-to-Peer Awards:

  • Impact
  • Stewardship
  • Leadership (open to all, not just those in traditional leadership positions).

Peer-to-Peer: Impact Award

This award recognizes an outstanding individual who has significantly contributed to advancing the Faculty of Health Sciences strategic objectives and demonstrated significant impact through innovation or excellence in their work.

One or more of the following criteria has been met:

  • Effectively implemented a novel solution to a difficult existing problem, resolved an ongoing issue or improved efficiencies through a collaborative approach;
  • Efforts have demonstrably improved quality of services or processes, enriching the experience for those they work with or support;
  • Facilitated collaboration and community connection within or across a team or unit;
  • Positive impact on the efficient provision of service to The Faculty of Health Sciences students, staff or community of integrated health professionals; and/or
  • Displayed dedication, initiative and/or creativity to improving communications, operational processes, methods, systems or services.

Peer-to-Peer: Stewardship Award

This award recognizes an individual doing exceptional work as a staff representative of the Faculty of Health Sciences to help create positive change. The individual continuously demonstrates professionalism, integrity and enthusiasm to improve the overall culture within FHS.

One or more of the following criteria has been met:

  • Went beyond own role to help colleagues;
  • Encouraged teamwork, collaboration and/or engagement across individuals or groups within the Faculty of Health Sciences;
  • Demonstrated a positive attitude, passion and/or a commitment to improving the FHS culture and experience; and/or
  • Helps to ensure an inclusive, equitable and respectful workplace.

Peer-to-Peer: Leadership

This award celebrates an individual who continues to demonstrate excellence in leadership. This individual creates an environment where colleagues can strive for their personal and professional best, upholds Western’s principles and values, and has the courage to act and achieve results.

One or more of the following criteria has been met:

  • Strive to continuously learn and develop, actively seeking and incorporating feedback;
  • Fosters a collaborative atmosphere, which contributes to the team’s efficiency and effectiveness;
  • Demonstrates true leadership qualities, regardless of position, to build a culture of engagement and growth;
  • Inspired and led transformational change for the benefit of the Faculty of Health Sciences and/or the broader community; and/or
  • Motivated and encouraged others to take advantage of opportunities to enhance their own lives whether professionally or personally.

Award Guidlines


All full-time staff members within the Faculty of Health Sciences are eligible to be nominated for the Peer-to-Peer Awards, including staff members of the leadership team, regardless of their length of service to the faculty. Awards can be given to teams or individuals.


Any full-time staff member, or staff or faculty member of the leadership team within the Faculty of Health Sciences may nominate a colleague for a Peer-to-Peer Award. Self-nominations are not accepted, and any member of the Internal Awards Committee nominated for an award must recuse him/herself from the committee.

Nomination Process:

Complete the following online form to nominate a colleague for one of the three Peer-to-Peer Awards. You may also include a co nominator.

To complete the application, you must include and consider:

  • Specific accomplishments or achievements by the Nominee deserving of the Peer-to-Peer Award;
  • How these accomplishments or achievements have contributed to the overall success of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Selection Process:

All complete nominations will be reviewed in detail by the Internal Awards Committee. The committee is composed of staff from across the Faculty of Health Sciences, who sit on the Employee Engagement Committee. The make up of the committee is forthcoming.

The decision of the Internal Awards Committee is final.

Award Values:

Each Peer-to-Peer award will consist of recognition on a Faculty of Health Sciences certificate plus a cash award of $500.00 to be issued on the next regular pay period. In addition, the award winner will be eligible to receive an additional $500.00 towards the reimbursement of expenses that support their professional development. All expenses related to the professional development must be approved in advance by their supervisor and submitted within one calendar year of winning the award. Should a group or team be designated as an award recipient, the cash and professional development award will be split evenly amongst the team, and each member of the group will receive a certificate. If a large team is awarded, the award values will be set to a minimum of $100 per person. The Peer-to-Peer awards will be presented at the annual Faculty of Health Sciences end of year celebration.

If there are no suitable candidates in a year, no award will be issued.