International Centre for Olympic Studies


The activities of the International Centre for Olympic Studies are guided by the Centre's By-laws. They were enacted in July 1994, and last amended in December 2020. They are reproduced in full below.

International Centre for Olympic Studies


ARTICLE I: The Executive Council

The framing and modifications of by-laws governing the structure and operation of the Centre shall be the business of the Executive Council (hereafter referred to as Council).

The Council shall serve to approve the business of the Centre, including budgetary matters.

The Council shall be vested with the power to select new Council members, and appoint persons to carry out functions associated with the Centre as prescribed by the by-laws or as deemed necessary.

The Council shall be vested with the power to recommend to the Director of the School of Kinesiology the termination of those whose performance is judged to be incompatible with the best interests of the International Centre for Olympic Studies (ICOS).

ARTICLE II: The Advisory Board Members

The Advisory board members are non-voting members of the board who are appointed by the executive council.

The advisory board members are external to the University community.

ARTICLE III: The Director of the Centre

The appointment of the Director of ICOS shall be the business of the School of Kinesiology’s Appointments Committee. The Council shall provide input to the Appointments Committee, which, in turn, makes a recommendation to the Director of the School of Kinesiology.

The functions of the Centre shall be the ultimate responsibility of the Director, subject to approval by Council.

The term of office for the Director of ICOS shall normally be five years, renewable, but shall be negotiated between the candidate and the Director of the School of Kinesiology.

If the Director of ICOS goes on Sabbatical Leave, Study Leave, or other temporary leave assignments, the Director of the School of Kinesiology, in consultation with the Appointments Committee, shall appoint an “Acting Director.”


ARTICLE IV: Membership of Executive Council Section 1: Non-voting members who serve ex officio

The Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences

The Director of the Centre

Advisory board members appointed at the discretion of the Executive Council

Section 2: Voting members

Faculty members from the Faculty of Health Sciences. One graduate student from the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Faculty members from outside the Faculty of Health Sciences.

ARTICLE V: Terms of Membership of Executive Council

The terms of voting membership on Executive Council shall be limited and staggered to ensure continuity.

Voting members of the Executive Council: the graduate student shall serve a term of one year, renewable. Other members shall normally serve terms of four years; they may serve further terms after an interval of at least one year.

The staggered rotation of the terms of members shall be determined by the Executive Council.

The Executive Council shall elect its Chairperson, whose term of office shall be one year, renewable.

ARTICLE VI: Meetings of the Executive Council

Meetings of the Executive Council shall be called by its Chairperson at such times as business arises.

There shall be a minimum of one Executive Council meeting each calendar year. A quorum shall exist of five voting members.

Decisions shall be passed by a majority vote.

However, to modify the by-laws, there must be a two-thirds affirmative vote of the entire Executive Council membership eligible to vote.

ARTICLE VII: The Journal

The Centre’s scholarly journal, Olympika, shall be published annually.

The Chief Editor of Olympika shall be the director of ICOS. The Chief Editor may be assisted by Associate Editors.

The journal’s international board of referees shall be approved by the Executive Council.

ARTICLE VIII: Rules of Council

The Executive Council’s rules or order shall be Robert’s Rules of Order in all cases where they are not inconsistent with these by-laws.

These By-laws for the International Centre for Olympic Studies were enacted by vote of the Council on Friday, February 18, 1994, effective July 1, 1994. By decision of Council, the By-laws as they pertain to the terms of the Director and general members of Council were made retroactive to July 1, 1992. By decision of the Executive Council, the By-laws were updated and amended on December 11, 2020.